ot7 - enhypen as best friends


- sorta the older brother type
- you wanna go out at night?
- not without him there 🤡
- literally will not leave you alone
- he's sorta clingy?
- like, for instance, he won't leave you alone
- jk jk
- by clingy i mean that he's the type to always have an arm around you in some way
- one time he moved his arm down from around your shoulders to your waist
- immediately you turned when you felt his hand on your waist and stared him dead in the eyes
- both of you just stared at each other for a minute before you stared laughing and let him leave his arm there
- someone once thought you were siblings
- someone also once thought you were dating
- heeseung definitely makes ramyeon for you
- he's also memorized your coffee order (or tea or hot chocolate or some other drink if you don't like coffee like me)
- one of your favorite things to do together is sleeping over, staying up late playing video games, sleeping in, and playing more video games
- another thing u like to do together tho is trying out new things at cafes and such
- you're also both (surprisingly) pretty focused when you study together


- he's basically your mom🧍🏾‍♀️
- like actually
- he tells you to do ur laundry and do your hw and he cooks for you too
- you can't cook at all even when he tried to teach you lmao
- you can make a grillled cheese sandwich and that's about it
- he definitely definitely picks your clothes for you and goes shopping for clothes with you (also likes to buy clothes for you)
- the one thing he can't do is hair so you taught him how to braid hair and now he does that for you too
- lil braids and all the jazz (ya like jazz?)
- if you didn't already have your ears pierced, jay's the one who took you to do it
- you nearly screamed when you got your ears pierced, but mostly just because you were panicking
- he gave you a lollipop to suck on like a little kid and laughed at you when you were done
- if he sleeps over and you're taking too long in the bathroom or shower, expect him to go "yAH" and threaten you abt going in there
- the type of person to brush his hands against or put his hands on your hips if he's standing behind you
- and you guys say you're just friends 🤨
- just kidding lmao
- for now?
- still kidding


- omg the puppyy
- he follows you around like a little kid and it's absolutely adorable
- he wouldn't ever say it outright but he kind of depends on you
- by this i mean that he's kind of your baby
- you both take care of each other and it's literally so sweet
- one of your favorite things to do for or with each other is to bake
- he also flirts with you and sends you hot pictures lmao 🤭
- once jake sent you a picture of himself after he was done taking a shower and his hair was still dripping with water
- and he was doing the lip thing yk? 😔
- you literally called him to yell at him to delete it
- no doubt you were flustered though
- you have an entire album on your phone of pictures of him, and there are over one hundred photos on there, half of them being adorable candids of him laughing or smiling
- the other half being selcas he's sent you and things, as well as times when you were trying to take a candid but he caught you and stared at the camera with teasing raised eyebrows
- you guys are the best friends that people think are dating
- you act like you're dating lmao
- especially considering that he flirts with you and is almost always holding your hand
- it's not like you mind it since he's warm, but you're not actually dating 🤷‍♀️


- the childhood friends~
- your moms knew each other and were even pregnant together
- he was born in december and you were born after so you're technically a year apart but you think that's bullsht since he could've easily been born in january
- you're the best friends that were so close you were like siblings when you were little
- ngl, but you were the type where your parents had you take baths together
- but you were little kids so don't make it weird 🙄
- he likes to tease you about it tho lmao
- you smack his arm whenever he says these things
- anyway, you wouldn't ice skate to save your life cause you're terrified, but hoon tried to teach you anyway
- the entire time you were screaming and people were looking at you and he ended up laughing uncontrollably and sitting on the ice while you lay on your back also on the ice
- sometimes he treats you like a little sister, sometimes he treats you like a girlfriend, sometimes like a guy friend
- there's literally no in between
- once he accidentally smacked your back so hard you fell over
- he laughed at you 😀
- he really likes laughing at you


- bestiess
- you guys are the most adorable sweetest sassiest darlings ever 😭
- you guys are literally in love with each other lmao
- you're like each other's favorite person on the planet
- sunoo gets grumpy with you often cause you're very good at pissing him off
- he's also very good at pissing you off :)
- you're super sarcastic so you both mesh well
- you guys love going out together to just...exist
- like, window shopping, you know?
- also plushies
- you guys have a collection of at least sixty plushies between you
- you like to treat him like he's the cutest sunshine and he treats you the same, but sometimes he gets annoyed with it and tries his best to show you his KIM SUNOO side rather than kim ddeonu
- you don't believe it but you keep getting selcas with crazy good lighting anyway 🙄
- he likes to take your phone and fill it up with selcas
- you guys have literally SO MANY pictures of each other
- everywhere you go you have to take pictures, whether it's of yourself or things
- there was once a time where sunoo gasped and stopped you to follow a cute cat
- anyway, to sum it up, you're the cute and pure but also slightly evil besties (two pretty best friends 💅)


- the way this guy takes care of you-
- it's like you're the specialist person on the face of planet earth
- but then again, half of the time he's being a sarcastic bish~
- oh how he loves to make fun of you :)
- and if you have periods, know for a fact that he has never once asked you if you were on your period while you were moody
- i mean, you tell him anyway whenever u are because u don't want to accidentally rain hell on him if you're grumpy
- other than that, you sure as hell love poking his dimples
- sometimes when you try to poke his dimples, he'll try to bite your finger(s) to get you to stop or just play with you
- once he actually bit your finger 🥲
- ya both made eye contact and he watched your eyes tear up while you pretended you were fine before he frantically apologizing and rubbing your finger like that would make it better
- he remembered his mom kissing his injuries when he was little so he softly kissed your finger
- the entire time you just stared at him
- uh, you guys don't talk abt that much but he's so sweet 😔


- he makes fun of you so much omfg 💀
- he can find anything to tease you about
- your height, your face, your stomach, your laugh
- but secretly he likes all these things about you lmao
- you both love playing pranks on his hyungs
- you don't have a great capacity for staying up late, but you could stay up for ages if it was spent laughing softly and playing games with riki
- if you have anything of a chubby stomach or thighs, they're suddenly his pillow (and even if they're not chubby at all)
- he's literally your baby even if you're younger than him-
- a very giant baby
- he's not that great at this entire teaching thing, but he tries to teach you japanese, and you try to teach him english and/or your native language which you aren't very good at teaching either
- he doesn't understand english grammar and you don't either 🤷‍♀️
- you tried to do a diamond painting with him once but he had no patience for it and it ended up with you both playing animal crossing on his switch
- when you're around, he is literally so soft
- forget his beautiful side he's just pure adorable for you
- ofc there's the teasing side of him but he's cute even when he's teasing you??
- it annoys you tho lol
- basically, the short and tall (or simply tall) besties where one is always teasing the other but both are actually absolute softies
