t w e n t y t wo

"Anyone who has a continuous smile on his face conceals a toughness that is almost frightening."

― Greta Garbo

"Ah! There you are!" I heard Isabell's voice. "Come on. I'm ready to fücking leave this place." She grabbed a hold to my wrist and pulled me along with her.

"Let me say bye to the twins." I say pulling away from her.

"We're leaving!" Bell shouted painful over her shoulder as she dragged me out of the door.

"Oh, so soon? Not even a hello or goodbye." I turned and Aiden stood at the entrance with his arms crossed and a smirk on his lips.

"That was kind of the fûcking point." Isabell muttered.

I smiled and ran up and hugged him. Aiden swung me around and kissed my neck. "Ah, I missed you beautiful."

"I missed you too." I giggled as he put me to my feet. As those words slipped from my lips the feeling of betrayal rushed across me.

"Hello, Isabell." Aiden said over my shoulder.

"Yeah, whatever."

He chuckled and looked back down to me. "How have you been? Are you all healed?" he held my shoulders and examined my body.

I nodded. "Not completely but, I'm okay."

"Have you spoken to him?"

The thought of hips crashes against mines sent shivers down my back, but i quickly shook it off. "I ran into him upstairs. He was zonked."

Aiden rolled his eyes and sighed. "I picked him up at some bar wasted, he was about to start a fight. A couple more minutes later I would've been picking my brother up from jail."

"Why was he drinking?" I frowned. I wanted to ask Jasper this- I wanted to ask him a lot of things, but now wasn't the right time.

"It's Jasper, love. He has a million things to be upset about."

"I just hope he doesn't hurt himself."

Jasper wellbeing worried me more than it should. I didn't want him out doing something he would regret later on.

"He's tough."

"Yo!" Bell clapped behind me. "Sorry to interrupt this special moment, but I'm starved and I would love to go right about now."

I glared at Bell and mouth stop being rude! She shrugged and rolled her eyes. "I'm so sorry about.."

Aiden placed his hand on my lower back and smiled. "No, its okay. I like her."

I frowned, shocked at his words. "You do? But she clearly-"

"How about this, hm? You two stay for dinner. Our chef is one of the best in the country."

Dinner? "I-I don't have anything to wear for dinner.." I mumbled looking down at my clothes; ripped skinny jeans with a t-shirt and Nike slides. Nothing special and definitely nothing you should wear to dinner- especially in this house.

"What you both have on is fine." Aiden said.

I shook my head. "I don't feel comfortable wearing this to dinner- especially dinner with your family. I'd feel out of place."

I felt a hand on my shoulder, as Bell walked to my side. "Now, now Goober. This man clearly wants us to come to dinner. I think we should come no matter what our appearance looks like."

I gapped at her surprised. Was she serious?

"Can I have a moment with my friend here?" I asked Aiden. He smiled and nodded, exiting the room. "What the crap, Bell? Moments ago you were ready to leave, now you're excited about staying?"

"He offered food. Fück yeah I'm staying! And they're loaded too! The food is probably twice as good."

"What does the food have to do with anything? I don't want to eat dinner with his family!" I whispered.

She crossed her arms and smirked. "And why not, hm? Is it because you kissed Aiden and you maybe- just maybe like him, while you're in love with his brother?"

What?! In love- with Jasper? That's...That's crazy. No matter what I felt- what I feel doesn't change a thing. Jasper is a jerk. He's broken. I honestly don't think I have the patience to wait for him to give me some sort of clue to what's going on in his head. He told me not to give up on him just yet, but I think I already have.

"I am most certainly not in love with Jasper!"

"Are you sure about that Goober?"

"Yes! I think I would know if I was in love with the boy."

"We'll see." She chuckled and began walking toward the kitchen.

"What does that mean?" I asked following her. What was she up to?

Isabell entered the kitchen and clapped her hands. Aiden turned around, "Everything okay?" He asked.

"Fine and blueberries," She smiled at him. "We'll be staying for dinner- that is if the offer still stands?"

His face lit up and he smiled. Taking a quick glance at me then back at Isabell. "Wonderful! Stan!" He shouted. In came a short man- I'm guessing their butler given his appearance. "Have the cooks prepare room for two more guest."

"Sir." The man nodded. "Anything else, Mr. White?"

"Yes, I need two dresses that will fit the needs of these lovely ladies."

"Sir, yes sir." The man nodded and disappeared.

What? Two dresses? I- this is too much. "You don't need to go through any trouble getting us-"

"What she is saying is thank you." Bell smiled and looped her arm with mines. "Is there anyway we could freshen up before dinner?"

If I could kill Isabell I would. Most certainly I would. Maybe with a knife- a sharp one. Not too big, I wouldn't want to hurt myself in the process. Guns are too loud, a knife would surely do. "What are you crazy!?"

I watched as Isabell sat on the end of the enormous bed, painting her nails. The room Aiden gave us was beautiful, almost too big for one person. She glanced up at me and nodded. "Maybe just a little bit darling." She chuckled and sat the polish on the table next to her. "And could you stop pacing? I'm sure these folks would hate it if you ruined their floors."

I signed and stopped. She was right. "I'm just nervous and confused." Was Jasper going to be there? Oh no... I don't think I could look at him the same anymore.

Isabell picked up one of the dresses that were lying out on the bed. "I think red is more your color. I'll go with the black." She smiled. "These dresses are fücking beautiful! Are they not?"

"They are.... And I'm sure they cost more than me. Bell I don't think I can handle this dinner. W-what if they're father is there?"

"You haven't even met the man. He's probably the nicest man on the planet." I watched as she stripped of her causal clothing and put on the dress. It looks even better on her. Isabell is a true beauty; the dress fits every curve of her body. I'm sure I could never pull off a dress like that. "Do you like it?" She asked me.

I nodded. "Yes. Its beautiful."

Picking up the red one, she passed it to me. "Well here, put yours on. We can't be late for dinner. Have to make a good impression, right?"        

"Where is Ryan?" I heard Aiden ask as I approached the dinning room. I asked Isabell to go ahead of me so I could prep myself into what I am about to walk in. I don't think any amount of time could honestly help.

"Oh she's should be right behind me, I thought- there she is." When I walked in all eyes were on me. Seth, Sebastian, Yanelle, Bell and Aiden. I saw no Jasper. No man who would guess to be their father. Turns out I had nothing to worry about after all.

Aiden approached me; he licked his lips and smiled. "You look... You look sexy as fück." He whispered in my ear as he hugged me.

Heat crawled up my neck, swallowing the lump in my throat, I smiled shyly back at him. "Thank you. You clean up nice." I say hinting at his appearance. Aiden wore fitted white button down shirt with black slacks and loafs, parried with a black bowtie. Placing his hand on my lower back he guided, pulling out my chair, I thanked him and sat.

"You've already met my family." He said as he sat next to me.

"I have." I smiled. "Hello everyone."

"You look lovely." Yanelle said to me. She sat in one of the head chairs, changed from her work attire and into a white dress that fit her perfectly. The twins wore outfits similarly to Aiden as well. "You and Isabell both."

"Thank you." She and I said together.

"Can we eat now?" Seth asked.

"Yes, yes you may eat." Immediately at her words, in came men dressed in white with plates of food that looked mouth watering. "Where is your brother?"

"Drunk." Sebastian mumbled, stuffing a spoonful of food into his mouth.

Yanelle signed. "Dios mío, that boy will be the death of me."

I chuckled. It was a shame at what Jasper put his mother through. Everything.... I don't know how she deals with it.

"Let him rest mother," Aiden cleaned his mouth. "You know how he gets."

"Yes. I know but-"

"It seems I have missed the invitation." Just when I thought things were easing up, in walks the slut herself. Cindy. I almost forgot she was apart of this family. "Look what we have here? Por qué está aquí?" she turned to her mother.

"Have a seat, Cindy." Yanelle offered. "Please dear, join us."

Cindy smirked and shrugged. "Oh this should be fûcking interesting." She took a seat next to the twins. "Hello Isabell, Ryan."

Bell took a drink from her glass, her eyes never leaving Cindy's. Placing her drink down, she scoffed.

"Oh what a polite thing you are dear."

"My mother thought me, if i had nothing nice to say, never say it at all." Bell responded.

"Hmm," Cindy smiled. "How about you?" Her gaze fell to mines. "What do you have to say?"

"Hello, Cindy." I spoke. She was not about to get the best of me. I'm not afraid her.

Everyone ate his or her dinner in peace. No bickering, no fighting. No nothing. This dinner so far has been.. somewhat strange. "Leave me the fück alone! Goddämn!" The voice of Jasper made me drop my fork. Everyone glanced up, shock at the interruption.

"I will not tolerate this anymore. You are a walking time bomb." In came Jasper and man I had never seen before. He was older but not old.

"Oh shut the fück up." Jasper staggered to a table where alcohol was held. He poured himself a glass and gulped down whatever contents that were. Setting the glass down he looked up and his eyes caught mines.

My breath hitched and my palms begin sweating. He licked his lips and poured another glass.

"Jasper. I am sick of your fücking games." The man spoke.

"Oh Daddy. Cry me a fücking river." Jasper rolled his eyes. I jumped slightly when I felt a hand on my back. Aiden's hand. He moved in circles, in a comforting matter.

His father? This was his father?

Yanelle cleared her throat. The man looked over at us, scanning the room, his eyes landed on mines and they darken. Frowning, he took a step forward. "Who are these people?" He asked in a harsh tone.

"This is Ryan and Isabell. Friends of Jasper-"

"Not my fûcking friends." He took another sip of his drink.

"We invited them to have dinner. You've missed it." Yanelle spoke.

The man turned, it was then when a huge scar that lay across his face came into my view. "I see." Turning to his son he looked him up and down. "We will discuss this matter later." He said and walked out of the dinning room.

"Like fück we will." Jasper walked over to one of the head chairs and took a seat. Next to me. "Hello everyone." Glancing over at me he put his fingers on his lips, as if telling me to keep quiet. I frowned not understanding him, when i opened my mouth to speak I was interrupted.

"What was that?" His mother asked.

Picking up a knife he ran it over the outlines of his hands. "Your husband is a bloody bastard," Jasper spoke. "And he's going to pay for what he's done." Stabbing the knife into the table, jasper stood up and walked out.

"So, who wants pie?" Cindy asked.

I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat. This was uncomfortable- more than uncomfortable. I looked over at Isabell and she shrugged and bit her lip. Yanelle stood up and smiled. "I am so sorry for my son and husbands behavior, I'm sure that's not how you imagine to meet him," she chuckled but I knew she was upset. "Seth. Sebastian, could you show these lovely ladies a tour of the home? I'm going to go have a conversation with your father."

I stood up and nodded. "Thank you for dinner."

"Yes, it was lovely." Bell said in the nicest way she could.

Yanelle smiled. "Well, maybe we could do this again, I'll make sure that my husband is in his cage." She joked and exited the dinning room.

"I am so sorry about my Dad and Jasper." Aiden whispered in my ear.

"Its okay." I looked at him.

"No, It really isn't," he said. "Jasper isn't usually like that- most of the time, but my father... he's a different story." Aiden stood up. "Brothers, start with the east side of the home. I'll catch up with you soon, I have to go have a talking to with Jasper."

I caught his hand before he left. "Could I go?"

"I...I don't think that's a good idea."

"Please? I wont say anything, I just want to see him."

Aiden sighed and nodded. "Come along then."

"You're leaving me alone with them? Again?" I heard Bell ask. "What the fück?"

"Isabell. Please."

Aiden held my hand as we walked out of the room. We didn't go to Jasper's room, but outside where I spotted him standing by their fence, looking over the hills. "Brother." Aiden spoke. Jasper turned around, a cigarette was held in between his fingers. He looked at Aiden and then his eyes fell. It was then when I realized that I still held his hand. I dropped it quickly and bit the inside of my mouth.

"What?" Jasper asked harshly his gaze still on my hands.

"What was that? What happened between you and Dad-"

"That man is not my father." He said looking up. "And he will never be."

"You're being ridiculous, Jasper. What did he do that was so bad? That made you snap?"

Jasper chuckled and threw the bud on the ground. Stomping on it he looked up at his brother. "Snap? No I haven't snapped just yet, brother."

"What did he do?" Aiden asked again.

"What doesn't he do?"

Aiden threw his hands up and defeat. "You're unbelievable. I'll talk to you when you're sober and not high."

"I'm not fücking high."

Rolling his eyes, Aiden began to walk away. I stood there frozen. "Are you coming, Ryan?"

I looked back at him and then Jasper. "No." I said looking into Jasper's eyes. "I need to talk to him." Aiden muttered something and I guess left.

"What?" Jasper asked. "Am I in trouble with you too?"

"That depends, are you sober?"


"Then lets talk."

Jasper ran his fingers through his hair and exhaled. "Fück," he muttered. "Talk? Let's fücking talk."
