Chapter 2 : The girl He Loved

March 18th, X524 (3:18 PM)

"Luce, let's talk," Natsu said weakly as he stared at her brown eyes. They went to a far distance where other people couldn't hear them. (Excluded two dragon slayers)

      The pink-haired guy glanced at the blond girl who was walking silently beside him. This Lucy was different from his previous Lucy. The previous Lucy had short brown hair, but the current was so royal, her golden hair was pinned by a golden hairpin, now wearing a very expensive dress. Her expression was very elegant that no one could tell if she were a disguise. How could Lucy learn all of these within a few days? His cute and carefree Luce was gone. Her bright smile he liked before was now replaced by a mean aura.

"Luce, come with me. Forget about this marriage. We'll go somewhere where no one knew us. Just you and me."

      Lucy smiled, "Natsu, you're not here to take me away. We all knew that," he knew exactly that it was a forced smile.

"Luce, I can't live without you. If you want to run away, I'll take you away. Gajeel and Rogue will help us. You're not alone. You have your friends. You have me."

      However, instead of happiness, he saw sadness in her eyes. Her smile didn't disappear, as she replied simply, "They'll get punished, Natsu. I'm fine. Thank you for everything, Nstsu. I'll never forget you."

     Her way of saying goodbye was short but full of meanings that only Natsu could understand; secretly telling him to live without her existence, to live happily in the future, to become the strongest mage in the world. She would never forget him, of course, their memories could never be erased.

     Lucy turned around and walked slowly. However, she was stopped by a flying cat, who hugged her waist tightly, "Lushi, I'm sorry," Happy begged her, "I'm sorry. I promise I'll never bully you again. I won't force you to do unnecessary training. I won't steal your food. Please, please, come back with us."

     The blond hugged the crying cat and wiped the tears kindly, "Don't cry, Happy. You need to be strong since you will protect Natsu, right?"


     Lucy put the cat on the ground as she walked away. She didn't look at her young master again. Just a moment ago, when she talked to him, she realized that he tried to hide his sad feelings. That was why she smiled in front of him. She wanted him to be happy even though she was not beside him.

     Natsu knelt on the ground, tears starting falling on his face, as he watched Lucy step into the carriage. He cried hard, even after the carriage and the guards were out of his sight. Happy hugged his arm, and Gajeel and Lily stood silently a distance away. To Gajeel and two exceeds, these two girls were close friends. But to Natsu, Lucy was more than a friend.

     Losing someone he loved was really painful, however, unable to stop her from walking away out of his life was way more heartbreaking. He could do nothing but only watch her leave him.

     Life was cruel, His only wish was to stay beside her and protect her, since the first day they met.


Twelve years ago (X512)

     6-year-old Young Master Natsu Dragneel was in a 'Delicious' noodles shop waiting for his favorite chicken noodle. Thanked to his sharp hearing, he heard a weak cry from a far distance, he knew a girl was crying. He also heard two evil laughters. The girl cried so hard, pleading, "Please don't break my keys." That weak voice from a stranger girl seemed like she was begging him to help her. Natsu fisted his hand tightly, anger running through his veins. He wanted to beat those people who were bullying her.

      Natsu ran out of the shop and ran in the direction where he thought where the girl was. In a narrow alley, he saw a girl, around his age or younger than him, lying on the ground, her Two teenagers were standing in front of her, the blond-head was holding two yellow keys and the green-head was holding a gray key. Natsu moved quickly towards them, punched the grasshead's abdomen hard, and kicked the yellowhead's leg. He helped the girl to stand up as he covered her protectively, flame formed in his hands.

"Wow, a brat saved his princess," The blond boy mocked, as he summoned a large hammer. The green-haired boy touched the ground, ready to use his ground magic. To their bad luck, Natsu's bodyguards arrived in time, capturing the two bullies easily. Natsu took the keys and returned them to the owner. He smiled widely, "I'm Natsu. What's your name?"

     The brunette looked at her savior whose smile was very joyful, and his hair was the same as her favorite color. He seemed like a young master from a wealthy house. She bowed to him, as a respect for his help, "I'm Lucy Heart."

"Luce, are you alone? Where are your parents?" Natsu asked curiously. "It is dangerous for a young girl like you wandering around in Crocus without your parents."

     Lucy stared at him, tears forming in her eyes again. She lived in a village near the capital. Her foster mother died three days ago, and before she died, she sent her to the capital with the help of a friend. But that uncle, went back to the village because of an emergency, leaving her alone in Crocus.

     Seeing the girl who was still silent, he assumed that she had no parents. He took her hand and said kindly, "Come with me to Dragneel Manor. From now on, I will protect you."

     He wanted to give her an easy life. That was why he made her his maid. He liked her calling his name instead of addressing "Young Master." A kind-hearted girl who always worked hard and helped the other servants' works. No one dared to bully Lucy in the Dragneel Manor, except his exceed Happy.

      Happy loved to steal the food which she prepared for him. The blue cat always ordered her to cook different fish dishes such as steamed fish, grilled fish, fried fish, raw fish, fish soup, and fish noodles. Lucy spent more than one hour in the kitchen only for Happy's lunch. The cat was bossier than him. Nevertheless, Natsu knew that Happy still cared about Lucy.


Dragneel Manor.

      He loved her but she treated him like her young master and a friend. It was fine, he needed time. She loved her magic and her spirits. He wanted to give her what she liked.

On a peaceful evening, 16-year-old Natsu walked into the Manor happily, a golden key was gripped tightly in his hand. He went straight to the garden, his dragon slayer sense told him that Luce and Happy were there. In the garden, he saw his Lucy climbing a large tree, she was in halfway. His blue cat and the familiar furry orange lion were sitting on a mat and watching Lucy.

"What the heck are you guys doing?" Natsu shouted as he ran towards the tree, "Luce, come down. It's dangerous."

"Don't worry, Natsu. Lushi is fine. Besides, I can carry her if she fell," Happy replied quickly as he continued drinking his lemon juice.

"I'll never leave her with you next time," Natsu glared at his exceed, before turning his attention to Lucy again, "Luce, get down now!"

"We are training Lushi."

"Training her to climb the tree?" Natsu asked. He looked at the lion who was eating his barbecued meat, "As her loyal spirit, you should stop her climbing the tree, you greedy lion. Why are you here in this world?"

"I'm here to train my master. Don't worry. I use my own magic to open my gate. Master needs physical training, I think our method is right. Besides, I'll chew this cat if she is hurt from this training," the talking lion replied. It was Leo the lion, the leader of twelve zodiacs. Fifteen years ago, Leo lost his memory and his human form, thus he was stuck in the lion form since then.

      Lucy climbed down the tree carefully, "I think I improve a little," She smiled at him.

      Natsu grinned at the girl, "Look what I bought, Luce." He gave her a golden key which had a Taurus zodiac sign. "Another zodiac key?" the lion asked happily, "This key is Taurus the bull. I'm so proud of you, my beloved master." The lion looked at Lucy with his glittering eyes.

      Lucy looked at the key which was in her hand, "Are you giving me this key, Natsu?" Nastu, still smiling widely, nodded, "Yes, I bought it for you."

"But the golden keys are very rare and very expensive."

"I'm the young master of Dragneel Clan. Money is not my problem. I'm glad you like it." Natsu said proudly.

"How much did it cost?" Leo asked.

"25000 Jewels."

"Are you kidding me?" The lion shouted while Lucy stared at Natsu with wide eyes.

"This is very expensive. Who sold it?" the lion growled, "This is a daylight robbery from a kid. Human only knew how to gain money. They forgot which was right and which was wrong. The golden key price is at most 10000 jewels. The sliver keys are less than two thousands."

       Natsu grinned sheepishly, "I offered the seller a huge price so that I could get that key. This key got a right owner now."

      The blue cat sweat-dropped, "Don't forget that our young master is a rich kid," he sighed. Leo nodded his head, agreeing to Happy's comment.

"Thank you very much, Natsu," The brown-haired girl said with happiness, "I promised I'll train hard to be stronger so that you won't be disappointed.

Flashback Ended


      He dreamed of confessing his love to her on her 18th birthday. He dreamed of becoming her boyfriend. He dreamed of a beautiful brown-haired Luce wearing a white wedding dress walking down the aisle on their wedding day. He dreamed of having a happy family together with her.

      But now, all of his dreams were shattered like glass pieces. Luce was gone.

      It was his fault that he trained her so that she could protect herself. He realized too late that she was chosen as a substitute for the princess because of her strength in her magic. It was also his selfishness to keep her beside him although he knew his father disliked Lucy. He made a mistake that he rejected Lord Redfox's inviting to be his disciple. If he let Lucy to become a disciple in Redfox Manor, maybe someday his father would accept her.

      What he regretted most was that he missed chances to say "I love you" to her. He regretted that he couldn't do anything to stop her to go to the Fairy Tail Kingdom. He no longer was her protector. What would he do without Lucy in his life? How could he live happily without her.
       Why was the Fate cruel to him... and his Luce? Why?
