park sunghoon - easy

note: "money, money, ain't it funny, honey when you get what you need, baby life is a breeze."

a/n: i highlyyyy suggest listening to the loop of affluenza i added

tw: cursing; alcohol and drunkness; other than that this is a fairly cute imagine

2494 words

- linden

The grand mansions and expensive liquors you weren't supposed to be drinking had stopped catching your eye a long time ago. Now, the glittering extremities of human greediness which most likely cost more than your life, were a background. They were a setting and you, you were a side character. It was simple, and your life was easy. It was never interesting, but it was, sometimes painstakingly, easy. Never interesting.

Not until you met Park Sunghoon.

No one knew much about him. All he really was to the world was the teenage son of one of the most accomplished businessmen in Korea. He was also insanely attractive.

All you knew about him, was that he was that he had a warm touch and words of venom.

Even so, what you didn't know was that he had a secret little smile and a caring side.


Your father had forced you to a multiple day get together of all the rich sparkly people in Korea. Everyone with teenage children were bringing their teenage children. You would rather not go, but an easy life was an easy life. Follow, and let it take you. Simply get through everyday. That was the way you functioned.

Or at least that was the way you functioned until you quite literally ran into Park Sunghoon while he wandered around half-drunk on white wine. The party or whatever it was was being held in a "ballroom" of a hotel. All the attendees also happened to be staying in the hotel, so you'd slipped away and were now searching for your room.

You held your shoes in your hands and walked barefoot under the strangely bright hotel lights. Your feet ached all the way up to your knees and you found it obnoxiously expensive that even the lights were rimmed in shiny gems.

When you glanced down from your inspection of the obnoxious light fixtures, you were met by the sight of a familiar dark haired figure collapsed near the wall down the hall. You raised your eyebrows. "Park Sunghoon-ssi?" You called down the hall.

There was no answer. One of the lights flickered in a lonely way. You sighed and dragged yourself towards him.

Dropping your shoes beside him, you leaned down. "Park Sunghoon-ssi?" You asked again. Sunghoon's eyes fluttered a little and he peered past his eyelashes, studying you like he couldn't recognize your annoyed expression. Having met him once before, you weren't startled by his beauty, but that "once before" had been when you had collected the information of how much of a bitch he was. That once before was also a very...interesting encounter.

Now, you could smell the alcohol on his breath and see the flush of his cheeks. You sighed a little and sat down in front of him. Frowning, you raised a hand and placed its back against his forehead. His skin was hot. Not burning hot, but at least uncomfortably hot. "Did u give yourself a fever, dipshit?" You muttered. Sunghoon's eyes fluttered again. He glanced up at you and tried to force words past his lips. The sounds only mixed together in a warm wine scented mush.

"What?" You asked.

You stifled a yelp when Sunghoon brought up a hand and wrapped it around your wrist where you still laid the back of your hand against his forehead. He peered up at you through half closed eyes. His lips moved into the smallest of smiles.

Your eyes widened a little. A smile? A smile from Park Sunghoon? "All of a sudden?" You laughed awkwardly, softly.

Sunghoon let out a soft breath. You could see his little vampire-ish canines poking out through his smile. "Y/n?" He tilted his head drunkenly.

You rolled your eyes and lowered your hand from his forehead. He didn't let go of your wrist so, instead, you raised the other hand and awkwardly fixed the collar of his suit with your hands.

"Yeah, no duh." You muttered. Sunghoon took in a deep breath then softly let it out. He moistened his lips and turned his gaze to the ceiling. "What?" You whispered. You followed his gaze up and faintly felt his hands close around yours. He fiddled a little with your fingers and raised his eyebrows at you a tiny bit when you glanced down. He was drunk, but he looked almost sleepy.

"Y/n." Sunghoon said softly. His gaze dropped. "I....lirke you...y/n. Let's get married."

You gaped at him. "What the fuck. How much did you have to drink?"Sunghoon giggled and leaned the crown of his head into your shoulder. "Four servings of wine~"

You sighed. "We're not even supposed to be drinking." You grumbled. You gently leaned Sunghoon's head away from your shoulder and watched as his eyes fluttered back shut. He looked oddly peaceful even though he was the same boy who'd cussed you out and kissed you breathless when asked. Not necessarily in that order.

Even so, it was a strange memory and encounter. You tried your best not to think about it.

"Alright." You grabbed Sunghoon by the arms and huffed, trying to stand and pull him up at the same time.

Sunghoon did nothing to help and you just ended up dropping him back down, earning a soft cry from him. You felt a little guilty even if the drop was less than half your height. You shook your head and grabbed your shoes from beside him. "Hold these."

Sunghoon didn't react.

With your other hand, you tilted his head up again. "Sunghoon-ssi." You demanded. He let out a hot breath and his eyes opened a little. "Hm?"

"Hold my shoes."

Sunghoon frowned a little and raised a hand to take them. He held them but peered up at you. "Why?"

"Because," You grabbed him by the arms and struggled to pull him up. This time, Sunghoon stumbled to his feet. He leaned heavily on your shoulder and leaned his cheek onto your head. "I'm taking you to my hotel room." You finished with a heavy breath.

"Your father will be mad, dumbass." Sunghoon mumbled against your hair as you started to walk. "So now you regain some sense." You muttered. "How well can you walk? I'm not dragging you down the entire hallway."

Sunghoon faintly let go of your shoulder but as soon as you let go of your hold on his waist, he stumbled and nearly fell face first. Somehow, your reflexes saved him from the pain as you grabbed him again around the waist. Sunghoon frowned. "Perfectly well."

"Sure." You agreed sarcastically.


Somehow, you reached the hotel room and were able to open it with one of the two room cards. As you tried to close the door, Sunghoon dropped your shoes and let go of you, stumbling through the hallway and searching for the bedroom. When you finished locking the door, you ran after him, catching him just before he could plant himself face down on the clean white sheets. "Oh, no you don't."

You dragged him up and started to pull him by the arm, leading him to the bathroom. Sunghoon made a soft whiny noise like a little kid but followed you regardless. Meanwhile, you had made the decision to make him wash off the soft orange makeup around his eyes.

"Come on. Lean down." You directed Sunghoon to lean towards the sink but he only ended up kneeling on the ground to reach it. You frowned. Dumb tall rich boys.

"Okay, fine." You brushed the hair away from Sunghoon's warm face. "Should I wash your face or will you do it yourself?"

Sunghoon glanced up at you. His eyes were wide and shiny. Some part of you was drawn to the endearing little beauty marks like chocolate chips on his pale but flushed skin. "Fine, i'll do it." You sighed. Park Sunghoon turned into a little kid when he was drunk. Who would've known.

You tried kneeling down next to him but couldn't reach, so you ended up leaning awkwardly to splash water onto his soft skin. You flinched in surprise when you felt Sunghoon lean his cheek against your hand. "What?" You asked. "I'm not your mom."

Sunghoon sighed contently. "Your hands are soft."

"No they're not."

"Yes they are."

You only sighed and shook the water from your hands. "Wait a second." You mumbled to him. You wandered around the bathroom until you found the towels then returned with a fluffy white towel to pat off the water from his face.

Leaving the towel by the sink, you dragged him up again. "Okay." You decided. "You can go off to the bed now."

Sunghoon nodded a little and let go of you, walking off in a way that now came off as sleepy, towards the one of the beds.

You let out a soft breath, watching out of the corner of your eye as he flopped onto the fluffy duvet. You washed your hands and wiped them on your expensive clothes before entering the bedroom. "Now, you stay there. I'm gonna go change."

Sunghoon whined a little and kicked his legs like a little kid but you ignored it apart from stifling a giggle at his behavior.

Collecting your pajamas from your suitcase, you disappeared into the bathroom to change. When you reappeared, Sunghoon had thrown off his suit jacket and tucked himself under the blankets on your bed. You couldn't help the little smile that grew across your face. Immediately, you caught yourself. "Don't smile at him." You scolded yourself in a mutter.

Even so, you dropped your party clothes on the suitcase and neared him. You knelt next to the bed and brushed his hair away from his eyes. By the force of gravity, it only fell softly back in front of his lashes. You glanced down at his lips, remembering the stranger kisses you'd shared. Then, remembering the stinging words he'd thrown your way. You flinched away from the peacefully sleeping boy and went this time to your backpack.

After a moment of rummaging around, you pulled out a worn copy of The Winds of Heaven. You walked around a little, turning off most of the lights in the hotel room, only leaving on the one between the two king sized beds.

You climbed onto your bed next to Sunghoon and scooted all the way to the edge near the lamp. You glanced briefly at him and affixed a frown to your face. "If my father gets back anytime before i get you out of here, we're so screwed." You whispered.

Of course, you didn't get an answer. Your gaze lingered on his sleeping form for only a moment more before you turned to your book.


You weren't sure when it happened, but sometime late at night, your book had slipped from your fingers and to the ground while you fell asleep. You'd been sitting up without the covers on, but at sometime, you faintly remembered Sunghoon waking to get water but first laying you down and fixing the blankets around you. You'd been half awake when he returned after drinking a glass of water and you remembered him laying back down on the other side of the bed.

Even so, you awoke now with your arms wrapped around him and with Sunghoon's warm breaths feathering across your collarbone. You sat up in a rush and looked around. You felt Sunghoon tug at your shirt to pull you back down, but you only looked around in a panic. Slowly, you left out a soft breath of a relief. It was well past six am but your father wasn't back yet.

You'd thought too soon.

You took in a sharp breath when you heard someone fiddling with the door to put in a key card. "Sunghoon!" You whispered. "Get up, my father's back!"

Sunghoon raised his head sleepily and grumbled a little bit.

"Come on!" You moved over him so you could flop out of bed before grabbing his hands. "My life was so simple before your dumbass." You grumped under your breath.

"What??" Sunghoon asked sleepily. You only shook your head and dragged him to one of the bathrooms. You pushed him in. "Stay there." You commanded.

"Wait, wait." Sunghoon grabbed at your wrist and pulled you back. "I'm...sorry for that one time." He started softly.

You glanced anxiously back but nodded along.

"I'm sorry for calling you a whore and a bitch because I was the bitch, and i really miss you. You're the only person who's ever treated me with kindness and i didn't know how to handle it. I'm sorry. I want to hold you again, i want to kiss you again, i don't know why i said-"

"Thank you for tucking me in last night." You said in a soft hurried voice. "No one's ever done that for me. I forgive you..i guess, but you really need to hide right now."

Sunghoon nodded faintly and you shut the door on him just as you heard the hotel door open.

Even as you heard it, something was stuck in your mind. Sunghoon looked so immensely guilty and so immensely...lonely.

Shaking your head to focus yourself, you started to drag yourself to the mini kitchen and acted as if you'd just woken up, which wasn't too difficult because you had. You glanced at your father when he entered the room, heading straight for his bed with red sleep deprived eyes.

Now, you had to wait for him to fall asleep; then, you could sneak Sunghoon out.

Easy as always. Go with the flow of life. It'll be all right.

Your father paused just before his bed, his gaze raking across the floor. He stopped at Sunghoon's crumpled suit jacket lying on the ground. He looked up at you. "Who's is that?"


"Uhm, I packed it on accident?"

Your father's gaze slowly trailed towards the bathroom door Sunghoon was curled up behind.

No, no, no, no, no

"Do you want breakfast? I heard this hotel has really good breakfast." You blabbered. The distraction wasn't working. "Very expensive, very high quality!" You continued.

God, you were bad at this.

It still wasn't working.

Just when your father was about to reach the door, you started to run after him, blabbering something else about how comfortable the beds were.

You were too late. By he time you reached, he'd opened the door; he was glaring at Park Sunghoon.

You made eye contact with Sunghoon where he sat on the floor in a position like he'd scrambled away from the door. You were sure your father was putting together the dots in the wrongest ways possible, getting ready to eradicate this mess to his reputation.

"Get out." He pointed in the vague direction of the hotel door, his voice scarily calm. "Both of you get out."

Your easy life was over.
