Chapter 1 : Fake Princess

      This political marriage was a blessing for the people of the two Kingdoms. Finally, they could live peacefully without wars. The marriage of Prince Laxus, the eldest son of Fairy Tail King Ivan Dreyar, and Princess Lucelia, the adopted daughter of Sabertooth, the only niece of Queen Anna Eucliffe nee. Heartfilia.

• • • • •

March 18th, X524 (3PM)
Greenland Field

     The Greenland field was the border area of the two kingdoms where the raging wars took place for the past few years. A carriage was escorted by Rogue Cheney, who was a newly-appointed commander of Royal Guards, and other fifteen Sabertooth guards. Macao Conbolt, a blue-haired man in black attire, who was the royal envoy from Fairy Tail, and his five bodyguards were together with the Sabertooth group, as all of them headed to the same destination.. which was the Fairy Tail Kingdom. The escort group shortened the travel time by using the magic portal.

      The carriage was pulled by two black horses. Inside the carriage was a beautiful 17-year-old girl with very long golden hair, wearing an expensive pink long dress and hair accessories, ans an 18-year-old blue-haired girl, clad in a knee-length dark blue-colored dress coat with a matching hat and boots, were sitting quietly.

     The blondie was Lucy Heart in disguise as Princess Lucelia.

• • • • •


Two days ago (March 16th, X524, afternoon)
Redfox Manor

      After Lucy, Natsu and Happy got captured by Redfox clan guard, Natsu and Happy were sent back to Dragneel Manor. Natsu was put under the sleeping spell. Meanwhile, Lucy was trapped in a room in the Redfox Manor.

      Later, that evening, Lord Igneel Dragneel, Lord Metalicana Redfox, and one man she didn't know, entered the room. The stranger had white short hair, and his outfit was a white suit. Lucy couldn't help but wondered who he was, as the same time, she was slightly terrified by his powerful aura.

      Lucy, not knowing what was going on, stood up quickly and bowed, "Greeting to the Lords." Igneel nodded while the white-haired man looked at her intensely before laughing fondly, "Very identical, except hair color. This is truely a Heaven's wish. Hahaha."

"Lucy, kowtow to His Majesty!" Igneel ordered, gesturing to the king. Lucy knelt in front of the stranger who was His Majesty Weiss Eucliffe.

"You are also Celestial Spirit Mage. You own four zodiac keys," King Eucliffe said, holding the four golden keys in his hand, "My daughter.. she has three zodiac keys."

      Lucy looked up at the King fearfully, her eyes widened in the realization if he might either force her to break her contract with her spirits, or kill her.

"I can kill you easily and take these keys. Or you have to give up your keys and live without them." Listening to these threatening words, Lucy was so fearful that she couldn't say a word.

"However, after hearing that you cared your spirits, I want to give you one more choice," King Eucliffe continued, "Pretend as Princess Lucelia, and go to Fairy Tail tomorrow. Marry Prince Laxus Dreyar of Fairy, and live there as his princess consort. In that way, you can keep your precious keys and live well. Never come back to Sabertooth."

"But your majesty, this is.."

"If you were discovered one day, your life was not our concern. Do you know what I mean? You kidnapped Lucelia and impersonated the Princess Identity on your own. I didn't order you. No one knew about this. Deceiving two Royal Families and pretending to be a princess, even the death penalty isn't enough for your crimes," the King continued, "I can't let my daughter risk her life and stay in FairyTail alone. I choose you because you are a powerful celestial mage. You are smart and well-mannered from what Igneel said. And most of all, you and Lucelia are almost identical."

     The King placed the keys in front of Lucy, "Now that you know my plan, you have two choices; if you refuse, you will die now. If you accept, you can keep your life and your keys. I'm sure you can choose wisely for yourself and for the sake of this kingdom."

     Lucy stared at her four keys; Cancer the giant crab, Aquarius the water bearer, Taurus the golden bull, and Leo the lion. Her adopted mother said that Cancer and Leo's keys were with her since she found the baby Lucy. Natsu gave her Taurus key as a gift, which he spent so much money for it. Juvia accidentally found the Aquarius key in the river, so she gave it to her. She had another three silver keys which she left in her room.

      Of course, Lucy was afraid of death. However, being a celestial spirit mage, she was willing to die to protect her spirits. If she rejected this order, she would die and her keys were passed to the new owner. Whoever might be, the new owner would also be surely threatened by the King. What if this new keyholder abused her spirits?

      Living alone in the enemy country with full of fear and anxiety was a better choice than letting her spirits suffer.

'No. I can't let my spirits involved.' Lucy thought.

"Your majesty, I'm willing to go to Fairy Tail."

"Hahaha. You made the right decision," King Eucliffe laughed before raising his hand, he smirked. "Another problem. I hate people who were eavesdropping on us. Light Sphere!" A large white sphere appeared in his hand and he threw it toward the large pillar.

       A blue-haired girl, who was hiding behind a pillar the whole time, quickly dodged to the right side, only to be discovered by the group. Igneel Dragneel moved swiftly towards the girl, a red sword radiating red flames appearing in his hand. Fire versus water. Juvia could only dodge. She was not fast enough to counterattack against Lord Igneel's strong fire magic and continuous attacks. Her defense became weaker in the next three moves. Juvia fell to the ground. The fire magic user pointed his sword toward her.

      Metalicana knelt immediately, "Your majesty, she is my disciple. It is my fault that not teaching her well. She is not doing this on purpose. Please spare her life."

      Juvia knelt in front of King Eucliffe, "Juvia wants to follow Lucy."


"Lucy is Juvia's first friend. She saved Juvia. Because of her, Juvia met Master and Gajeel-senpai, and became a student in this large manor. Lucy has agreed to go to Fairy Tail then Juvia will follow her.

"Juvia, you don't have to come with me."

"If Juvia doesn't come with Lucy, Juvia will die here. Juvia knows Your Masjesty won't spare her life. No one knows what is happening in Fairy Tail. Sabertooth sending a princess away without bodyguards is indeed suspicious. Pretending as a princess is dangerous for Lucy. Besides, if Lucy was discovered, Sabertooth have to send the real princess. Juvia is sure that your majesty and the lords don't want the situation like this. Master, please forgive Juvia." Determination was deep in her fearless midnight blue eyes.

      Lord Redfox sighed. Among his new students, Juvia was one of the outstandings. He taught her magic techniques and combat skills for three years. He knew that his son and his youngest student were very close with Dragneel kid and his servant girl Lucy Heart. Now that Juvia heard the biggest secret, The King won't let her live in this kingdom. Sending her away together with Lucy Heary was the only way to keep her alive.

       King Eucliffe looked at the blue-haired girl. She was young, around seventeen but she was brave and smart. Of course, he didn't care about Lucy Heart, but he didn't want the blonde to get exposed her false identity. This water mage was right, at least she could protect Lucy Heart. "Okay, I agreed to your request." The King agreed.

• • • • •

March 18th, X524 (3:15PM)

     Rogue Cheney guarded the princess Lucelia and the Fairy Tail envoy to the border. He was wearing a black cape over his black shirt and pants. His long black hair was combed neatly. Like Natsu and Gajeel, Rogue used dragon slayer magic, the shadow dragon slayer. He was the second disciple of Master Redfox, thus he was Gajeel's junior, and Juvia's second senior. Rogue's best friend was Prince Sting Eucliffe, a white dragon slayer.

        Rogue's father, Harrison Cheney, was the King's trusted chief counselor. Other than Lucy Heart and Juvia, nine people knew about the fake princess; King Eucliffe, Lord Dragneel, Lord Redfox, Lord Cheney, four dragon slayers, and the real princess. Sting and Lucelia were now grounded in their rooms because Sting helped Lucelia to escape the palace. Unfortunately, both of them were caught before they left the palace. Sting and Lucelia objected to the idea of sending the fake princess. They never agreed to that nonsense diplomatic marriage. Even Rogue didn't like the elders' plan, he couldn't say anything because Lucy was willing to substitute the princess.

     The black-haired dragon slayer stopped his horse as soon as he heard the shout from the fire dragon slayer from the sky.

"Let's rest for a few minutes." Rogue pulled the rein and retreated his horse. Going near the carriage, he whispered, "Lucy, Natsu is here to say goodbye." Lucy stepped out of the carriage first, followed by Juvia. The group saw two young men landing on the ground easily as the two exceeds walked behind their dragon slayers.

     Black eyes met her beautiful brown eyes."Luce, Let's talk," Natsu said weakly.

Lucy Heart / Princess Lucelia

Juvia Lockser

Prince Sting Eucliffe

Rogue Cheney

Macao Conbolt

