lee heeseung - summer love [part two]

a/n: if i didn't mention it last time, check spotify for the playlist (lee heeseung as your summer love)

tw: none

1455 words

- linden

You shifted nervously on the soft cushiony seat in the softly sunlit cafe. You and Heeseung had set a time that morning after the sleepover and you'd come a half hour early in your anxiety.

You didn't look up when you heard the familiar chime of the bell that signaled someone had entered. You'd already heard the bell a multitude of times, so, instead, you traced the swirls in the wooden table you sat at.

"Sorry, did I keep you waiting?"

You looked up, pleasantly surprised when you heard Heeseung's voice. You shook your head. "No, no. I just got here." You falsely assured with a kind smile. Heeseung sat down across from you and lightly brushed the hair out of his eyes. "You got here too early on accident, didn't you?"

"Am I really that obvious?" You asked. Heeseung laughed softly. "Not really. Just easy to read. Do you wanna go order?"

In response to his question, you peered around his shoulder to glance at the display of the menu that was plastered on the wall nearby. You hummed lightly, trying to hide your awkwardness. You really hated asking for things, it made you feel rude.

"What do you want?" Heeseung asked. "Sorry If I'm rushing you."

You felt heat rush up to your cheeks in a stupid way. "Um, I want, um, the, uh, can I have the oreo cheesecake milkshake?" You asked timidly. Gosh, you were embarrassing yourself so much.

Heeseung's lips turned up into a little smile at the way you tried to force an understandable sentence through your mouth. "Okay, I'll go order."

"What are you getting?" You asked, feeling all of a sudden curious. Heeseung shrugged. "I think I'll try the banana cream pie milkshake." He smiled. You smiled a small smile in return.

He got up from his seat and you watched as he took his wallet and went off to the counter to order. He shifted in place as he stood and waited. There was the clinking of coins as he payed, and then he brought back the milkshakes.

You clapped your hands sweetly in happiness. "I'll pay next time." You smiled as Heeseung put the milkshakes down. Your eyes were like glowing suns at the sight of the food.

"Next time?" Heeseung asked. He laughed when you were too occupied with the fluffy whipped cream topping your milkshake. "Right, next time." He said to himself.

You took the metal straw and stuck it in your smoothie. You smiled at the sweet taste. It was such a perfect taste.

You looked up from your smoothie at Heeseung. He'd eaten most of the whipped cream on his own smoothie and drank some, but now he was pouting at your glass. How cute.

"Do you want to try some?" You offered as you pushed your glass forward. Heeseung shook his head a little, but he wore a small smile. "No, no, It's fine-"

"You look like a puppy being kept from his food." You insisted with yet another small push on your glass. Heeseung gave you a soft-eyed look and his lips grew into a heart shaped smile.

Leaning forward a little, he took a sip from your milkshake. He offered you his. "Your turn." Also leaning forward, you took a small sip, then a bigger one. "Sorry." You leaned back with a hum. "It's good."

Heeseung smiled and studied your smiley face. He went back to his milkshake. "It is."

Your second date was the next week, and unless Aera was somehow involved, it was utterly and completely an accident.

You were walking around at the mall and figuring out how to spend your meager two dollars since you were in the mood to splurge (not that you had much to splurge). In slight jealousy, you stared through the windows and studied the pretty clothes and cute stuffed animals and- oh! A book with a cool cover! You wondered if the contents of the book were good.

While you were inspecting the cover and title of the book through the glass, you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"Y/n?" A voice asked.

You turned around to be met by Heeseung's face. You immediately smiled when your eyes traced his familiar features. "Hi." You greeted.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. He followed your gaze to the book. "Do you want that book?"

You shook your head. "I just thought the cover looked cool. I don't have enough money to buy it anyway."

"Wanna go check it out? I'll buy it." Heeseung offered as he looked down at you and put on a soft smile. You met his gaze and raised your eyebrows. You glared lightly. "No." You said indignantly. "I said last time that I would pay next time!"

"This is a date?" Heeseung raised his eyebrows at you in a sort of curiosity. You blinked at the sudden realization. You laughed awkwardly. "No?"

"It can be." Heeseung secured your hand in his and gently pulled you into the book shop. "I want this book! I'll buy it." He said in an adamant tone as he dragged you to the book in the display. He caught the attention of a staff.

"Excuse me?" He asked kindly as he waved at the staff. He had a smile on his face, but it was different than the one he gave you. This smile was respectful when the one he gave you was filled with adoration.

"I know this book is on display, but can I buy it, please?"

The staff, a squat lady with a round face and a tiny waist, smiled. "Of course. I'll replace it. Go ahead and take it."

Heeseung offered a soft thank you and grabbed the book. He handed it to you, "Can you read the blurb and tell me if it's good?" He asked you with his eyes wide and doe-like. You nodded and turned the book over. Only finding reviews on the back, you opened the front cover and read the little flap.

"Oooohhh." You said softly as you read the blurb. "Interesting." You smiled. "Sounds good, I think you'll like it." You handed Heeseung the book.

Once more, he was gently pulling you along, but this time you were side by side and his arm brushed against yours as you walked.

Heeseung placed the book on the counter and, offering a smile to the guy standing there, took out his wallet. The guy scanned it. "$16.95." He mumbled as he put the book in a small brown paper bag with thin handles.

Before Heeseung could take out his money, you stopped him. "I know it's not a lot, but can I use my two dollars and twenty five cents first?" You asked. Heeseung tilted his head cutely in an imitation of thinking that surely fooled you before agreeing.

You took out your paper money and coins while Heeseung took out his card. First, you handed over your money, then Heeseung handed over his card.

Once the book was safely in its paper bag and in Heeseung's hands, you inquired, "Last time you used paper money? Why a card now?" You asked. He bumped your shoulder as he shrugged. "I have two wallets, I happened to bring the one I keep my cards in today."

"What insane person needs two wallets?" You asked, giving him a weird look as you scuffed your feet on the mall floor. Heeseung raised his eyebrows at you and poked you in the side before trying to hold your hand. "This insane person." He smiled teasingly. You giggled and let him hold your hand.

"Anyway, I was thinking. Isn't it a coincidence that we're both here?" You asked. Heeseung hummed. "Actually, I think Aera-"

You gasped softly but dramatically. "That woman did not set this up."

"I think she did, but it's not all that bad being with me, is it?" He gave you his mock-aegyo look and immediately seemed to regret it. He must have been thinking something along the lines of 'that was stupid'.

You shook your head. "No, I actually really enjoy being with you." You felt your face flush. "Actually, actually, i would love it more if, um, if i were your s/o, but..."

"It's sad to think that will fully only last this summer."

You looked up to see a sad smile touching Heeseung's lips. You returned that sad smile. "Right. We have a summer to get to know each other that well..and then long distance."

"Hey." Heeseung swung your hands clutched in between the two of you. "We'll be fine. It'll be more than summer love."

But you couldn't help but think; I hope.

(part three????)
