Chapter 28 : Forbidden Angel Magic

SouthHill Mountain ranges

   Jellal, in his meteor form, flew in the air to appear behind Cobra, and punched him. The poison dragon slayer turned around swiftly and caught Jellal's fist. Cobra's other hand was engulfed in the red poison immediately as he attacked the blue-haired guy. Jellal dodged quickly as he backed off to land on the ground.

"I can hear your thoughts. I can predict your movements," Cobra smirked, "You have no chance of winning."

"It's still too early to tell," Jellal replied while summoning ten lightning swords. He sent the swords towards Cobra but the giant snake avoided every single sword. "I told you before, you can't hit me," the red-haired guy said.

      Jellal again traveled in the air to approach his enemy, but he was hit by the snake's headbutt. He retreated two steps before dashing to poison dragon slayer. He stood up on the back of Cubellios as he went on his offensive attacks, charging at Cobra repeatedly. The Oracion Seis elite dodged the first three strikes, but he failed to avoid the next four attacks.

'He is not thinking at all!' Cobra was completely shocked at the lack of thoughts from the Fairy Tail leader. Blocking Jellal's last punch, the poison dragon slayer smirked as his hands began to transform into the dragon's claws somehow. He damaged the Jellal's caught hand, burning the hand with his red poison. Jellal retreated as he stopped in the air, looking at his opponent with wide eyes, "You're.. a dragon slayer?"

• • • • •

DeepTree Forest (entrance area)

"I knew it. Your aunt didn't tell you right?" Angel said painfully, remembering the screams of the celestial villagers, and her mother's last words that echoed in her mind. "Lucy Heartfilia, you destroyed my family. My mother and my younger sister died because of you. Do you know that? How could you live peacefully for seventeen years? HOW COULD YOU?" She shouted angrily.

'So this girl is after Princess,' Lucy thought, 'Princess Lucelia, you're lucky that you didn't come to Fairy Tail. You have too many enemies here. Go with the flow, Lucy.'

"Seventeen years ago... I was one year old at that time. I was adopted by my aunt because my parents died. I don't know what you are talking about."

"STOP GIVING EXCUSES," Angel shouted in anger as she took out one golden key from her pocket. The top of the bow of the key was sculpted into a ram's head with horns that sprouted outside. The center of the bow was a white heart stamped with the ram-shaped pink crest. The blade of the key looked like a ram's curled horns with a hood-shaped bottom. "ARIES, COME OUT!"

      Soon, a young woman wearing a white fluffy wool dress appeared in front of her summoner. Her short hair was curled at the ends, and she had pale skin and a pair of twisted horns on her head. "I'm sorry" the ram spirit whispered. "Attack her," Angel ordered.

      Aries extended her hands forward, casting a spell, "100 percent Fluffy Fluffy Wool!" A thick flurry wool appeared around Lucy, blocking her vision. As she also urged to sneeze, Lucy brought her left hand to cover her nose and mouth. The blonde celestial spirit mage reached for her key pocket and took one of the golden keys from the pocket.

"Open the gate of the maiden! Virgo!" The pink-haired maiden spirit appeared outside the wool pool shortly after the summon. Seeing that her princess was trapped inside, Virgo dived into the ground, digging the tunnel to the place where Lucy was standing. She created a hole so that the blonde could escape. A few seconds later, both of them came out of the ground and landed on the ground void of the wool magic.

      The maid spirit jumped high while extending her chains. She landed beside the ram spirit then swayed her chains to attack the latter. Aries could barely dodge the attack. Virgo punched Aries who failed to avoid the punch. Aries kicked Virgo back but the maid spirit could dodge quickly. As the combat continued, the ram spirit's non-combative nature brought her to a disadvantage side. "Why're you so useless?" Angel shouted with disappointment.

• • • • •

SouthHill Mountain ranges

"Yes, I'm a poison dragon slayer. Didn't expect it Hah?" Cobra smirked, "You guys didn't have any information about Oracion Seis. Am I right, Your Highness?"

    Jellal created a fire sphere, launching a powerful fire wave from the sphere towards Cobra. The poison dragon slayer extended his arm forward, creating a deep red magic circle, "Poison Dragon's Fang Thrust!" He cast. A wave of deep red-colored poison in the shape of a large-fanged snake head emerged from the magic circle and as it was sent towards the target.

    As the fire spell and the poison spell met in the midway, the poison snake stopped the fire wave by swallowing it before both of the spells canceled. Jellal landed on the nearest cliff, his golden aura disappeared. 'He's stronger than I thought!'

• • • • •

DeepTree Forest (entrance area)

        Seeing that her spirit was fighting a losing battle, the silver-haired celestial spirit mage summoned another spirit, Caelum, the silver celestial spirit. Its shape was like a metal sphere with a halo-like circle on its top. The center of its body was darker in color. "Shoot towards them!" Angel commanded impatiently despite her zodiac spirit was fighting the enemy spirit closely. Caelum did as she ordered, sending a blast that hit through Aries and then hit Virgo, causing both of the spirits to return to the celestial spirit world.

         Shockingly, Lucy stared at the Oracion Seis member, "Why?" she asked in disbelief, "Why did you hurt her? She is your spirit."

"She is my spirit. So I can do whatever I like. It's none of your business," Angel replied, annoyance was obviously seen on her face.

"But she is your spirit.. your friend. She can talk, she obeys you, she has feelings and she can feel pain.. like a human."

"Don't teach me. It's so annoying," Angel glared at the blonde then she summoned another zodiac spirit, "Scorpio!" A tall, lean-built, dark-skinned man appeared from the blue magic circle. He was wearing a flower-shaped red collar, the red clothing wrapped around his waist and kept by a large black belt, and a pair of black shorts. The spirit's tail was a large gun that was shaped like a scorpion tail.

     Lucy touched Virgo's keys, "Thank you, Virgo. Take a good rest in the spirit world," she whispered. Then she took Leo's key, pointed the key to the front, "Open the gate of the Lion! Leo!" The familiar orange lion appeared in front of her. The lion roared loudly.

     Scorpio got down on his four limbs and pointed his scorpion-like stinger at the lion. A powerful sand tornado was fired from the stinger. Leo counterattacked with a powerful light beam. The sand tornado and light beam moved forwards and strike each other in midway, causing a huge explosion. The area around them was covered with dust and sand. Taking this opportunity, Lucy reached for her brownish-red whip quickly and swayed it upward to land on one of the branches of a nearby tree, and twisted it. Using her whip as a swing, Lucy speed up to aim at the metal celestial spirit which was floating in the air beside its master. She landed on the top of the metal spirit and she stomped it with force against the ground before kicking the center of the sphere, thus sending it away.

      Angel who had been focusing on the spirits' battle the whole time was alarmed when the blonde appeared beside her. Then the next moment her silver spirit was defeated. Angrily, she punched the blonde who caught her fist cautiously. The princess kicked the dark guild member who dodged to the side skillfully. Angel span back and kicked to hit Lucy's back, causing the latter to fall.

"A little princess wants to fight me huh?" Angel laughed, "Seriously, you're overestimating yourself."

"Really?" Lucy asked amusingly, "I don't think I'm losing. Turn around and see what is happening." As Angel felt a presence from behind, she turned around quickly just to see the orange lion running towards her. She dodged to the left quickly, not having time to decide what to do next. Leo stopped in front of Lucy, as she fondly pat his head, "Good job, Leo."

• • • • •

Earlier Leo vs Scorpio

    Scorpio continuously fired the powerful piercing thin beam of sand towards the lion who was dodging the sand beam swiftly and rushing forward at the same time. The lion spirit jumped high, gathering a light sphere at his mouth before launching it towards Scorpio. The light sphere was powerful enough to send back the scorpion spirit to his world.

• • • • •

       Deep in the forest, the red-haired beauty encountered another powerful dark mage, Midnight while Kagura was facing M. Somewhere in the mountain, Lyon and Meredy ran into their opponents, and Laxus continued his search for Wendy.

• • • • •

"Poison Dragon's Spiral Jaw!" Cobra jumped in the air and, when he was upside down, he gathered the poison on his legs before launching the attack on Jellal. The poison waves first hit the crown prince who withstood the attack while covering his mouth. "Interesting!" Cobra smirked.

"Our fight.. isn't it boring?" Jellal asked as he looked at the poison dragon slayer. "I still can't defeat you even though several minutes had passed. You on the other hand can't also bring me down."

"I can't hear him, what's he thinking?" Cobra wondered.

• • • • •

DeepTree Forest (entrance area)

"Stop. You can't defeat me, Angel. Release your spirits if you don't care about them."

"Hahahaha," Angel laughed like she was a crazy person, "Do you know how many years I spent training to defeat you? 17 years.. every single day.. you don't know my pain. Celestial spirit magic and my keys are the only things that were left by my mother. I love my magic and my spirit, at the same, I hate my magic, I hate myself. Do you know why? Because no matter how hard I trained, I'm still inferior to you, I can't defeat the descendant of the Scared Celestial Clan. My priority is revenge, not to care about my spirits' feelings, not to follow the spirit world rules."

"That is why," Angel's expression darkened, "I learned forbidden Angel magic a month ago." She held her hands near her chest, and a second later, a bright golden light radiated from her hand. She raised her right hand, ten golden coins floating above her palm. Angel threw the coins in the air, "O angel that plays the sound of the end times, Raguel! I summon thee!"

      A giant white creature appeared beside Angel. Raguel was a white angel that had two giant pairs of wings, and four long, four-fingered arms. His legs were similar to the legs of a hooved animal. The angel had one large eel-like tail and two small fin-like thin tails on either side and two wing tattoos on its collarbone. The angel had many heads; five in front, two in back, each holding a horn with an arm of its own.

"What the heck is that?" Leo said in a disgusting tone.

"I chip away my own life when I summon angels," Angel said as she put her hand on one leg of the angel, patting him.

"You're insane," Lucy shouted.

"For revenge, my life is worth to be sacrificed," Angel replied without hesitation. "You should stop worrying for me, Lucy Heartfilia," she smirked, "because your life is in chaos now."

      The giant angel started playing a melody that was kind of dull and creepy, spreading to the surrounding. Lucy held her head as she resisted the headache. "LEO!" she shouted when she saw her lion friend was frozen in his spot. "LEO. are you okay?" She tried to stand up, but she didn't have the energy to walk.

"See. You're helpless now." Angel smirked before she ordered her angel to keep playing the sound. Angel walked towards the blonde who was kneeling and stood in front of her, "This is your end, Lucy Heartfilia. Tell me your choice, will you give up your keys or not?"

• • • • •

      Leo was overwhelmed by the melody as he was brought into another illusionary world.. the world that was completely covered by darkness. "Where am I? What's this place?" the lion said. He found himself being engulfed by the dark waves, "Why is this feeling familiar to me?" He couldn't move even though he resisted the darkness. The lion was hopelessly captured in it.

"Lucy!" After hearing the blonde's shout, the lion's soul which was trapped in the darkness world whispered, "Lucy. I've to go back to Lucy. I've to protect her. She needs me." He closed his eyes and struggled his best, trying to break through the darkness. And then an unexpected miracle happened.

        It was because of his faithfulness to Lucy, because of their friendship bond, or maybe because of something that was left in the past. The lion was surrounded by a bright light that radiated to the surrounding, thus eradicating the darkness.

      The lion opened his eyes. He saw a young man with orange hair which had long and large spiky hair. That guy was wearing an elegant dark suit, with the jacket left unbuttoned and the loose dark pants held up by a light-colored belt, a ties, and a pair of dark shoes. The lion recognized the man since he had seen him once in the mirror illusion spell. "Who are you?" The lion asked.

      The guy smiled sincerely, "I am You.. You are me."

"What do you mean?" the lion asked, but he didn't receive the answer, he only saw the man disappear, and a moment later, he passed out.

