n i n e t e e n

"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."

― C.G. Jung

I heard voices.


"Do you think she will make it?" A man's voice asked. He had an accent but I couldn't make it out.

"Unmöglich." Another one said, only in a different language.

"She's only three. Let her out, Danté."

Danté- I'm guessing laughed. "No such thing."

"I swear to God! You hurt my little girl, I'll kill you."

"No need to be cruel, Sam."

"Daddy! Daddy!" I turned around and there was a little girl. She looked confused. She looked scared.

Could she see me?

"Follow the sound of my voice, hase."

The little girl passed me and I held my breath. I don't know why, but I was scared.

What was this? Where am I? What was going on?

The young girl stopped and turned around. She had long dark hair with green eyes.
The little girl looked at me wide eyed and hugged the little bear in her arms. "You can see me?"

"Yeah." She cocked. She was foreign, I think. Her accent was much like the men I heard.

Walking towards her, I gave her a warming smile. "Can you tell me where we are? What's going on?"

I hoped she understood me. I really hoped. "Mean man brought me here. Locked me here. I have make it back or bad happen."

What? "Who your father?" She shook her head. If it's not her father then who was it? The other man Danté?

Who would do this to a child?

"What's your name?"


I smiled. "Can I call you Rose?"

She nodded and gave me a shy smile. "Well, Rose. My name is Ryan. I'll help you find your daddy okay?"

My eyes shot open and I scanned my surroundings. I was in bed. Signing I rubbed my eyes and walked to my bathroom.

Weird dream.

"Rosemary." I mumbled as I flicked on the lights. Bending down I splashed cold water on my face and stood there for a while.

What was up with that dream? The little girl reminded me so much of someone, I just couldn't put my finger on it yet. And those voices...

I should stop watching Law and Order before bed. It's messing with my mind.

Grabbing a towel I clean my face and stand straight. When I look in the mirror behind me is a figure and I scream.

"What the-" my mouth is covered and my eyes are closed. I kick and scream but it's no use.

No! This us not happening right now! I am not getting kidnapped!

The man drags me out of my bathroom and stop next to my bed. "Ssh,"he says. "It's me."

I instantly relax once I realized the voice. He let me lose and I punch his chest glaring at him. "Jasper! If you ever do that again, I swear to-"

"Ssh, Blue." He held his finger up to my lips. "Ricky is a door down and your mother is too."

Clenching my chest, I decided to sit down before I faint. "Why couldn't you have knocked on the front door like a normal person? Instead you sneak through my window like a killer!" I whisper-yell at him.

"I came through the backdoor." He corrected me.

"We have an alarm system, and the doors were locked." I frowned.

Jasper smirks and sits down on my chair next to my bed.

Gasping a throw a pillow at him. He breeched my security system and picked the lock. "What are you some double agent!? Who does that?"

"I have no idea what your implying love."

"You know exactly what I'm implying to jerk!" I roll my eyes and sit back. "Why are you here?"

"I came to check on you."

"You did that before."

He shrugged. "How's your eye?" Jasper asked. "And other things.." his eyes wondered to my body.

I looked away from him and messed around with my bracelet. "My eye has healed. My neck hurts a little, not as bad and my ribs are still sore."

"Blue, I'm-"

"Can I ask why?"

"You really don't remember that night do you?" Jasper asked.

I shook my head. "No."

Jasper walked over to me and sat down. "It was an accident," he says. "I mean I didn't mean to. I was caught up in the moment, and you were there."

Really? "I think your lying. Your not telling me something."

Jasper nodded and walked over to my dresser. He picked up a picture frame and examined it. I watched as his expression changed as he scanned my photos.


"Who's this?" He pointed. Walking over, I looked at the picture he had in his hand.

"Him? Um, I actually don't know. That's my dad though- I think, I guess they were friends. I don't remember taking this picture actually." Its actually a funny story of how I got that picture- well creepy story.

"You looked Terrified." Jasper sat it back and picked up another one. It was me when I was younger, after I had gotten my teeth pulled my mother took this photo. "You have no pictures when you were a little girl. Why?"

"We moved suddenly. Left everything here. My mama didn't really take pictures of me up until I was nine."

Jasper nodded and sat back down on the bed. "Tell me about you, Blue. Who are you really?"

"We're having a normal conversation." I smiled, a little surprised. This is probably the longest we've ever talked without arguing.

"Not for long if you don't answer the fücking question."

"Um. Okay. What do you want to know?"

He shrugged. "Start from your childhood- when you were little."

"I don't remember anything up until age nine. I had a rough time growing up."

"You can't remember or you don't want to remember?"

"I don't want to I guess." I eyed him. "I've built this thick wall that blocks my past. Until recently, I've been trying to remember," I said. "I want to know more about my father. I want to remember the little things about him, but I've closed that part of my mind off its kind of hard to open it again."

"So basically your trying to tear down a concrete wall that you've built?"

Putting it like that makes me seem like a troubled person. "Yes."

Jasper said nothing for a while. He only stared at me. I was starting to get a little uncomfortable so I got up and walked to my window.

"Why where you there?" I heard him ask.


"The fight. Why where you there?"

I shrugged. "Ethan invited us. H-How did you-"

"It doesn't matter. Don't step foot in there again. It's not a place for you, you'll get hurt. Or worse."


"No fücking buts. That's final." Jasper spat standing up. He eyed me as I rolled my eyes at him.

"You're not my father, therefore you don't tell me what to do." I crossed my arms and stood my ground.

He had some nerve thinking he could do such a thing. If I wanted to attend the stupid fight then I would. I'm almost eighteen years old; I'm not about to be treated like a child. Especially from him.

"Blue." His tone was warning as he took a step towards me.

"Ethan already told me everything- about the history and stuff."

"Did he tell you that everyone in that room has a purpose? Down for the people watching. Those men and women you saw are important people. Some would kill just step foot in those flights- some do," he said. "Ethan put you and your mate in danger. Since he told you everything, I'm assuming he told you about the man in charge? How he watches everyone from above?"

I nodded.

"You coming to that fight the first time he probably thought you were some lost puppy, but now, him seeing you twice. He probably already knows who you are. Where you live and what your favorite cookie favor is. Ethan put you at risk, Blue."

"I'm fine." I brushed passed him. "You're over exaggerating."

"Don't fücking believe, I don't give a shît. I tried to help you," Jasper walked over to my window and looked back at me. "When something terrible happens. Please, do me a favor and don't bother me love." I didn't get a chance to respond before he jumped out the window.

Its a two story fall! I hurried to see if he was okay but as I scanned my backyard, I saw no one.

How?! What is he Spiderman?

* * *

The next day I was a little on the edge. Of course I didn't believe Jasper about the man watching me and things, but for some reason It did seem as if someone was watching me. This morning, my paranormal got worse. As I headed towards the city park, I spotted a man. He was sitting on the park bench. Of course you would think this is normal, but who wears a suit and tie on a hot day? His thick dark glasses didn't make things better.

Like the man I saw watching me at the fight- maybe it was the same one. Pulling out my cell, I called Isabelle. "Hello," She answered on the first ring.

"What are you doing?"

"Watching Supernatural, Dean is so fücking sexy, the way-"

I cut her off and spoke, "Yes, yes. I know, but can you come get me?"

"Right now?" She groaned. "I'm at the part when Sam got taken to the ghost town and now Deans-"

"Isabelle! Now." I rushed. Looking around me I spotted the man, he was in a different location but still his focus remained on me.

"Gosh. Sure, where are you?"

"City Park."

"Why the-"

"Bell." I warned.

"Alright, Alright." She said. I heard the TV in the back shut off, and things moving around in the background. "On my way love!" She shouted and hung up.

I looked at the man. I might have been seeing things, but I swear I saw a smile appear on his face. His mouth moved a little and I tried to make out the words. A few moments later I heard a horn blow, turning around I saw Bells' car and quickly ran over.

"You got here fast." I said and shut the door.

She smiled and nodded. "Thank you."

"That wasn't a compliment, Bell."

"Oh well, why were you here?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know really. I wanted fresh air?" It sounded more like a question than a answer. I didn't know why I was at the park honestly.

"You want fresh air, you stroll around in your backyard. Not walk fücking three blocks to the fücking city park. Who the fück does that?"

"You need a swear jar. I would make millions."

"I can stop fü- freaking cussing, Goober."

"Then do so."

"Right now?"

I nodded and she groaned. "Anyway, what have you been up to other than walking to the city park?"

Would it be a good idea to tell her about me seeing Jasper and telling her what he said? Knowing Isabell, she'd make it seem as if it was something more than what it actually was.

I noticed my phone flashing, as I reached over to check who the caller was it was an unknown number. Usually I wouldn't answer, but today I thought I would. "Hello?"

"Ryan?" A unfamiliar voice spoke.

"Who is this?" I frowned. My heart dropped, was it the strange man at the park?

"Its Sebastian and Seth. Surely you haven't forgotten us this fast?"

"Oh, no no. I haven't, I was just a little shocked and confused. How did you get my number?"

"We have our connections." Seth said. "But that is not why I called."

"Why did you called then, Seth?"

"I want- well need you to come by the house. I really need your help."

"You have a brother- three if I am correct. and you also have Cindy. I'm sure whatever it is your in need of help with they can help you."

What reason could he possible want for me to come over there? I never wanted to step foot in that house ever again.

There was a movement in the background, and I heard Sebastian voice ring through the phone. "Please, Ryan. I promise once your hear and you hear us out that you wont regret what we have. And if you do- then your free to leave anytime you want."

I sighed and groaned. "Fine. I'll have to convince Isabell to-"

"Isabell?" I heard Seth say. "Fücking hell."

"Okay," Sebastian said. "Come whenever your ready." The line went dead and Bell rolled over looking at me.

"Convince me to do what?" She asked.

"The twins want me- us to come over."

"Conner and Cole?" She asked. "The only twins that I can tolerate. Sure, lets."

I rolled my eyes. "No, Sebastian and Seth. They have something really important to tell me."

"You were just on the phone with them, and they couldn't tell you then?"

"Look, I sat here watching this stupid show of yours, you can sit not even for ten minutes while I figure out what they want."

"Nope." She grabbed the remote and clicked on another episode. "Nope." She repeated.
