Chapter 57 : Yukino Aguria

"Kill her!" As soon as these two words were spoken, two of the black-cloaked figures pulled their swords out, approaching the girl who was staring at them without blinking. 

        The girl seemed tired, but she didn't show any weakness. Her eyes showed a look of bravery and with a mixture of anger and hatred.

       Her lip crept into a smirk, "Open the gate of the snake charmer! Ophiuchus!"

       A humongous dark-colored snake started to coil the small house, unbeknownst to the dark guild members. The snake spirit seemed to be partly animal and partly mechanical in nature. Her body was covered in a series of massive dark scales. She had light pupil-less eyes, and a pair of massive fangs sprouting from the jaw. The lower jaw and tongue were metallic, with the tongue in the form of a massive blade with jagged edges. [Reminder : In my story, Ophiuchus is a female.]

"Celestial barrier!" a cerulean-colored semi-sphere appeared, enveloping her, preventing the attacks outside.

       As Ophiuchus continued to wrap tightly around the small shrine, the room was trembling, and the walls and the roof started to crack. The black figures started trembling because of the enormous magic pressure they felt. The bricks had fallen, resulting in the broken masonry of the house being scattered on the floor. It was the moment they found out that the area was engulfed by a giant dark creature.

       Before they could react, the snake ejected the poison from her mouth. The snake's head dived in, as the metallic blade-like tongue sliced them before biting. Soon, the whole area was covered with screams.

• • • • •

"Baby girl," the snake spirit, in her human form, called, as she walked towards her master after she had taken the key chain from a pile of broken table, "are you okay?" she broke the iron chains.

"Either they're overestimating themselves, or they're underestimating me," the celestial spirit mage smiled weakly, "they put my keys on the table but they didn't even seal my magic," It was lucky for her that she mastered up summoning her spirits without keys. She got up slowly as soon as she was freed from the chains.

"You can still walk, right?" Ophiuchus asked her, as she supported her master.

      Yukino nodded. 

"I'm sure you can still summon me," Ophiuchus asked, which earned the second nod from the young woman.

"Good, All I need is additional time to kill that traitor."

      They exited the broken area, only to find the familiar blond-haired woman standing in front of them. In her hand was a black sword, emitting violet-dark aura.

• • • • •

"Hello Lucelia-sama," Imitatia said, as she entered the battle field confidently. In her hand, was a large pinkish flower-shaped metal shield, with eight petals made of metal blades.

"Oh, sorry, my mistake, you're not Lucelia," she walked steadily, at the same time, she pulled a large sword with a rose motif, a spiked handguard and a large, wide blade. 

"SHUT UP, TRATIOR," Ophiuchus shouted, as she charged forward, launching in a powerful poison attack.

       Imitatia dodged the attack to the side swiftly, as she threw her flower shield, which rotated in rapid speed to hit the spirit. She deftly wielded her sword, launching a counterattack against the spirit.

      Imitatia had been Yukino's sparring partner in the training sessions, meaning that Ophiuchus was familiar to Imitatia's battlestyle. Thus, after exchanging three blows, Ophiuchus quickly discerned that this evil one was much stronger than Imitatia she used to duel. Her current opponent's swordsmanship was empowered by the darkness with a style focused on attacking the vital points.

      Deciding she had to transform into her most powerful form, the snake charmer spirit focused her power as her body started to glow.

      Imitatia smirked, as raised her right hand with her palm up, as she cast her spell. Enormous, thick dark vines sprouted from the ground, coiling around her before rushing to the snake spirit. It took twenty seconds for Ophiuchus to switch her form. However, it was enough for the dark guild member to restrain the giant snake. 

       Thick vines continued to proliferate and grow until they enveloped the giant snake, binding her body, thus restrained the snake spirit from movement.

'Plant magic?' the spirit was surprised. With her being trapped in this vine cage, Imitatia was free to attack her master. "Baby girl!" she called out her master's name in alarm.

       Imitatia surged forward with astonishing speed, tempting to approach the celestial spirit mage in the heat of battle. She gripped her sword tightly, posed to thrust it towards the latter.

      Yukino dodged the incoming attack, evading the strike with swift agility. Imitatia smirked, "Nice move, but you can't escape from me. Cilice!"

      Numerous long slender vines appeared and bound the light blue-haired maiden tightly. "Ahh," With a silent scream, Yukino writhed in agony..her whole body was in pain as if pierced by several stabs.

"Pain... such a delightful sensation, isn't it?" Imitatia walked slowly towards her victim, explaining that her vines could cause intense pain to the targets. She extended her arm, holding her sword with a steady grip, pointed to the helpless maiden and ready for action, "Don't worry, it will end soon." the sharp tip of her sword aimed directly at the left chest, propelled forward with unyielding force.

      A figure appeared in a flash her in front of her, intercepting the impending stab and sacrificing himself as a shield, as the sword impaled the man completely.

      Range-teleport spell... a spell of lowest ranking, that was forbidden in Sabertooth since the start of Eucliffe era ... because it was the most widely-used spells by the crimials for escaping.

      Yukino's eyes widened in shock, as she stared at the back of the familiar man, "Sir Daven!" It was Sir Arcardios Daven... but he wasn't wearing any armor.

     Next second, he unhesitatingly stabbed Imitatia with his long dagger, aiming at her heart. The stab wound pierced her chest. 

     Imitatia, who was off-guarded, withdrew her sword from the knight, then swiftly drove it into the ground, using it to support her balance, as she knelt down. She cried in pain. Immediately, her face was grasped as she was forced to open her mouth. 

      The snake spirit in front of her shot her an angry glare. Ophiuchus cursed herself for her recklessness... Because of her mistake, her summoner had almost died... No, she would've died if someone didn't step in.

      With a swift motion, she poured a vial of violet potion down her throat, "A mere stab wound can't cause your immediate death, but this can. I bought it from Crocus audition house." Then she quickly retreated to save her master.

"Ahh," she lay on the ground, grasped her neck tightly with her hands, hoping that the incapacitating pain would subside soon.

       Moments later, the dark mage's movements ceased, as her life slowly faded away.

"Sir Daven," Yukino,who was freed from the vines with the help of Ophiuchus, ran towards her savior with her remaining strength, though she was exhausted and painful by the torture of the vines which inflicted pain.

       She knelt down beside her, as she prepared to cast a basic healing spell.

"No!" her action stopped by a quiet voice, "I know my limit."

"Why?" she could only ask one word... tears streamed down her face as she sobbed uncontrollably. 'Why did you save me?'

"I believe you're innocent," he said, "Run... Live well," The man gestured with his fingers to leave, "Go.."

        Realizing that the commander wanted them not to see his final breaths, Ophiuchus helped her master stand up, saying "Respect his wish."

      The spirit dragged the crying girl away, leaving the dying man behind.

'Never return to Crocus,' he murmured quietly as he lay on the ground. Already privy to the royal secret, he could foresee his fate the instant he received Her Majesty's decree. No matter what, he knew he had no choice but to obey, if only to protect his vulnerable family from harm. Yet, he strongly believed that this girl, barely older than his own daughter, didn't deserve the harsh realities of the world. Her innocence and kindness, and her interactions with every servant in the Royal Palace, stirred a deep sense of injustice within him... Besides, he refused to live a life overshadowed by Her Majesty's authority.

'Only my death can resolve all of this.' In the end, he chose to die. If he were to die as a knight fighting his enemies to the very end, he could uphold his honor. Her Majesty would provide support for his family. Furthermore, Her Highness would be able to live freely. His demise would be reported to his comrades as it happened during an important mission, with the Royal Family concealing the true circumstances of his death.

"Sorry," he whispered softly, his thoughts turning to his beloved family one last time...

• • • • •

         Walking aimlessly with a steady pace... was a girl in a maid's dress. Her long light-blue hair trailed behind her, almost the grazing the ground with each step she took. Exhaustion across her face, and bruises marred her arms and dress, bore evidences to the physical torment and emotional torture she had suffered.

      Layla Heartfilia... Hannah Aguria... Angel Aguria... Yukino Aguria. Of course, she knew of these names. They lost their lives in the battle against an unknown dark guild... to protect 'Lucy Heartilia' which was her childhood name. She grew up listening these stories told by Queen Mother. She was the only one who had survived in that battle.

'Lucelia... you should be grateful for the life that the fallen heroes gave you,' was what Her Majesty taught her, 'You should live happily and peacefully in the palace. All of them died to protect you. If someone got your magic to do the evilest things, the world will be in chaos.'

'Why is Sir Daven doing here? Why did Sir Daven come here without wearing his armor? Why did he step in, knowing that he could be stabbed by the sword?'

"I believe you're innocent."


"Live well..."


'Did Her Majesty send him here?' she thought painfully, 'not to rescue me but to kill me.' She wasn't a fool... the reason she could live to this point was because she was still useful... Now that her identity was discovered, there was no way Her Majesty could let her live...


      Because she was Yukino Aguria, an existence which was meant to die for the sake of Lucy Heartfilia... It was an unpleasant truth.

"Baby girl," Ophiuchus called her through telepathy.

      She gripped the 13th gate key, "I'm fine. I have no idea things turn out like that."

"Baby girl."

"I don't know exactly why I'm desperate... Maybe is it because of my deceased mother who let me sacrifice? or because of Queen Mother who ordered Sir Daven to kill me? Why did Sir Daven choose to save my that everyone had abandoned? I didn't deserve that." Tears welled in her eyes, slipping down her cheeks as she wept silently. "It hurts... Ophi. Why did my family abandon me?"

"That's not true, baby girl. I'll never leave you."

       She smiled, her lips curving upward in a bittersweet expression, tinged with pain. She halted her steps as she took out two golden keys.

"Open Gate of the Paired Fish! Pisces!" "Open the gate of the Heavenly Scales! Libra!"

      Yukino looked at her spirits who appeared through their gates. On her left side, were the humanoid forms of the Paired Fish spirit; a young woman, and a teenage boy.

      The woman was a slender, average-height, with long, straight, glossy dark hair cascading down to her mid-back. Her hair was pulled into a prominent bun at the front of her head, with two strands left to flow freely over her shoulders. Her eyes were dark-colored, with linear tattoos extending from each eye to the side of her face. Two dark fin-like protrusions adorned the sides of her head. She wore a revealing top made of large light scales, covering her torso from waist to neck, with shoulder pads extending over her shoulders. Her arms were clad in dark sleeves edged with light trim. Her outfit was completed with loose-fitting pants, a pair of plain dark open-toed shoes, and a simple light crown with a large gem that adorned her forehead.

       The teenage boy had dark-skinned, muscular body with extremely spiky light hair, with spikes even on top of his head and short strands framing his forehead. He wore loose dark pants with a massive belt extending downwards on his legs' sides. Like the woman, he had tattoos, fins, and a crown.

      On her right side was Libra, a young woman with dark hair tied in an ox horn style. Her outfit resembled that of a belly dancer, with a frilled and striped bikini top and a patterned loincloth adorned the waist. There were numerous bangles on her arms and legs, a thick necklace around her neck, and simple sandals on her feet. Her head was adorned with a zigzagged headband, and her lower face was concealed by a cloth bearing her sign tied around her head. Libra carried a pair of scales, with thin cords running from her fingertips to the sides of the scales. 

"Master," Libra called her, not being surprised by her new appearance.

'Of course, they knew the truth because Her Majesty was their former master,' Yukino smiled weakly... a forced smile.

"Pisces, Libra... Do you want to break our contracts?" she sighed, "I swore not to abandon you. But the situation now isn't the same as before. I realize now, that the choice is not on me, but on you. If you two wished to go back to Her Majesty, I can send you back..." She wasn't the rightful owner of these zodiac keys, despite how much she loved them. If they chose Her Majesty... then she had to respect their choice.

"No, I don't," the boy replied immediately, "You're our Master."

"Yes, he's right," Libra said, "You're our Master the second we form our contracts. We've been with you beyond a decade. No matter who you are, you're the holder of our keys."

      Was she underestimating the promise and loyalty of the celestial spirits? No, she never doubted. She just wanted to clear the things between her and Her Majesty. It was undeinable that the celestial spirits had been by her side because Her Majesty told them to do. Her selfish yet insecure self seeked her zodiac spirits to follow her wholeheartedly. For her, her spirits were the ones that she could solely rely on at this moment.

"Yeah, we will never leave you, Master," the woman hugged the girl, "This is our promise as Celestial Spirits."

      Tears pooled in her eyes, brimming with happiness before trickling down her cheeks. "Thank you!" She whispered.

• • • • •

"Baby girl... what're you planning to do?" Ophiuchus asked through telepathy again. Yukino was now walking in the woods, and didn't know where she were. The safest way was to reach the nearby village sooner.

"I'll go to Fairy Tail... to meet Lucy Heartfilia. to tell her the truth, and to warn her that the dark guild from the past is targeting her."

"It's dangerous."

"If I say I'm not sad, then it was wrong. The life I've been living wasn't mine. I admit, I'm losing my way now. I don't know what to do... but.. I want to be selfish one more time because I don't want to lose my keys."

"Baby girl..."

"He said that Lucy Heartfilia stole everything from me. But in reality, I stole her life away. While I lived in a luxurious life, she bore the burden what I should have. Thanks to her, I've met my wonderful mother and my caring brother. What did she gain? Because of me, she was torn from Natsu Dragneel and her friends, and was forced to go to Fairy Tail, our enemy Kingdom. Now, it's time to right the wrongs... to return everything to her; her status... her family... and the truth she deserves."

"I have a chance to run away now. I can't return to Crocus anyway," she continued, "Now that, Lucelia Eucliffe has disappeared, let it be.His Majesty won't force me to break the contract with my spirits. Isn't it great?" She had been trained to have a strong mental fortitude since she was young. However, this so-called strong mentality was shaken and weakened when she faced the continuous pressure from His Majesty to break the contract with her zodiac spirits. Before the deadline given to her approached, she was kidnapped and found out that her identity wasn't hers. She vented all of her grief and negativities to positivities, forcefully reminding herself that this was a blessing in disguise.

"Meanwhile, I'll go to Magnolia," Tears clouded in her eyes at the thought of her mother, but she blinked, "I've never seen my mother's picture,  I could guess... No.. I hope that my mother wasn't cruel to push her daughter into the danger without a reason. She chose Lucy Heartfilia over my safety. She sacrificed her own daughter for Lucy Heartfilia for the sake of Earthland. That is why, I'll help Lucy Heartfilia. I also want to see what kind of person she is."

"You want to help her? Why are you so sure she won't harm you?"

      She smiled, "Because I know she won't force me to break our contracts. We have the same enemy. Besides, a celestial spirit mage who values her keys more than her life... will never kill or harm other celestial spirit mages."

      Yukino paused mid-step, her gaze drawn upwards to the night sky, where a scant scattering of stars piercing through the thick veil of the dark night. Though their light was faint, they still twinkled their best, reminding her that even the faintest glimmer of hope could illuminate the darkest of paths.

      As she stood there, staring into the soft glow of those distant stars, she felt relaxed.
Despite the silent forest around her, she found comfort in the perseverance of these stars above, as if their quiet brilliance guiding her through the darkest of times.

       She lost everything... In contrast, she found herself that she was relieved.

      Sorrow? Depression? No, it isn't the right time for her to be depressed.... She was still in danger.

       Resentment... Hatred... Towards whom? Her mother? or Her Majesty? or Madam Layla Heartfilia???  She was too tired to hold a grudge.

       Feeling indebted... To Lucy Heartfilia???Whether she was indebted to Lucy Heartfilia or Lucy Heartfilia was indebted to her... Let it be, she thought that she was also a victim so that her heart and mind would be in ease.

        Feeling abandoned? Lost her way??? True, that she found herself falling into the dark after listening the whole story from Mavis, or when Sir Daven saved her in exchange of his life, she asked herself if she was worth of living in this world. After a moment of being in the dark world without hope and aim, she held tightly to a tiny little hope... Her hope of preventing her mother's effort from being ruined, that her mother protected til her last breath.

       As Yukino stood still, she closed her eyes, her mind envisioning a different unreality; a blurred image of a woman with silver hair, and her two daughters by her side... 

         An imaginary world where she might grow up alongside her mother and elder sister if that tragedy never occurred to them...

        A home embraced with shared joys and tender moments, where her childhood filled with pure happiness...

        She opened her eyes - Reality remained unchanged... and her decision remained unaltered despite she was forced to walk a different path amidst the truth of the past. However, she couldn't help but wonder: if only she could rewrite the past, would she grow up with her mother and her elder sister somewhere happily?

