e i g h t

"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"

― John Lennon

"Goober!" I turned around to see Isabell jogging toward me, still in uniform. She was all sweaty and her hair was all over the place. Its kind of weird seeing Bell like this. I mean the girl hates sweat, and let along she hates being hot.

"You look..."

"Disgusting? Yeah I know." She breathes. A quick smirk appears on her face when she sees Ethan standing beside me. "This is my second time seeing you guys together outside of school. Something going on?"

I could feel my face heating up, and shook my head. "No. He was just in the school for-" I stopped. He didn't even tell me why he was after school so late. "For some reason, and decided to watch the game with me."

"Yeah," Ethan said.

Bell took a sip of her water and raised an eyebrow. "Mhm." She said. Turing her attention to Ethan. "You heard my best friend is going to Winter Ball with your friend."

I almost chocked on my saliva. "Isabell!"

Ethan eyes widen and he smiled down at me. "Oh really now? Which friend just to be sure?"

"Jasper." Bell sang.

"Hm, how interesting. How did you land a score with Jasper?"

"I didn't, Bell made some stupid dare. I had to ask him to Winter Ball, he didn't give me an answer."

Ethan frowned. "He didn't give you an answer?"

I nodded, embarrassed.

Ethan shakes his head. "Give it to Jasper to decline a beautiful girl offer to spend hours with him."

He called me beautiful.. My face is probably red as ever.

"I- Its okay, I really didn't want to go to Winter Ball away." I said. "Especially with someone like him."

"Number 2! Back over here!" We all turned to see Isabell's coach waving franticly over at us. Isabell groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, guys. I have to go." She said. "It was nice seeing you again, Ethan. I'll probably stop by your place after I clean up, Ry." She said, and jogged off to her waiting teammates.

Ethan nudged me. "Come on," We began to head back to the school. Once reaching his car he asked me a question, "I have to go to a match right now, I'm assuming you don't want to go.."

I shook my head. Another fighting match? After seeing someone get nearly killed, I think not. "Um, no. Maybe next time. My mother should be coming soon. I'll see you tomorrow."

Ethan nodded, smiling. "Right," He chuckled. "See you tomorrow, buttercup." He said getting into his jeep.

"Please, could you call me Ryan?" I asked.

He smirked. "Eh.." He paused. "Nah, I like buttercup." He winked and pulled off.

Ethan was cute. He was nice, and somewhat different than all the other guys I've came to contact with.

I thought it would be pretty hard finding friends once I came back. I thought everyone would make fun of me, and mock me of all the rumors. So far there has only been one person who doesn't like me very well.. Counting Cindy, two.

"Aw, all alone?" Someone said. "What is it midnight already? Cinderella already turned back into the old maid? What a shame." I groaned once I realized I only knew one person with that annoying British accent.

Turing around I saw Jasper sitting on a black shinny motorcycle. His colorful tattoos were on full display, as he reached up and pushed his hair back.

Of course he had a motorcycle. Typical.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Something your not,"

I rolled my eyes and began to walk in the other direction. It didn't take long before Jasper was to my side riding next to me. "You know there is a thunder storm headed right?" He asked amused.

I looked up at the clouds and silently groaned. Crap. Where is my mother?

"I don't care. Let it rain."

Jasper stopped his bike and pulled on my sleeve, bringing me back. "As much as I hate you, Blue. Im not about to sit here and let you get sick." he said. "Get on."

I looked at him wide eyes. "Get on that? With you?"

"Way to state the obvious."

I rolled my eyes. "I meant that I wasn't getting on that with you."

Jasper tightens his grip on the handlebars and eyed me. "Get on the fücking bike before I tie a rope to your arms and drag you down the fücking road. I don't care if you scream, try me."

I took a step back at his harsh words and debated on if I should get on. I don't really want to stand here in the rain and thunder and get sick. And I don't really want to get on a death trap with some tattooed self-centered arrogant brat.

I heard a loud groan, and felt a tight grip on my arm. "Get on the fücking bike." He growled. I hesitated but soon climbed over on the back on the bike. I tried so much to move away from Jasper, but he grabbed my legs and pulled me to him.

"I'm not going to fücking kill you," He said. "I wouldn't want to stain my favorite shirt, now would I?" He said with a slight bit amused tone in his voice.

"Ha, ha. Your so funny." I said sarcastically.

"Are you ready?"


Jasper took the helmet out of his hands and pulled it on my head. "Where is yours?"

"There's only one." He stated. Reaching back and grabbing my arms, wrapping them around his tight torso. I was about to pull back, when he tighten his grip. "Its for your protection. You wouldn't want to fall off." He simply said. I tried my hardest to fight back the heat that was crawling up my neck.

Its strange sitting this close to someone. Let along to a guy.

"Don't go fast."

Jasper started his bike and mumbled. "I don't take orders from you." With that, he took off rather harsh.

I'm so going to kill him when I get off this stupid bike!

I closed my eyes tight, hoping soon this ride would be over.


Before I knew it, the bike came to the halt making me jerk up. I opened my eyes and quickly jumped off. Throwing the helmet on the ground. Once my feet hit the ground, they wobbled and I tumbled over.

Jasper laughed and climbed off his bike. Fixing his hair he looked down at me. "Get off my fücking grass." He snapped walking past me.

Your grass?

I frowned and stood up. I managed to maintain my balance. My mouth flew open once I saw the house in front of me. Well, I don't think house is the word for it.

Jasper stood in front of a steel gate with the letter W imprinted in the middle. I watched as he pressed a button and waited.

"Hello, welcome to the-"

"Open the gate," He said cutting the man off.

"M-my apologize, Sir." The man said. I heard a loud buzz and watched as the large gates opened and Jasper walked in.


He stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Are you fücking coming? Once those gates close I'm not opening them again. You could find your own way back." He said turning back on his heel. I quickly scrambled up to him right before the gate door close.

"I-I thought you were taking me home?"

Jasper pushed open the front doors and a lady dressed in black and white appeared. "Sir, welcome home. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Jasper glared at her and rolled his eyes.

Great to see that I'm not the only one he treats like that.

I followed him all the way to the kitchen. His house was.. Beautiful. More than beautiful. I never knew there were any homes like this in Berlin Hills. I guess being away so long makes me miss out on things.


He looked at me and rolled his eyes walking over to his refrigerator, pulling out a box of pizza. He opened it and began eating.

Ew, I hate cold pizza.

"Jasper." I repeated.

He glared at me and cocked his head. "What?"

"Why am I here? I thought you were taking me home?"

"I am, but not right now." He said. "If you're so ready to go so bad, walk."

I was about to open my mouth and protest, when I was stopped by a loud bang. Jasper cursed under his breath and rolled his eyes.

"Jas!" Someone called. "Get your arse over here!" Their accent wasn't thick like Jasper's but almost. I squirmed in my seat once they appeared in front of me.

Gosh. Did he suddenly get hot in here?

He looked similar to Jasper. Dirty blonde hair, cold eyes. His brother I'm guessing?

It's the Salvatore Brothers all over again..

"Did you go into my fücking room? Stay out of there." The stranger growled.

Jasper smirked and gave him an innocent look. "What could you possibly be talking about brother?"

"Stay the fück away from my stash. I brought you some the other day. Where's that?"


"I have it." Jasper said. "I didn't touch your shît. Thayer was in there the other day."

"That cost five-hundred. Tell your fücking buddy he owes me or I..." The guy stopped and turned to me. He looked a little taken back.

Took you long enough to notice I was here.

"Did you fücking kidnap a girl? What did Mum tell you about that?"

I gasped and looked over at Jasper. He's kidnaped a freaking girl before?!

"He's lying." Jasper said.

"I am not." The guy said. He offered his hand. "Adien. I'm sorry if my brother bought you here against your own will. He has trouble hearing the word 'no'."

I shook his hand and gave him smile. "Ryan." I managed to say.

"You look...familiar." Adien said with a frown. He turned his gaze to Jasper and he simply looked away.

"I do?"

"Yes." He said letting go of my hand. Adien looked back at me. "I'm probably just seeing things..right brother?"

Jasper jumped down from his stool and nodded. "Yes."

I'm getting the feeling that there is something I'm not knowing.

"Please," Adien said. "Tell me why such a beautiful girl like you, is doing with someone like my brother?"

"I-Im supposed-"

"She's helping me with a school project." Jasper said interrupting me.

I turned to him and frowned. "I am?"

"She is?" Adien asked at the same time I did. "Since when did you do homework?"

"Since today." Jasper shot back.

Adien stared at Jasper for a while. He frowned and took a step closer to him.

Jasper held up his hand and pushed his brother away. "What the fück do you think your doing? Get away from me. I don't ride down that lane."

I snorted trying to hold back my laughter. Was he serious?

"Why the fück do you have your nose pierced?" Adien asked. His tone was deep and demanding. "When the fück did you get your nose pierced?"

He has his nose pierced? I turned to his direction and looked. Surely enough he did. He had a sliver loop on the right side of his face. I guess I wasn't paying attention before, but it actually looks good. It suits him-

Ew, what am I saying?

"I got it last month. You took me to get it." Jasper said amused.

"I did?" His brother asked with a frown. "I must have been pretty fücked up then."

Jasper laughed and grabbed a soda off the counter. "Ah, you were brother." He said patting his chest. "You were."

Adien swatted his hand away and glared at him.

"Come on, Blue!" Jasper called out as he was leaving the kitchen.

"Blue?" Adien asked. "I thought your name was Ryan?"

I groaned. "It is."

Hi guys, hope you liked Adien so far. His character is played by Mikel Jensen, but of course you can picture him as whoever you like.
