sim jaeyun - polaroid love

note: "unconsciously, when you call my name, my chest hurts; my heart goes boom boom. it's like a polaroid love. love, this old fashioned feeling."

tw: none :} just cute stuff for once. sorry it's short^^

656 words

- linden

Over years of loving, you'd learned that relationships weren't as picture perfect as they were depicted. Not familial relationship, not friendships, not romantic relationships. More so, they were like polaroids. New when first taken but growing old and nostalgic over time. When they were true they gave you this swirling, blooming feeling in your chest that told you you would do anything for that person you loved.

Breakups resembled polaroids that had been crushed and walked over- ripped, and toxic relationships resembled polaroids that had been drawn all over with marker. Fakes.

Marriages, meanwhile, were delicate polaroids framed in a glass case, while divorces considered that the glass case had been shattered and the polaroid torn.

Polaroids could be used to represent any type of relationship. Your relationship with your boyfriend at the moment, was a shiny new polaroid holding that vintage but new feel that promised good to come.

His name was Sim Jaeyun, Jake, and he was everything important in your world.


"Hey, where are you right now?" Jake asked you over the phone. You laughed and brushed your hair out of your eyes. "You call me and the first thing you ask is that?"

"Answer please." Jake frowned over the call. You smiled. "Okay. I'm shopping at that one corner store. Just buying some essentials."

"Okay." You could hear Jake's smile over the phone. "Meet me at the little cafe down the street."

You blinked curiously. "What for."

"Surprise date."

Your heart lit up on the inside. "Okay." You said, trying to be calm. "Love you."

"Love you more."

You opened your mouth to object but he'd already hung up. Still, you wore an absolutely gigantic smile. You adjusted the bags on your arm and started walking down the street to the cafe.


When you reached, Jake hadn't arrived yet and there weren't very many people. The vibe of the cafe was very soft and it smelled like coffee. You didn't personally enjoy coffee but it was a sweet smell nonetheless.

You sat down at a table and pulled out your phone to read a webcomic, swinging your legs like a little kid. After a couple of seconds, a young lady, young but older than you, approached. She peered over your shoulder and you looked up, nervously putting your phone on the table facedown.

"Um, yes?"

The lady smiled at you. "I'm sure your not smiling like that because of the webcomic. Are you in love with someone?"

You smiled and looked down at the table. "Yeah, I have a boyfriend." We're a new polaroid.

"Ooh, that's nice. He must be good to you." She pointed at your phone and leaned on the back of the chair next to you. "I read that webcomic by the way."

"Oh." You felt your skin heat up. "Usually people don't look over my shoulder at my phone. Sorry for getting flustered." The lady laughed in response. "No problem, darling, have a nice day." She waved and walked away.

You waved back with a soft smile. Almost seconds later, Jake walked into the cafe. "Sorry for being late." He apologized as he sat down. He looked at you curiously with his puppy eyes. "Why do you seem more excited to see me than normal?" He teasingly raised his eyebrows.

You bit your bottom lip to stop the growth of a smile. "Just realized that I truly really love you."

Jake searched your eyes, smiling softly. "Y/n..I want to ask you to be my forever, but we're a little to young for anything official. Even so, I know I'll love you forever."

You felt your heart flutter in your chest at his words. A wonderful, wonderful feeling. A wonderful happiness. You reached out and fiddled with one of Jake's fingers until he stopped you and held your hand in his. You smiled. "I'll love you till past the end of forever."

What a promising new polaroid.
