lee heeseung - fortune cookie

a/n: my parents got panda express when we were at school but they left us some noodles, chicken and fortune cookies~

tw: none

1169 words

- linden

A lot of people said you weren't that picky, but any day, you would chose food from li's love kitchen over any other. It was a strange name, but it was just a chinese food and grill place that had love fortunes in its cookies. You found the concept cute, but never really believed it. After all, you'd only ever gotten one message before. You'll meet him at 12:21.

Today, in particular, was your birthday, You weren't in much of a mood to be bothered by friends and family, so you just planned to eat alone here and then cut cake at home with said friends and family. So, you entered the little restaurant, inhaling the familiar sweet and spicy scent of their popular orange chicken dish. The scents all enveloped you in a nice warm mess as you found yourself a small table. You could smell the delicious noodles cooking in the back and the sugary smell of the frozen yogurt they sold. You weren't very sure why exactly they sold frozen yogurt, but kids always liked it.

As you sat down at the table, a tall and slim waitress spotted you, making her way through the tables to take your order. You smiled brightly when she approached you and awkwardly waved a little. She greeted you and asked if you were ready to order or if she should come back in a couple of minutes. You shook your head and, without even bothering to check the menu, ordered a couple of your favorites.

The waitress looked a little surprised at your speed but nodded and disappeared somewhere into the restaurant. While you waited, you sipped a cup of hot tea that she'd left you, and mused curiously over what fortune you might get. You were always curious of when it would change, although it never did. You wondered how it seemed tailored to your person.

When your food finally arrived, you excitedly thanked the waitress and stared at the dishes with ecstasy in your eyes. You blew on the food as you ate, savoring it like you always did and letting it warm in your stomach. You sighed a tiny bit and ran your tongue over your lips with your eyes half closed. It wasn't early for lunch time, but it wasn't late or right either, so there weren't many people at the restaurant . In fact, the couple who'd been there when you arrived were gone now. So, you were completely alone save for the clatter of dishes in the back.

So in silence you ate, humming every once in a while in pleasure at the tastes on your tongue. Once you'd finished, you gently set aside your dishes and reached for your fortune cookie as you waited for the waitress to reappear.

The wrapper crinkled pleasantly as you tore it and slipped the cookie out. Setting the crinkly wrapper to the side, you gently cracked the cookie through the middle, a childish excitement sparking in you as you pulled out the slip of paper inside. As you started reading the fortune, your face moved down into its expectant gaze, having known it would say the same thing. Except...

You'll meet him at 12:21. Muneo park.

There was more this time.

You pouted in curiosity and turned over the slip of paper as you popped half of the broken cookie into your mouth. You fiddled with it and read over your lucky numbers listed on the back. Although your love fortune had been slightly different, you lucky numbers remained same. The date of your birth, but with this year. You shrugged it off and tucked it into the small pocket of your bag where you kept all the others, crunching on the sweet fortune cookie while you did so.

By the time you were placing the second half of the cookie in your mouth, the waitress had spotted that you were done and had approached you. She smiled sweetly at you and you smiled equally brightly back.

Once she'd left, you organized yourself a little and got up to leave the restaurant. As you exited, you bowed a little to the manager and he bowed a little back.

You started to wander around the city a little bit without anything better to do. Humming, you sound your feet starting to carry you to the flush green and purple flowered park in the middle of the metropolitan jungle. You let your feet carry you that way and gratefully started to find yourself a spot to sit down. It was then that you were met in the face by a warm body.

You let out a cry and stumbled backwards as apologies in a soft voice rushed over you. You clutched your nose and felt your eyes water a little bit as you looked up to see a warm boy holding tight onto your shoulders in a panic. He looked ultimately soft with gentle brown hair that swooped over his lashes and shimmering bambi eyes filled with sudden worry for you.

Some subconscious part of your mind happened to notice the big city clock out of the corner of your eye. You took in a sharp breath at the sight and muttered under your breath. "12:21."

"What?" The boy asked, cut off from his stream of sorries. You met his slightly less concerned gaze as he gently let go of your shoulders. You felt your skin heat up until you felt like you were burning in embarrassment and your heart skittered around a little in your chest. "It's 12:21."

The boy's eyes widened and he gasped softly, reaching out his right hand to touch your shoulder again before subconsciously thinking twice. "Have you ever been to li's love kitchen?" He asked in a hushed curious voice.

"Yeah." You took in a sharp breath. "I still have all my fortunes."

"Me too!" His eyes widened in a childlike excitement as he started to pull small slips of paper out of his bag. You did the same thing, trying to arrange them in your hands as you did. Nonetheless, a couple of them fluttered down to the ground.

"They keep telling me-" You started.

"That you'll meet me at 12:21?" The fawn eyed boy asked. "They keep telling me that i'll meet you then too."

"Wow." You murmured.

Moistening his lips, the boy took a step back and a soft breath. He held out a hand, his kind eyes trailing over your face and inspecting your features like you were an important and new jewel. "My name is Lee Heeseung." He said. "I'm 21 years old." Heeseung tilted his head a little bit and waited for your answer.

You smiled a tiny bit, your heart still racing from the shock of it all and took his hand softly in yours, shaking it the tiniest bit up and down. "My name is L/n Y/n." Your smile widened a little bit. "It's my birthday today."
