ot7 - reaction to you crying when watching a violent scene in a movie


Notices something's off as soon as the first tear falls down your cheek

He isn't looking at you, but he knows.

He grabs your hand and speaks soft, under his breath

"It's okay, just close your eyes."

Calms you down by whispering in your ear so you can't hear what's happening on tv


Turns off the tv.

Just turns it off and sits there for a moment before hugging you to his chest.

Protective Jongseong mode on

Smells like cornbread :)

"Shh...it's okay. We're never ever watching violent movies again. And you better not try it on your own, okay?"

Runs his hands up and down your arms to calm you


"Hey, hey..."

Pulls you in tightly and covers your ears so the noise is only faint

"Hey, look at me."

Soft baby eyes

Whispers things

You can see his mouth moving, but can't hear him, or the screams from the tv.

Pauses the movie

You lay your head on his chest

The only thing you can hear is his breathing and heart beating.


 "We're never watching violent movies again."

Runs his hands through your hair and pulls you as close to him as possible even though he's sitting with his knees to his chest

He puts his hands under your shirt and draws circles on your back to calm your frantic breaths

Pauses the movie and stays with you until you stop crying

Shy forehead kisses, "Don't cry, it's okay..."


Turns off the tv as soon as you start crying

Tilts your chin up and kisses the traces the tears left on your cheeks.

Makes you stand up and pulls you to the kitchen with the blanket you were wearing still wrapped around your shoulders.

Soft voice

"What happened?"

You shake your head. "I don't know..."

Holds you close with a hand on the back of your head

"It's okay, you're safe with me."


Worried eyes

Angry eyebrows at the tv

Eyes soften when he sees you

"Don't cry, it's okay, it's not real."

Holds you as close to his body as he physically can

Puts your head in the crook of his neck

"Breath, y/n, breath...Deep breaths."

Brings you a glass of water when you start to hiccup

Just sits with you


The lights are off in the room, so it's suddenly really dark when he turns the tv off

The only sound is your sniffles

Sits quietly next to you until you say his name

Pushes the blankets off the couch and pulls his body close to yours

But doesn't touch you

He's scared because he doesn't know how to comfort you

You yourself move closer, and he instinctively wraps his arms around you

Breathes softly into your hair

"Don't cry y/n, everything's okay."
