Chapter 18 : Rosemary Village

April 14th, X524 (10 PM)
Rosemary village, Eastern Region

       Rosemary village was a hidden village which existed for over fifty-five years. Being surrounded by the mountain ranges, the only way to the village was a secret tunnel which was built in the right-side of the mountain. In addition, the tunnel was protected by a magic barrier. The village was located in the eastern region in Fairy Tail Kingdom. It had nearly one hundred people, and none of them had gone outside the village. Of course, no outsiders were allowed to the village. All houses were built with bamboo, yet, they were classic and stylish.

        The night was peaceful, and a dark sky was decorated with a half-moon and many twinkling stars. Inside one of the bamboo houses, an unconscious scarlet-haired girl was lying on a bamboo mat. Her red and black battle suit was slightly worn, and her torn cape was folded neatly and placed beside her. Another girl, with long and straight dark-purple hair, wearing a pink kimono, was applying the herbal leaves to the former's wounds.

       Later, an old man, with long white hair which went down his back, wearing a long brown coat, came inside the cottage. He was Rob, the leader of Rosemary village, "How is the young lady?" He asked.

"Master, I've applied medicine to her twice," Kagura Mikazuchi, the girl in kimono, replied politely, as she stood up. "Master - I just broke the village's rule today, I brought her to the village. Why-"

"Why don't I punish you? I will if you rescue another person," Rob answered before looking at the unconscious girl, "I've my reasons. Tell me when she wakes up."

"Yes, master."

• • • • •

April 15th, X524 (2 PM)
Crown Prince Jellal's Manor, Magnolia

"Jellal-sama, Erza-san fell from the bridge," Bisca said with a weak voice, as tears continued to fall and her sobs echoed in the silent room. Her long green hair was messy, there were small cuts on her forehead and arms. Dust covered her battle suit.

"What did you just say?"

"After delivering the supplies to GoldBridge Town, we left the town. We were crossing the Gold Bridge, and Five people attacked us suddenly. Erza-san requipped her Heaven's Wheels. She was about to launch an attack, but she stopped... like she was under control. One of these people cast a spell, and it hit Erza-san. We couldn't catch her in time... and Erza-san... she fell," the guns mage explained through her sobs, "We searched her along the river but we couldn't find her. So I came to Magnolia immediately, and Sho-san left behind to continue his search."

"I have to go there now," Jellal said in a panic, grabbing his cloak which was hanging on the robe hook, as he prepared to leave. "Second Royal Brother, please wait for a minute. I ask Carla to bring First Royal Brother and Lucy-neechan." Wendy, who had been standing behind the door, stopped her brother as she looked at him with her teary eyes.

"Bisca-chan, let me heal your wound first." The blue-haired girl rushed to the city guard's side and cast a healing spell.

• • • • •

"What happened to Erza-san?" Lucy asked worried, as soon as she entered the room. Laxus, Sparky and Carla were behind her. Carla was a white female exceed, who always wore stylish clothes, and she could foresee the future although her precognition appeared only when someone she cared for would be in danger.

"Erza-neechan fell from the bridge," the sky maiden answered while healing the injured guns mage.

"We have to find Erza now. Where's GoldBridge?"

"Straight East from Magnolia. It took a day travelling with my horse's highest speed."

"Wait till tonight," Laxus replied, "We'll leave Magnolia tonight silently. Besides, three of us ain't enough people. We don't know which dark guild attacked Erza."

"They're very strong," Bisca interrupted, "The one I faced uses earth magic, and I guess Sho-san fought a levitating magic user or air magic user. Before we retreated, I heard one of them saying that their mission was complete and that they went back to report Master Geoffery."

"Phantom Lord," Laxus said with anger. "One of the powerful dark guilds that allied Ivan Dreyer. It didn't accept new members, so it's difficult to get their detailed information. All I know is, they have around thirty members, all of them are strong, six best apprentices, and their guild master Geoffery."

"There's another problem, right? We're short of members. Lyon-san, Gray-san, Meredy and Ju are on their mission to stop the bandits guild. Cana-chan, Ever-chan, Bacchus-san, Alzack-san and Freed-san are tracking down the kidnappers in the north."

"Blondie is right. Both Lord Fullbuster and Lord Gildarts are also away from Magnolia," Laxus added, "If Strauss Clan knew our situation, they would take this chance to attack Three Clans."

"I'll pick a few city guards to assist us," Jellal said. "Meantime, we have to contact the two groups to reinforce us as quickly as possible after they finish their missions."

"I'll come with you," the determination on the young sky dragon slayer indicated that she would tag along with them no matter what. Taking their eleven-year-old sister to the battlefield wasn't a good idea, but they couldn't think better idea. Besides, Wendy wasn't a weak girl. "Listen to us all the time, okay?" Jellal told his sister.

• • • • •

Six hours later, Crown Prince Jellal, Prince Laxus, Princess Consort Lucelia, Princess Wendy, two exceeds, and other three city guards; Hibiki Lates, Eve Tearm, and Sherry Blendy, left Magnolia, and started their mission... to find Erza first, and later attack Phantom Lord.

• • • • •

April 16th, X524 (8:30 AM)
Greenmallow Forest(West), NorthWest of Magnolia

"Maguilty Sodom!" Several teal magic swords formed in a large circle in front of Meredy. Extending her right hand to the front, Meredy launched her sword toward eight enemies. "Ice-make : Eagle," Lyon shouted, twenty eagles flew swiftly towards. The eagles and the blades danced together in the air then attacked the opponents simultaneously. With the ice eagles striking them and the sensory blades doubling their pain, the dark mages screamed in pain, begging the two young mages to stop, before all of them passed out.

"Just one attack and they're down. Amazing." After putting them into his ice prison, Lyon turned around to talk to his teammate, and saw a panting pinkette kneeling on the ground and gripping her cloak. Lyon knelt on one knee, his hands holding her shoulder, "Hey, Pink. Are you okay? What happened?"

     Meredy couldn't answer as she breathed deeply, trying her best not to collapse. She was shaking, her heart beat so fast, and the painful shouts from earlier were still ringing in her head.

"Here," Lyon handed as he handed his handkerchief to the pinkette so that she could wipe her sweat on her forehead. He didn't know what happened. All he knew was that she was struggling to keep calm. So he could only wait for her recovery.

• • • • •

8:35 AM
Greenmallow Forest(East)

"Aqua Pulse!" A powerful water wave, which was controlled by Juvia, was directed toward seven exhausted enemies.

"Ice-make: Spear." Gray shouted, as he solidified the water into numerous sharp and thick ice spears, aiming at the targets in front of them. As the result of their combined spells, the water-ice spears hit the dark mages, causing them defeated on the ground.

"The first time we combined our magics. It is perfect," Gray commented as he looked at the defeated dark mages, "Thank you, Juvia-san" He was in his city guard uniform, and the water mage was wearing her usual outfit. At first, he was against four mages and the bluenette fought three. Then they combined their spells as the finishing move, and it turned out good.

"Water-ice unison raid is brilliant," Juvia smiled, "and Gray... Gray-sama is powerful." Erza was on another mission so Juvia joined the trio, and she teamed up with Gray Fullbuster in the mission to destroy a new illegal guild, which comprised fifteen members. They had to take action quickly because the mentioned guild robbed people who passed through the GreenMallow Forest.

       Looking at her right side, Juvia said, "Juvia wonder, Meredy-san and Lyon-sama are okay."

"They bicker from time to time, but I don't think they will quarrel in the middle of their fight," Gray replied, "Don't worry. They will send us a signal if they are in danger," Gray replied before casting his Ice-make: Prison.

• • • • •

8:40 AM

     Meredy was better five minutes later. "I'm sorry, Lyon-sama. It's my magic," she gave him an apologetic smile, "My basic magic is sensory magic. I can feel other people's strong emotions as long as I use my magic. I can share their emotions too. That means when someone is in pain, I can share half of the pain, but it depends on my decision."

"Five years ago, I started learning a lost magic, maguilty sense, which I can say it's my second magic and it becomes my main. I can link two or more people's senses and make them into one, so if one of these people feels emotion then others will as well," Meredy gave him a weak smile, "The spell I used earlier is maguilty sense magic spell, that targets the opponents emotion. Ice eagles left enough damage on the mages, and, the moment my blades hit them, it added more pain. Somehow, my magic has a undesirable result. Maguilty sense is still linked with my primary magic. So."

"So you felt their pain when you used your magic." Lyon ended her sentence.

      Meredy nodded, "Their pain was intense for me, plus, their fear and worries, also affected me. I'm not strong enough to resist them."

"You're a strong mage, Meredy-san. Once you can withstand your weakness, you will become stronger than me."

"I'll take it as a compliment, Lyon-sama," Meredy laughed.

"I'm curious. The situation earlier, are you sure it doesn't harm your health?"

"It only affects my emotions , so I will be fine after some rest," Meredy replied, "This is the first time I use Magulity Sense to attack more than five people, and perform Unison Raid. It's still good to an extent that I know my limit now."

"You can perform other spells right?"

"Healing spells and some enchantments," Meredy replied, "My spells are not as strong as Wendy-chan's healing magic."

"Next time, don't torture yourself when you these weak mages," Lyon spoke with concern.

"Are you worried about me, Lyon-sama?"

"Who won't? Look at you, you looked terrible and trembling like a leaf. If you get hurt in the battle, Titania will kill me."

"Of course she will. I'm her younger sister," she laughed, "If I dyed my hair red, my appearance would be Junior Erza Scarlet."

"Never think like that again, Pink. 'Two Erza Scarlet' is a nightmare."

Meredy giggled at him. Little did he know, she kept a firm hold on his handkerchief. 'This mission is better than I expected.'

• • • • •

April 16th, X524 (4 PM)
Rosemary Village

        Kagura fell asleep while taking care of the still unconsicous outsider. Her head rested on the arms, and her arms were on a wooden table. The moment she heard a faint whisper, her eyes opened and she immediately looked at the red-haired maiden who was now fully awake. She grabbed the water bottle on the table and poured the water into the cup, thinking that the girl might be thirsty. She helped the older girl to sit up, and handed the cup to her. The red-haired girl was staring at her the whole time then she took the cup and drank the water.

"Finally you wake up. I'm very worried 'cause you are in coma for two days. Wait here, sister. I've to tell my master," Kagura smiled as she stood up. As Kagura was about to leave, she was stopped, and her hand was grabbed tightly. Kagura looked at her with a confused look.

      The scarlet-haired maiden, who was lowering at the moment, raised her head slowly. "Who am I?" She whispered.

Master Rob

Kagura Mikazuchi



Hibiki Lates

Eve Tearm

Sherry Blendy

