f o u r

"Its hard to fight when the fight ain't fair," - Taylor Swift. 

Since my mother would be a little late picking me up after school, I guess it was kind of a good idea that Isabell told Ethan I could come with him. Sitting outside waiting wouldn't have been such a great idea- especially in the rain.

Ethan pulled up to an old building and smiled. "We're here."

I frowned and looked at him. "Okay, look. If you want to kill me, just tell me. Don't waste your time-"

"I'm not going to kill you, buttercup. I promise."

What's with all these unnecessary nicknames?

"Then what's with the murder house?"

He laughed slightly amused and shook his head. "How do you feel about boxing?"

What? "Um, I've never really thought about it. Why?"

"Well, if you did. What would you say?"

I thought for a moment then answered, "Ugh, its stupid I guess." I shrugged. "Fighting people just for money."

Ethan scratched his head and eyed me.

"D-Don't tell me you brought me to a boxing match?" I asked. "Do you know anything about girls?"

"Hey, you asked to come." 


The old building may have looked disgusting on the outside, but on the inside it was somewhat clean. There were tables and booths lined up against the wall. Right in the center was a boxing ring.

"This is your after school program?"

Ethan took a sip of his drink and smiled. "Yes, but Im not fighting tonight."

"Then who is?"

Ethan looked over my shoulder and smirked. "Him." I turned to where he pointed and nearly dropped my drink. Walking out of a room was Jasper. All his colorful tattoos are on full display.

"H-He's fighting?" I asked over the screaming and chanting.


"Are you guys ready to see a fight go down?" Some guy asked in the ring. The crowd went wild. "Great."

Then all of a sudden the crowd began to chant down from five. Once they got to one a bell was rung and I watched as Jasper and a rather large man began to go at it.

All I can say is that this..this is not boxing.

I know nothing about boxing, but aren't you supposed to stop when you see blood? In my surprise Jasper was extremely good. Every punch the large man threw, Jasper dodged and swung at him.

Once fatal punch sent the man tumbling back with blood gushing out of the side of his mouth.

Remind me never to get on his bad side.

"Is he going to stop?" I asked Ethan as Jasper climbed on top of the man and continued to punch at him.

Ethan munched on a bag on potato chips and shook his head. "No, not until the other guy taps out, or ends up dead."


*                                            *

"Okay! Okay!" The large man tumbled back and scooted as far away from Jasper as he could.

Jasper smirked amused and took a step back. I watched as a couple men ran into the ring and checked out the bleeding man. As for the crowd, they cheered Jaspers name like nothing ever happened.

"W-What in the world? H-How could.."

Ethan put his hand on my shoulder and eyed me. "Its okay."

"Okay? Jasper could have killed him! You think that's okay?"

Maybe these kids were sicker than I thought.

Ethan laughed and shook his head.

"You're laughing at me? Wow."

"I-I'm sorry," He said holding back his laughter. "Its underground fighting, buttercup."


"No rules. No exceptions. No mercy." He explained.

Underground fighting..

I turned around ready to storm out, but soon stopped when I saw a man dressed nicely leaving the room Jasper had entered.

"I'll be back," I mumbled to Ethan.

I didn't wait for Jasper to open the door instead I just walked in.

Even though it was dark, I saw Jasper sitting in the corner with his head down. I reached over and switched on the light to be a better view.

"Turn off the fücking light," He growled. His head was down and he had a towel over his back. "I said, turn off the-" He lifted his head and frowned.

"Great." He mumbled. "Why are you here?"

"Are you okay?"

"How the fück did you get here?" He asked ignoring my question.


Jasper rolled his eyed and groaned. "Fücking idiot!" I was a little take back by his little outburst. "He knows he can't tell anyone about this place,"

"I wont tell."

Jasper stood up and walked over to me. Our chest inches apart. "I know," He said. "I'd have to kill you if you did, and you and I both know I have no problem with that."

Considering I nearly saw him kill a guy..

I raised my hand and pushed him back. "I'm not scared of you." I lied.

He smirked and eyed me. "Sure about that, Blue?"


He raised an eyebrow and nodded with a smirk. "Okay."


Where are you? Isabell texted me.

I looked over at my left and saw Ethan nodding his head to the music. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

Almost there. I responded.

Hurry the fück up, I'm waiting at your house. I parked outside, didn't want to go in without you.

A few minutes later Ethan pulled up at my house. I'm guessing that was Isabell's Range Rover in my driveway.

Gesh, I wish I had a car like that. I wish I had a car period.

"Company?" Ethan asked.

"Kind of. Its been a while back in the Hills, I want to catch up on things."

He smiled and tapped his fingers on the dashboard. "Look, I'm sorry about bringing you to the fight. I saw how-"

"No. That's okay, I was just a little shocked.."

He nodded. "I wont bring you back there again, I promise."

"Unless I want to?"

He looked at me shocked. "Y-you would want to come back?"

I shrugged and smiled. "I had fun with you," I said. "Despite the location."

Ethan gave me a shy smile. "Until next time, buttercup."

It amazed me how different Ethan was from his friends. Jasper and Thayer were so.. Cold. Ethan was nice to me right off the back.

"Have a nice night beautiful." I blushed and hurried out of his car before I turned into a tomato.

Ethan watched closely as I walked over to Bell's car. Once he saw I made it safely, he drove off.
