Chapter 55 : Kidnapping the Princess

June 14th, X524 (00:15 AM)
Royal Palace, Crocus

      It was midnight time... the crescent moon cast its gentle glow against the darkness of the sky, while stars twinkled like scattered jewels. A profound stillness enveloped the palace grounds, its inhabitants lost to slumber, except for the cautious guards standing watch.

      Guided by a young woman with wavy dark-blond hair wearing a black hooded cloak, a wooden carriage, drawn by a pair of brown horses, moved slowly towards the palace gate. Its progress halted abruptly as three guards with their unsheathed swords, interposed themselves in its path.

"Halt. Reveal your identity to us," one of the guards shouted, "Why are you going out at this late hour?"

"Sorry," a sweet voice apologized, the young woman removed her cloak, revealing a knight uniform and her high ponytail, "My name is Imitatia."

      At the mention of this name, the guards looked at the woman in much surprise, "Senior, please forgive us for not recognizing you earlier," they greeted her in respect. Which knights in the palace didn't know her? Imitatia Lobster was renowned as the most skilled female member of the Central Knight Division. She assumed the role of Princess Lucelia's guard for four years... and following Her Highness's departure to Fairy Tail, she was appointed to Queen Anna's knight division.

      Imitatia waved her hand reassuringly, "It's alright. You're just doing your duty. I understand."

"Senior, apologies again, but we have to check your carriage inside."

      She permitted, indicating them to continue their duty, "My friend got a high fever for two days.  Even though the head maid gave her medicine, her fever hasn't stopped. I plan to go to the city to take her to a physician. I'm afraid that my friend's condition might've worsened if she stayed untreated properly by a physician. My friend is a maid, so I.... I don't want to bother her Majesty." She spoke in a friendly manner, as though she were explaining something to her friends, even though the recipients of her words were just ordinary guards whom she just met, and she held the higher position.

      The guards nodded in comprehension before they opened the wooden door. They saw a petite girl in a brown maid dress. Her navy blue hair was let down messily. There were several pores on her face and a big mole near the corner of her left lip. She was in a sitting position... sleeping as she leaned against the carriage frame. Her pale face and her breathing indicated that she had difficulty in breathing.

"Thank you for your understanding, Lady Imitatia. We sincerely hope your friend will get better soon."

      The young woman smiled, "Thank you." When the gate was opened, the carriage passed through it slowly.

• • • • •

      However, instead of halting within the city, the carriage pressed onward, directing toward the West city gate. Passing through the open gate, three guards were found unconscious on the ground. Imitatia smirked triumphantly as the plan worked in a perfect way. She urged the horses to their swiftest pace, driving the carriage onward.

      The night lay in silence, only the sound of the rolling wheels of the vehicle was heard in the desolate field outside the capital. The girl was still in a sound sleep, unaware of the surrounding world around her.

      Twenty minutes later, the carriage reached a small village, coming to a stop in an abandoned land.

      Imitatia opened the carriage door and ascended, taking a seat behind the sleeping girl. Gently, she removed a blue wig from the girl's head, letting trails of golden yellow hair spill freely. She removed the makeup, only to emerge the latter's flawless face, devoid of pores or mole.

      She carried the girl and got down from the carriage. Casting a spell, the pillar of a red-blue magic portal appeared in front of them, reaching to the sky. Then she stepped into it. 

      A minute later, the portal was closed, restoring the environment to its usual state.

• • • • •

Abandoned Village, Sabertooth Kingdom

"Well done, Imitatia," a tall humanoid goat said, looking at the blonde who was unconscious and was placed leaning against a pillar.

      He was Caprico, one of the Seven Kins of Purgatory of Grimoire Heart. His outfit consisted of a black jacket with short, puffy sleeves over a pale yellow shirt and black pants. His tail emerged from the back of his pants.

"Thanks to your wisdom, we got Princess Lucelia," Imitatia knelt, "Congratulations, Master. Your task will be finished soon, and you will be promoted to be Grimoire Heart's second leader." In fact, Imitatia was a spy sent by Caprico, to infiltrate the Sabertooth Royal Palace as the female knight. She gained the trust of the Imperial Family, only to become the Princess's personal guard.

      Imitatia now disposed of her knight uniform, wearing her real outfit which was somewhat revealing; a short, strapless top made entirely of dark green petals, and a short wide skirt made of dark green petals that point sideways and a pair of pouch-like boots. The long, dark green gloves that reached to the top of her arms, and her left arm and both her legs were adorned by light green thorny vines. Her right eye is covered by a rose eye patch.

"The celestial spirit magic of the Heartfilias is the key to open the gate of Demon Realm," Caprico said.

"Seventeen years ago, Grimoire Heart launched an attack on Celestial Village, but Oracion Seis Brain ruined our plan. We had planned carefully for this moment. Lucy Heartfilia is in our hands now. Soon, with the mighty power of the dragons, our guild can rule the entire Earthland. Hahaha."

"Master, may I ask you what are you going to do next?"

"We'll wait for the imperial troop who are looking for their Princess."

"Are you planning to kill them?"

"We've been hiring countless assassins to kidnap Lucelia for the past years, but all of them failed. For the money Grimoire Heart had lost... Isn't it a good idea to ask for some compensation?" He smirked.

• • • • •

June 14th, X524 (7AM)
Queen's palace

"Anna-sama," a soft voice called her, rousing her from sleep. The Queen opened her eyes to see the head maid of her palace, Arana Webb, who was standing by her bedside, wearing a worried expression. Arana had been served to the Queen's personal maid since Anna became the Queen. She was a slim woman of average height with long, green hair gathered on the back of her head. Despite her status, she was a skilled mage, wielding the thread magic.

"What's wrong?" 

"Princess... Lucelia-sama was kidnapped by Imitatia yesterday," Arana cried in despair.

"WHAT?" the woman asked in disbelief, "Imitatia?" She immediately realized who was behind Imitatia.

"I want to meet Sir Daven within the next hour. Arana, I want you to personally deliver this order to him," the Queen ordered.

"At your command, Anna-sama," the green-haired woman replied immediately.

• • • • •

"Greetings, the Queen Her Majesty," a tall, muscular man with dark wavy hair, wearing full plate armour, knelt in front of Queen Anna. Arana was standing behind the Queen.  Arcardios Daven was the head commander of all knights guarding the Queen's palace.

"Sir Daven, you're in charge of every single knights. One fatal mistake made by your subordinate can cost you your job."

"Your Majesty, may I inquire what mistakes I've made." The knight didn't dare to raise his head.

"The reason why Lucelia's residence is closed down was because an important person is staying there. Lucelia that child was still in this palace."

      Arcadios was beyond shocked in response to this news, despite remaining the same posture.

"You don't have to know who was sent to Fairy Tail instead of Lucelia," the Queen continued in a calm, composed voice, "Imitatia kidnapped Lucelia yesterday. What were you and your division doing not to notice one knight was missing?"

"Report to Your Majesty," he hesitated for a moment, "Imitatia's duty was over since six o'clock evening."

      The woman looked at the commander in dissatisfaction, "If the news about the real princess staying in the Sabertooth palace was leaked outside, I can't guarantee your life."

      The knight remained silent. He was also aware of this fact. Why was this secret, which seemed to be known to the Royal Family and the Lords, was easily disclosed to a minor knight like him?

"How may I be of service to you, Your Majesty?"

      Anna smiled, handing a piece of paper to the commander, "His Majesty will send the dragon slayers to rescue Lucelia. I'm afraid they will go to the wrong place. Imitatia was fully prepared to kidnap Lucelia... she wouldn't let the dragon slayers follow her. Sir Daven, I want you to go to the place on this map."

      Arcardios reached up his hands to hold the paper, "At your command, your Majesty. I'll bring Her Highness safely back to the palace."

"No," she paused for a moment, "Do nothing. Just observe from the sidelines."

"Your Majesty, pardon me, but I don't understand your words." 

"Don't let Lucelia come back alive. All you need to do is retrieve her keys."

      Both Arcadios and Arana looked at the blond-haired woman in panic. What they heard was one secret order lack of affection.

"They won't let Lucelia stay alive... Just observe them from afar. Even if they left her alive, you must kill her by yourself. This is your mission, Sir Arcadios. In case the dragon slayers interfere, don't involve with them."

"But why? Your Majesty, Her Highness is your daughter."

"Sir Daven, as a knight, it's not your place to question your Queen," Anna smiled, "Lord Redfox will accept direct disciples next month. Rest assured, I would like to recommend your son."

      There was no need to lodge any more complaints. After all, he was just a humble subordinate, with a family to support as well, "I, Arcadios Daven, in the name of my knighthood, solemnly vow to fulfil this mission, even at the risk of my life."

      A sly smirk slowly spread across the Queen's beautiful face, expressing a scheming glint to her elegance. 'Yukino Aguria, your fate has ended the moment they met you.'

• • • • •

8: 30 AM
Crown Prince's residence

"First, I need a plan to escape this place," Sting said, as he walked to and fro across his large room.

"Sting-sama, Your Majesty ordered you to stay in your room." Lector sighed heavily. The exceed knew his master's stubbornness very well. Coco-chan came to the residence very early morning crying... she told them what had happened... Sting-sama reported it to his father, hoping he would send the knights as soon as possible. Little did they know, the first thing His Majesty did was to ground them in the residence.

"That's why I need a plan. Lector, I need your help okay."

"But, Lady Hisui's birthday party is in this week. If you disappeared..."

"I don't care about her, Lector. Lucelia is my sister. I have to save my sister."

"His Majesty is still having a meeting with Lords and dragon slayers," the exceed said. He came back from spying fifteen minutes ago.

"That's the case. Why is the Royal Father having a meeting when all he needs to do is 'order the Lords' to rescue Lucelia... Wait wait.. why am I forgetting the main focus.. Royal Father summoned them because he intended to send them in the first place," he smirked, "Lector, I know what to do."

• • • • •

The King's Palace

"Your Majesty, we've got the news about Imitatia Lobster... the guards guarding the West Crocus Gate were killed last night." Lord Redfox informed.

"Your Majesty, I'll leave Crocus, to save Princess. Please give me permission," Lord Dragneel said.

      King Eucliffe shook his head, "Why do I have to burden my trusted Lord to find her? I intend to send the dragon slayers to rescue Lucelia," he stated, "Not only do they know Lucelia is still in Sabertooth, but also they are dragon slayers. I hope they can handle this mission. Tell Rogue, and Gajeel about this mission. I want them to depart Crocus as soon as possible," the King ordered, ignoring the look of disappointment from his friend Lord Dragneel. 

      It was His Majesty's bias towards other dragon slayers than his son. Lord Dragneel looked at his son who wasn't affected by the King's obvious unfairness.

      Being the long-timed friends and loyal subjects, the Lords knew that His Majesty wanted to unite ties with one of three Families. It was what His Majesty declared officially in front of them. When the status of 'Princess Lucelia Eucliffe' was brought back to Sabertooth properly through a divorce, one of the dragon slayers would be chosen to marry the Princess; and when he inherited his title, Princess Lucelia would be the Lady of that Family. Even though there not need to struggle for power, who wanted to miss a chance of being the Father-in-law of a beautiful and kind Princess? Well, except for Lord Redfox, who wished  Miss Levy McGarden to be his daughter-in-law.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. You can count on the kids," Lord Redfox reassured. 

"Then we'll leave this case to you," King Eucliffe faced the dragon slayers, "Please bring my daughter back safely."

"Rogue, Gajeel. This is your mission. Depart the palace immediately and rescue Lucelia," the King ordered, "Kill everyone who had kidnapped the Princess."

"At your order, Your Majesty."

• • • • •

10:30 AM
Western City Gate, Crocus

"Are you sure he will come?" the iron dragon slayer asked with doubt, as he sat on the ground with his legs crossed, "We've been waiting for him for one hour."

"He will. Let's wait for a few minutes," the shadow dragon slayer replied, as he gave a candy to his green exceed. The black exceed was lying on the back of one of three horses.

"I also heard Lector whispered to us that Sting also wanted to come along with us. Still, I don't expect them to take too long." They were standing outside the West city gate while waiting for their Crown Prince, "Hope he isn't getting chased by other guards."

"Rogue, why do we have to ride these horses? Flying with our exceeds also is faster, isn't it?" Gajeel asked.

"To match with our status and uniforms, I guess," Rogue answered.

      Five minutes later, their worried expression turned into a relieved one when they caught the familiar scents. They saw their beloved prince and his exceed flying towards them.

"Get ready," Gajeel said. The dragon slayers climbed on their horses as they waited for the blond-haired prince to land on the ground.

"I'm sure, Royal Father will get mad when I come back," Sting said, before climbing on the remaining horse, and Lector sitting in front of him. Then the young dragon slayers started their journey, riding their horses at full speed.

"I hope, you won't get killed by His Majesty, Your Royal Highness," Gajeel said, half-jokingly.

"We don't know how long it will take for this mission," Rogue commented, "You running away from the palace will cause nothing but chaos."

"I just don't want to engage to Lady Hisui," Sting said, "Besides, I'm worried for my sister. My father wanted to snatch her golden keys away. I'm afraid you two can't handle it if he takes action secretly."

"Why do His Majesty want to get Lucelia's keys?" Rogue asked.

"Yeah, His Majesty is not a celestial spirit mage," Gajeel added, only to gain a glare from the blond prince.

"You see... Lady Hisui is a celestial spirit mage," Sting answered.

"Ohh... I understand now," Gajeel sighed, "Isn't it basically the same as snatching the keys from his niece and giving them to his daughter-in-law?" His expression shifted into a frown,  "I know, His Majesty is scheming, but... to this extent, it is too unbelievable." He wasn't close to Princess, but he was a close friend to Bunnygirl. He knew the importance of the keys to a celestial spirit mage and the holder's love for her keys.

"I've my countermeasures to help Lucelia, and I need your cooperation."

"Sting, do you want to send Lucelia away?" Rogue asked in disbelief.

"Gihihi, good idea, I'm in," Gajeel smirked, "You can count on me, Your Royal Highness, haha." The iron dragon slayer replied without hesitation.

      After fifteen minutes, they reached a small village.


Imitatia Lobster, Grimoire Heart guild member working under Caprico

* * *
Caprico, one of the Seven Kins of Purgatory of Grimoire Heart dark guild

Arana Web, Queen Anna's attendant

Arcadios Daven, Head Commander of Knights in Queen's palace.

