sim jaeyun - ghosting

note: you disappeared for a moment, you disappeared
like a faint ghost
in a room where only echoes linger
i wander alone all the time
i'm like a ghost
- ghosting, txt

a/n: me trying a text au, it doesn't really make sense but chu can interpret it however :p

tw: angst i guess

- linden

@l/ny/niam [5:15pm]


c o m m e n t s

@jakey :: y/n can you check your pms? [5:17pm]

@leehee :: wow, where are you? the sunset is so...[read more] [5:20pm]
|___ @garden :: ohh i was there yesterday! it's the...[read more] [5:24pm]

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p r i v a t e m e s s a g e s

@jakey [ y/n are you ghosting me? will you even reply to this? did i do something wrong? i'm sorry,
y/n. layla misses you, i miss you. i just need to hear your voice again. remember when you told me my voice was your favorite thing in the world? i'm not trying to make you feel guilty, i swear. i just don't understand. i don't understand why you left that day. do you care about that day? all you did, y/n, was kiss me one last time, hug layla and walk out the door. why did you do it? i need to know why you did it. my heart aches thinking about you now. my heart used to feel soft and butterfly-ish when i thought about you. i don't want to feel this way, i can't feel this way. i love you y/n. tell me why. i promise you don't have to come back to me.]

@jakey [i'm begging you.]
seen 5:18pm.

@l/ny/niam [please don't beg me, jake
i might lose my mind thinking i've hurt you]

@jakey [ i cried that day for the first time without you to hold me.]

@l/ny/niam [i cried as well.
it hurts so much]

@jakey [then why?]
seen 12:28pm

@l/ny/niam [i don't know]

@jakey [you're gone again aren't you?]
seen 6:41am

@jakey [you're gone again.]
seen 6:42pm

@jakey [i'm alone again. since you're gone again.]
seen 6:42pm

@jakey [you used to be my everything]
seen 6:43pm

@jakey [was i ever your everything?]
seen 6:45am

@jakey [you're not gonna reply? i love you so much, you know. unless i've been wrong, i've seen the same in your eyes]
seen 6:50am

@jakey [i just want to know why. but you don't know why either, do you, y/n?]
seen 7:00am

@l/ny/niam [7:39pm]


c o m m e n t s

@jakey :: it looks sad today [7:40pm]

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