Chapter 10 : Fire Vs Water

March 20th, X524 (10:50 AM)
Magnolia downtown

     Runing through the unfamiliar streets of Magnolia, following the lion zodiac spirit, Lucy was ful of worries, "There's something wrong with Leo," she told Juvia. They followed him immediately as soon as the lion ran out of the manor. It was easy for them to sneak out of the heavily-guarded Scarlet Manor- just jumped down from the backyard wall. Although Lucy felt sorry for the guards that they might get punished if Madam Irene found out that she left the manor, her mind told her that she had better follow her spirit. Fortunately, her outfit was a white blouse and green knee-length skirt, instead of a big princess dress. So, she didn't need to change into the comfortable cloth before sneaking out, and she could run faster.

"First of all, he was thinking something seriously while eating pancakes. Then he left quickly without telling me what had happened. And the last, where exactly does he want to go and what does he want to check?" They still hadn't found him after finding him for more than twenty minutes. Lucy could use her lion key as a tracer using her magic, which Leo taught her to trace him in Crocus since he didn't want to make her worried. Right now, the said lion seemed like he had been running through every street in Magnolia.

"Leo runs very fast," Juvia commented, "Lucy can have a rest if she's tired. Juvia can search Leo."

"Thank you, Ju. I'm fine. Besides, we need celestial spirit magic to trace him," Lucy smiled at her best friend.

• • • • •

10:55 AM

      Two girls came to a stop when a crowd was in their sight, and Lucy knew that her lion spirit was near them. Her guess was correct when the girls heard a familiar roar. "Leo!" Lucy whispered as she walked forward and joined the audience, "Excuse me," she said politely.

      A girl with dark pink hair, wearing a cat ears hairband, moved to the left side so that the blonde could stand beside her. Juvia was standing behind Lucy. The girls saw that Leo was attacked by a beautiful white-haired young woman. Lucy grabbed her whip's dark brown handle as she was ready to fight whoever harmed her spirit. Juvia gripped the blonde's hand and shook her head, "Wait. Leo is strong."

      Lucy knew what Juvia was worried about. Right now, she wasn't Lucy Heart... she was Princess Lucelia and she had to be cautious to avoid any problems. Though she couldn't stand her spirit getting bullied, she nodded and continued to watch the battle.

     Suddenly, the lady in the red dress used her teleport magic and reappeared in front of Leo in the blink of an eye. Leo was kicked and thrown backwards, which caused him to fall onto the ground. The girl swung her whip and attacked the lion again.

      The celestial spirit mage jumped quickly, at the same time, she extended her maroon whip. The brownish-red rope was quickly replaced by the appearance of flowing water, and the orange-white light twisting around the blue stream. The beautiful blue whip intertwined with the brown leather whip, and the lion stood up quickly.

     Lucy stood, facing Mirajane, and glared at the older girl. 'I never let my spirit hurt,' she thought. "Are you okay, Leo?" She asked her beloved lion spirit who was now standing beside her. The lion nodded in response.

• • • • •

      Mirajane looked at the blonde calmly and pulled her handle hard, and as a result, the leather rope was freed from the blue whip-like something. "Step back. This lion harmed my sister. I'm going to kill it."

"I apologize for my friend's mistake. I sincerely hope you can forgive him," Lucy said in a polite way. Anyway, it was Leo's fault that he stretched her sister's arm. Based on what these girls' outfits, they were from a noble family. Besides, she, as in princess identity, shouldn't make a big scene in the downtown. But still, she felt like everyone here was watching them, afterall, they were dragged into a big fight which was already attention-seeking since the start?

"You're a friend with an animal?" Lisanna said in a mocking tone, totally forgetting that she was a take over mage animal soul wound was now wrapped in a small bandage. "Sadly, you'll lose your friend in a moment. I don't plan to forgive it." The younger Strauss smirked, "I want that lowly animal to feel my pain. Nee-chan please."

"Satan Soul: Sylve," Mirajane cast her spell as the dark light embraced. Her long red dress was changed into a revealing off-shoulder long red kimono, which was wrapped around her torso by a thick black ribbon. She was also wearing red socks and red heels. Her white hair was half-tied by a big fire butterfly accessory, and a tattoo with the same butterfly form appeared on the back of her right hand.

'What will she do?' A lot of people became worried for the cute blond girl as people in Crocus knew of the ending of those who irritated Mirajane. Silently prayed for the blonde's safety, they could hope that City guards would arrive soon.

"I apologize. It is my lion's mistake. Miss, you're stronger than me. Even so, I never let my friend get hurt right before my eyes," Lucy replied simply. Determination filled in her eyes. She had apologized twice sincerely, so what would happen next wasn't her fault. She was ready to fight back. All the audiece, with slight admiration for Lucy, stepped backwards, giving two girls the space for fighting.

      This girl dared to go against Mirajne, who was known as Lady Demon, maybe a traitor. But Mirajane's achievements and contribution to war wasn't something all could ignore. In Crocus, she was someone one shouldn't mess with her.. not because of respect, but because of fear. As far as they knew, the only girl who could rival Mirajane in strength was Erza, but the red-haired beauty was always avoiding unnecessary duels. Thus, seeing a beautiful tender new-faced girl, who was younger than Mirajane, was challenging to Lady Demon, well, one could see the outcome without thinking second time.

      Mirajane raised her right hand, flame started forming a shape above her palm. "Then don't blame me. I never lost in a fight," she smirked before throwing her medium-sized fire butterfly toward Lucy.

"Water shurikens!" Juvia cast the spell quickly as a large ninja star flew swiftly and hit the butterfly, causing the fire insect to disperse into red dusk. "Juvia is Miss's opponent."

      Mirajane created a large fire sphere which released numerous flame bullets from the sphere. "Water Slicer!" Juvia whispered, as she sent multiple water blades. The water blade collided with the flame bullets in a midway and exploded. Taking this situation as her opportunity, Mirajane launched a combat attack with her flame-covered kunai.

• • • • •

"Princess Lucelia. She's Princess Lucelia," Evergreen told her friends excitedly as soon as she saw the familiar blond girl. "Are you sure she is Princess Lucelia? Isn't the princess in Scarlet Manor?" Bickslow questioned as he doubted his girlfriend's statement.

"She's Princess Lucelia. The girl in the blue dress is her bodyguard," Ever replied quickly. Cana and Bacchus looked suspiciously at Ever who was busy watching the fight. But the brunette seemed like she had no time for jokes right now.

"Laxus-sama, aren't you going to rescue your future wife?" Cana added with a slight cheer. "Princess Lucelia is beautiful."

"Someone is very very lucky to marry a beautiful princess," Bacchus joked. The group saw Mirajane transform into her satan soul and attacked the princess, but the bodyguard girl counterattacked Mirajane's spell. 'Mirajane underestimates her opponent, using her weakest satan soul.' Laxus thought as he watched the fight interestingly.

"This water girl is stronger than me," Cana said with respect after she had seen Juvia's Water Slicer spell.

"What the heck, Lisanna Strauss is attacking Princess," Bacchus shouted, and the other mages saw the lion was protecting the princess. "Is the lion Princess's pet?"

"Lucelia's magic is celestial spirit magic. The lion is her zodiac spirit," Laxus explained before smirking amusingly, "She does have people to protect her."

"Laxus-sama, if you don't have the intention to stop their fight, then please don't blame me when I save your princess." Cana frowned at Laxus with impatience, since their Prince continued to act as an audience.

• • • • •

      Seeing the take over mage coming closer to her, Juvia bend backwards immediately, extended her leg and kicked, aiming at the take over mage's hand. As a result, the kunai was thrown into the air. Before Mirajane caught her weapon, Juvia created a small sphere around the blade to trap it in and destroyed it.

'Her water magic is strong, but somehow annoying,' Mirajane thought angrily since the defensive moves that her opponent used had destroyed all of her spells. She regretted using her weakest satan soul. 'I should use Sylve's strongest spell to destroy her static water moves.'

• • • • •

      Meanwhile, Lisanna transformed into a humanoid nine-tailed white fox; having white fox ears, white fur on her arms, claws on her hands, and nine white fox tails. Her purple dress was changed into a white off-shoulder top and gray short skirt. She ran towards the blonde whose attention was entirely on the bluenette. The take over mage attempted to attack with her fox claws but her plan failed as the lion appeared in front of her and slammed her with its body. Lisanna flipped backwards and, using her right hand, rotated 360 backwards before standing on her feet.

      Leo gathered the light energy with his mouth and released it as a single light beam. The white beam hit the animal soul user fast, causing the girl lay on the ground painfully. A moment later, the girl disappeared. "It's a spell," Leo turned around and saw the nine-tailed girl behind his master. Her sharp claws were ready to scratch Lucy.

      Luckily, a thin ice wall protected her before Lucy was scratched by the claws. Simultaneously, the white-haired girl's wrist was caught by ice handcuffs. "This troublemaker again," Gray said annoyingly as he walked towards Lisanna and Lucy, "Can't you stay at your house?"As the officers arrived at the spot, they told the people not to resume their activities. Soon, the crowd on the street was separated.

"Let go of me," Lisanna said angrily, as she transformed back to her normal appearance.

"This fox is indeed cunning, but using the replica spell again and again is so outdated for me," Lyon commented, "Next time, try another spell." The white-haired mage looked at Princess Lucelia. "Hello, Your Highness," he greeted in a friendly manner. "Nice to meet you again Lyon," the blonde greeted back before paying her attention back to Juvia.

• • • • •

"Mystic fire," Mirajane shouted, and five medium flame balls floated around her like they were guarding her. She also floated in the air, two feet above the ground. "Attack her one by one," she demanded. The fireballs went towards Juvia one by one. The take over mage smirked, as she waited for the outcome in an anticipated manner. However, a moment later, the white-haired beauty felt the raindrops on her and saw the heavy rain falling. Juvia smiled, as the rain destroyed the floating balls.

The water mage had started casting her 'rain dance' before the take over mage cast her spell. The 'rain dance' took more time to complete, moreover, it was perfect timing that the spell was completed before the first fireball hit her. The battle area was covered by heavy rain. As a result, Mirajane's fire butterfly demon form was forced to deactivate, and she fell on her knee. The strong water spell made Juvia exhausted and unsteady. Seeing her friend's tiredness, Lucy ran towards Juvia and supported her not to fall.

      Soon, the rain stopped and Mirajane, wearing her maroon long dress, stood up slowly, "You are the second one who defeated my Sylve form. I admit my defeat. It's a good fight."

"Nonsense, nee-chan. She just defeated your weakest satan soul," Lisanna shouted, "But you still have so much magic. You can defeat her easily."

"We're not here for the fight," Mirajane replied quickly as she looked at the ice mages, "Release her. I'll bring her home."

"The blond-headed here is Lucelia Eucliffe. Are you sure you want to go home as a loser... nee-chan?" Lisanna asked coldly, thus igniting the dying ember again.

      Mirajane looked at the princess carefully. Sure, the blonde in front of her was a beautiful girl, however, her beauty didn't matter when beauty was compared to magic and capability. This princess was just an immature girl who was protected by her bodyguards. Not to mention, she was lack of power in Magnolia.

     The white-haired beauty smiled gorgeously and walked toward the princess, "I'm Mirajane Strauss, the military strategist. I killed countless Sabertooth soldiers in the wars. Nice to meet you, Sabertooth Princess."

     Lyon looked at Princess Lucelia and Juvia worriedly. 'Talking about wars, what does she want?' Gray thought.

      Everyone was silent that one could hear the pindrop. Although City guards told people to disperse, no one want to miss this big scene. So they went into the nearby shops. What was happening right now was like a show, one could sense the cold tension between Military strategist of FairyTail, and Sabertooth Princess, or in another description, His Highness Laxus's ex-girlfriend.. and his soon-to-be wife.

       All were waiting for Princess Lucelia's reply. Who in the world could calm down when the conversion included mockings and challenges? Especially telling the Royal Princess about her people's deaths. Mirajane just crossed the boundary without caring manners.

      To all surprise, the golden-haired beauty smiled back simply, "Nice to meet you too, Miss Strauss. May I remind you, Sabertooth and Fairy Tail are allies now. Don't talk about wars for the sake of Fairy Tail. Besides, next time when you meet me, please address me correctly... not Sabertooth Princess... It's Princess consort."
