Chapter 34 : Nirvana

DeathValley Cave

A flash of lightning bolt appeared behind the dark guild master, the blond prince punched the latter with his lightning cover fists vigorously. The crown prince also joined the combat, as the old man avoided the attack with easiness.

"Open the gate of the Archer! Sagittarius!" Waving her hand vertically, Lucy opened the gate to summon her celestial spirit. A moment later, a man in his costume, carrying a large bow came out of the yellow magic circle. She stretched her hand in front, signaling her spirit to fire three arrows.

Meanwhile, Laxus jumped high and launched his signature move 'Lightning Dragon's roar' aiming at his opponent. Jellal, also flying in the air, summoned six rays of light to attack the dark guild member.

Three attacks went straight to their target in different directions. These hit him at the same time, resulting in an explosion and a large smoke and dusk fog around him. 'Do we get him?' Lucy thought, holding her breath. Jellal and Laxus landed on the ground and waited for the result.

Soon, the dusk faded away, and Brain, without receiving any damage, stood in front of the Fairy Tail guards. "Is that all what you got?" He smirked.

"Dark Capriccio," his palm was up vertically, and two spheres of green darkness magic appeared in both hands... A powerful beam with an orange dark stream of magic spiraling around the green was fired from his right hand toward the lightning dragon slayer without a stop. At the same time, another sphere transformed its shape into a green whip and attacked the blue-haired mage continuously. While the princes were busy defending the attacks, two green magic circles appeared beneath them. A large pillar of darkness magic surrounded each prince who didn't have a choice but to withstand the dark spell.

"Moon blasts!" Lucy cast, a large-sized circular transplant sphere with a dark-blue halo floated around her. The blast flew in the air as it divided into four small spheres, surrounded the dark mage, and immediately exploded, causing the latter to cancel his previous spells to defend himself from the explosion.

"No matter how strong you are, you can't control three spells at the same time," Lucy whispered. Laxus looked at her with just a slight smirk.

• • • • •

DeepTree Forest

"Gray-sama, be careful," Juvia said cautiously after she had witnessed that the stick didn't receive any damage from several hits.

"She's right. Don't underestimate me," Klodoa talked, the blue orb from its mouth started charging and released several bolts of blue lightning at Gray and Juvia.

Receiving the damage, but withstanding the lightning, two mages glared at their opponent, ready to battle seriously.

"You want to kill us by electrocuting us with a low voltage?" Gray smirked, with a slightly mocking tone. He changed into his ice-make sign, preparing to launch Ice make: Hammer on the wooden stick. However, Klodoa headbutted him in the gut. Gray gripped the end of the stick, but it being quite flexible escaped from the ice mage again.

"I'm mad," the magic weapon shouted, before shape-shifting into a sword form. It dashed towards the Fairy Tail mages. "Water Nebula!" "Ice-Greyser!" Both Juvia and Grey shouted as they held together, creating a mass of water-ice attack. The combination of two powerful attacks blocked the sword successfully, as a huge wave of water and ice spikes sank it and sent it flying away. Not in ten seconds, the entire forest was covered with sand.

• • • • •

DeepTree Forest (middle)

"You're strong," Ajeel said, facing Erza, "but I doubt you can handle my sandstorm," he smirked. The area around them was covered by a severe sandstorm. Erza swung her sea empress sword, however, it could only disperse the sand temporarily.

"The entire forest is affected by this, HAHA." His laughter echoed throughout the surrounding. In a flash, Ajeel released the sand blades at Erza who failed to dodge them since her surrounding was all sand. "You look like a rabbit sank in the quicksand," He provoked her further.

The swordsgirl tried to break through, but she couldn't. The Oracion Seis elite appeared in front of her and grabbed her by the neck, holding her midair. Using his sand magic, he dehydrated water from Erza's body which made her suffer. "It's a pity to let you die like this," he grinned widely, "How about you join our guild? I'm sure Master will accept you."

• • • • •

DeathValley Cave

The lightning dragon slayer started casting a spell as soon as he was freed from the trap. A giant yellow magic circle appeared beneath the Oracion Seis leader. Cluster of large lightning emerged above the latter before descending to hit the target. Brain didn't dodge, as he took the hit while smirking evilly.

Jellal, Laxus, and Lucy could see their enemy still standing despite the powerful lightning.

'Damage reflect?' Jellal thought.

Darkness magic with radiating spirals appeared above the caster's hand before it changed into a form of sharp arrowhead on the way to aim the blue-haired prince.

"Three Layered Magic Circle: Mirror Water," as the green darkness got to him, Jellal quickly cast a defense spell to create three layers of violet, dark blue, and dark brown magic circles. His spell reflected the darkness magic, hence, the arrowpoint retreated back but it was dispelled by Brain.

'Our attacks can't hit him, even a single blow,' Lucy thought, 'Among my spirits... Only Taurus can join the battle now,' she held her golden bull key in her grasp, 'Let's give our all, my dearest friend.'

'If we continue to fight like this, we only have drawback,' Jellal thought, panic was beginning to set in, which he knew he shouldn't. He feared for the seriousness of the whole battle, 'Where are you Erza?'

• • • • •

DeepTree Forest (middle)

"In your dreams!" Ezra replied fiercely, with a sharp glare. Knowing that she had to finish this battle as soon as possible for the reason that her magic power almost reached limit. She requipped Morning Star Armor with her remaining magic.

It was made of orange and yellow leather-like material, which had several orange wing-shaped pauldrons that cover her shoulders and waist. The shoulder armor plates had white wings, and those that surrounded her waist were held up by a simple dark pink belt. The armor also consisted of a matching pair of metal arm guards and large-bolded knee armor. Her thighs were covered by fishnet leggings. Erzah's long hair was tied in tangled buns on top of her head. After requip, bright yellow light surrounded the red-haired maiden, emitting its rays.

"There's no use," Ajeel said annoying, thinking that the girl would do something stupid such as cutting the sandstorm or attacking him. He held his grip more firmly, "You can't dispel my sandstorm." He created an axe made of sand, as he was ready to hit her head, "I'll finish you off."

"I don't think so," Erza replied calmly.

• • • • •

DeepTree Forest

With water slicer and aqua pulse, Juvia temporarily managed to clear the sand around them, giving them a way to move forward. The light from Erza's armor was first noticed by a certain black-haired mage, later the bluenette. Gray immediately created an ice cannon and released a powerful ice cannonball which was fired toward the light. It hit the sand mage who was completely unaware of the attack and he was blown away.

Freeing from his grip, the swords maiden quickly summoned her twin sabers of morning star armor. She rushed quickly and slashed him as a final attack. His defeat caused the sandstorm to disappear.

• • • • •

DeathValley Cave

"HAHAHAHA!" an awful evil laughter echoed through the cave.

"Why is he laughing?" Lucy whispered, narrowing her eyes at the dark guild leader who was laughing uncontrollably.

"The last elite of Oracion Seis is defeated," he continued, "Six elites of Oracion Seis are keys to unlock my eternal magic weapon. Their defeats will lift the seal and activate Nirvana, the LEGENDARY WEAPON OF DARKNESS! HAHAHA." His laughter was stopped by a rapid slash of a sword that was directed at him.

Kagura joined the battle, while launching sword slashes to the dark guild master. She stood beside the blond girl, with her sword pointing at the dark mage.

"Forget about your Nirvana," Jellal said calmly, "We'll kill you first."

• • • • •

SouthHill Mountain range

Deep in the mountain range, a thin pillar of black light emitted high, reaching up to the sky before spreading wider. Dark magic streams burst out from it. After a quick minute, the light stopped and the hill under the light began shaking. An enormous stone broke the ground as it erupted upward slowly. Six long spider-like stony appendages also appeared, these seemed flexible and were connected to the ground, and also supported the body of a giant stone. Soon, one leg moved first before anchoring the base again.

• • • • •

DeepTree Forest

"What is that?" Gray looked at the giant stony creature which emerged from the mountain. "It's moving."

"Juvia has no clue," the water maiden answered back.

"Seem like it can move one leg per twenty seconds," Erza said, as soon as she had seen another leg move.

"It's directing to the MistyHill Valley," Juvia said worriedly.

"We don't know what's going on, but, I think we should destroy it first," the knight looked at her two friends.

"Ok, I agree. Besides, others can handle the rescue," Gray replied quickly.

"Juvia thinks so."

"Let's go!" Hence, instead of going straight to DeathValley Cave, they headed to the mountain range to stop the mobile stone creature.

• • • • •

DeepTree Forest (outside)

A group of four mages and three exceeds, who were about to enter DeepTree forest, noticed the sudden earthquake. "Look, the mountain is elevating," a blue cat with white wings said while pointing to the monster.

"I know it from the first sight," the iron dragon slayer said, "it's definitely from our enemies' spell."

"Seems like it is activated by something," the shadow dragon slayer stated.

"Yo Levy, do you know what it is?" the pink-haired dragon slayer questioned to a certain bluenette who was stunned and staring at the giant creature.

Only after Natsu's question, did she become normal again. She looked at her teammates, "Nirvana... a legendary magical weapon. It was created by Zeref Black two hundred years ago, at first it tended to eliminate the mages from the light side. After Zeref's death, the weapon was nowhere to be found. Its power was unimaginable... the legend said, the massive beams from Nirvana can wipe out the entire land, by the way, the weapon can rotate a complete circle."

"Do you know how to destroy it?" Rogue asked while looking at the blue-haired maiden.
