pov: enhypen's bloody birthday party

note: vampire!au obviously

a/n: um yeah. have fun trying not to die at this bday party :D

tw: blood; vampireyness; cursing

2325 words

- linden

You were making yourself breakfast when something in the mail caught your eye. You studied the spread before picking up a black envelope. It was addressed to you. You slid the card out and read it softly to yourself. "You are invited to our bloody birthday party."

Underneath that was an address in a fancy font paired with a warning. No plus ones allowed, only those with invitations could come. You pushed the card back into the envelope and frowned. It was a little too suspicious for your taste. Still, you weren't just going to let it lie around for your family to see.

Leaving your half made cucumber and tomato sandwich on the kitchen island, you brought the letter to your room. You sat with it at your desk for a moment, reading over the text again. The date of the party was the next week, which you happened to be off of school. It must be from a student.

You set the invitation aside again and grabbed your phone to text your best friend.

did you get an invitation to a "bloody birthday party"??

rat 😩🥰
ofc! we should go togetherr.
what should we wear??

ily but r u dumb??
isn't it a little suspicious

rat 😩🥰
well, yeah
but we're teenagers
we should live a little

we should also be careful
if we get murdered and thrown in a ditch it's your fault

rat 😩🥰
no worries tho~
i know karate
i'm also pretty skilled at kicking creepy dudes in the nuts
it's a skill

good to know :/
anywayyy, darling
you were saying something about outfits??

rat 😩🥰
meet me at my house in ten!


rat 😩🥰
[read 9:40am]

You turned off your phone and ran a hand habitually through your hair. It was still suspicious, but why not play along? If anything, you could fight them before calling your mom. Those years fighting random boys that tried to mess with you at the park would finally pay off.

You picked up and fiddled with the envelope. You took a breath. You'd agreed to meet your friend in ten minutes. What a wonderful way to spend your saturday.

You pulled yourself up and yelled to your mom that you were going to be leaving for a little while. You would have to come up with an excuse for the party too. Maybe you could tell her you were sleeping over at your friend's house. It might work.

You shook your head and pulled on your shoes. Was it really worth it?


"Y/n!" Your friend attacked you with a hug. "Oh, good, let's pick outfits! I told my mom we're going out. My older sister's driving." Your friend smiled. You laughed and hugged your friend back. "Okay, sounds fun."

You all climbed into the car with the intention of going shopping for something nice to wear. "So what party are you going to?" Your friend's older sister asked.

"Oh, just some birthday party our classmates invited us to." Your friend grinned. Your friend's sister hummed. "Sounds fun. Lemme help a little with this outfit picking all right?" She laughed. "It's been a while."

"Okay." You smiled in agreement.


By the time you arrived at the party the next week, the winter sun had already started to dip low and your bare arms were chilly. Your skin was cold with goosebumps and you handed away your invitation to a tipsy blonde girl at the bottom of the driveway. As you walked to the house, you couldn't help but notice every detail.

The house was old, victorian era style, and there were lights and music spilling from every opening, not to mention suspicious silhouettes in bedroom windows. Other than that, the house lay against a backdrop of the blood red sunset and the driveway was tall, the dirt road you'd ridden on long and winding.

You and your friend had biked here with it not being far. It was probably not the best choice but you didn't want to bother your friend's older sister. Now, you slightly regretted it. Your friend tugged on your hand, "Come on, let's go in!"

You let your friend pull you to the door. Your friend went to ring the rusting doorbell, but you tried at pushing the door. It immediately gave in and you were greeted by a confetti strewn living room. You turned to look at your friend, but they'd already disappeared into the house.

You gulped and took a step in.

The air was warm compared to the chill of outside and smelled sweet like wine. Including yourself, there were no more than twenty five guests there, but it was mostly a mess with giggling girls and drunk boys everywhere. There were only a couple of possibly sober people who were lounging around or looking bored with their eyes sleepily falling shut.

You immediately wanted to leave. You'd never been to a party like this and an uneasy feeling clawed at your throat. Chills pricked at you even though the air was warm and conditioned. You turned to leave but someone was blocking the door.

You recognized the boy from school. He had dark hair and dark eyes, snowy pale skin and pretty beauty marks dotted over his skin. You moistened your lips. Park Sunghoon. He was one of the residents, so one of the hosts of the party, according to the name plate that was nailed to the door.

You frowned at him. "Um, excuse me, Sunghoon. I need to leave." You tried to push past him but he wouldn't let you. He caught one of your arms and gave you a small smile. "Now that all the guests are here, I'm afraid you can't do that."

He looked you directly in the eye, and when he did, you noticed a strange red color to his usually dark irises. You laughed nervously. "Actually, no. I'm leaving. Who's birthday is this anyway?" You tried to shake off his arm but he only tightened his grip and tried to drag you away. "The birthday of our queen."

"Hey!" You yelped. "Insane.." You muttered. You shook your arm violently to free it from his grip and tried to kick at the back of his legs, but his hand didn't loosen in the slightest. His hand was soft, but it didn't help that his nails were long. "Asshole!" You yelled at him. You were barely heard over the roar of the party.

Sunghoon paused and looked back at you, an innocent and sad look on his face. "No i'm not." His lips grew into a shape of disgust as if he'd been called worse things.

You suddenly felt a striking pang to your heart. His eyes were visibly caging a deep secret he so hated and wished to expel. There was a true sadness behind the mockery. He sneered at you and continued pulling you along. Surprising yourself, you let him.

Sunghoon led you to another living room besides the one you'd entered to and pushed you into the crowd of drunk people. On a sudden note, you realized that every single one of the party guests were gathered here.

You leaned up to see over the heads of other guests, but found yourself needing to go to the front. You nearly ran into your friend once as you walked, but your friend only drunkenly giggled and moved off into the swarm. You pushed through the sweaty and drunk forms until you'd reached the front.

You felt hands roaming your body as you walked, accidental and intentional. You squirmed, feeling uncomfortable in your own skin. Finally when you thought you'd reached, a foot obstructed your path and you stumbled until you'd fallen into a lump in the front row of the crowd.

You started when you felt a soft hand on your back. You looked to the side to see Sunoo crouching next to you. "You okay? Did you have too much to drink?" He searched your eyes with an almost creepy curiosity. His eyes also held that sadness. You couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to it.

You shook your head and took his hand when he offered it to pull you up. "No. I've just never been to a party like this."

Sunoo laughed and you nearly recoiled from his touch when you saw the unnatural point of his canines showing in his smile. You took a dry swallow and left your hand in his until he himself dropped it.

Up front, Heeseung stood on the couch, waiting patiently for people to pay attention to him. Jungwon sat on the couch by his feet and Ni-ki was sitting on the arm rest and fiddling with an out of place cracked wine glass.

Sunoo, as you knew, was beside you, and Sunghoon was sitting crisscross at the front of the crowd. Meanwhile, Jay was standing nearby and whispering something to Jake while eyeing random girls and boys. Your heart rate spiked when his eyes landed on you.

Jay sent a crooked grin in your direction and his eyes flashed that same unnatural red color that you'd seen in Sunghoon's eyes. Now that you thought about it, all the seven hosts of the party seemed to have that strange glint of red, and that strange sadness.

You snapped your gaze away from Jay's chilly stare when Heeseung started to speak.

"Welcome, partygoers!" He smiled a little.

"Welcome to our queen's birthday party..." His eyes flashed that terrible red.

"Welcome to the festival of blood."


A confused and slurred murmur rose from the crowd of drunk teenagers. You took an instinctive step backwards, but felt Sunoo's fingers wrap tightly around your wrist. You looked up at him. Your eyes were so wide that you could feel tears start to form. Your voice shook when you spoke. In a low voice you said, "Let go of me."

Sunoo's studied you with a small tilt of his head. He smiled a little. "You're not drunk." He said in a dangerously soft voice. You grinned, "Yeah, I don't drink."

He stepped towards you and you responded by taking another step back. You would've gotten lost in the crowd if not for Sunoo's grip on your wrist. You slowly twisted your hand in his hold. You could try to scratch him.

"You're supposed to be drunk." He moistened his lips and pushed you deeper into the crowd. You narrowed your eyes. "What are you doing?" You hissed. Sunoo smiled. "That's the way out of the crowd." He said. You shook your head. "You should just let me go."

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. You'll have to be first."

"What the fuck? Let go of me!" You tried to kick him in the knees and started to struggle but he just winced and kept a hold of you. His expression had turned absolutely cold.

You made eye contact with Jungwon over Sunoo's shoulder. You begged for help with your eyes, but he only sent you a small teasing smile before approaching a visibly drunk boy. "NO!" You screamed. "LET ME GO!" You stared hard at Sunoo and struggled enough that he had to stop walking. "What are you going to do to me?"

"No one can help you." Sunoo said softly. "Everyone else will be dead anyway."

You felt a terrified scream build in your stomach. Chills stabbed at you, traveling up and down your spine like electricity. "What do you mean?"

"You don't exactly seem dumb, haven't caught on?" Sunoo had stopped you in the very center of the crowd, under a glass chandelier that hung from the ceiling. "We're vampires. If you were drunk you would also be dead by the end of this. I can't kill you since your aware."

"What kind of logic is that?" You tried to kick him again as you spoke but he didn't react. Sunoo studied your eyes before leaning close enough that his breath brushed the tip of your nose. "If I kill you now, I would never be able to live with it. The horror in your eyes." He whispered.

You shivered. "But if you drink my blood I'll look terrified anyway." Your gaze flicked away from him anxiously. Sunoo smiled. "Are you trying to talk me out of being a vampire?" He searched your eyes. "The fear of death.." He said softly. "Is something else entirely."

"Sunoo!" A voice called.

Sunoo turned but tightened his grip around your wrist. "Heeseung." He nodded. "This one's aware." You frowned at his wording. Heeseung's eyes flashed with that strange sadness rather than that sick red. "I assume you told it?"

"I'm not an it!" You hissed, trying to tug your hand away. Heeseung raised his eyebrows at you. "Okay. I'll take her/him/them." He approached you and took your other wrist as Sunoo let go. You frowned and shook your hand limply in his grip as Sunoo walked away. "What the hell? I'm not something to be traded."

Heeseung smiled at you with his doe eyes so deceivingly innocent. He leaned down towards your neck. You flinched. "Don't even try it, bastard."

"Ouch." He murmured against your skin. "That's not a kind word. He looked up at you. "Would you like to faint in the middle of all these people or in my soft bed?"

You narrowed your eyes. "Here."

Heeseung laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person." He said softly. For some reason, his warm laugh and reassurance was almost comforting. You hated yourself for letting that feeling bloom in your heart. "Just let me go." You whispered. "No one while believe a distraught kid anyway."

"Sorry." Heeseung smiled. He leaned back and met your gaze for a moment. You glared at him. He laughed lightly and leaned back down.

He sank his teeth into the soft skin of your neck.

You screamed.
