t e n

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."

― Mahatma Gandhi

"Hey, Goober?" Bell tapped me on my shoulder. I was in the library studying for the make-up work that I missed for the past week. I looked up and smiled at her.

"Hey you."

She took a seat next to me and took the notebook out of my hands. I was about to protest when she cut me off. "No," She said. "Why are you studying? Winter Ball is tomorrow! We need to find you a dress."

I groaned and snatched the book away from Bell. "I don't care."

"You are going with Jasper and that's final."

"Bell, even if I wanted to go, which I don't. He said no, it doesn't matter anymore."

"He didn't even answer you, that's not considered as a no."

In my book it is.

"Well, its not like I'm going to force the guy to go- Is Thayer even going with you?"

Bell smirked and shook her head. "No, someone else asked me. Cute guy really. I told Thayer and he threaten and said if he saw me even a foot away from another guy that he would throw me over his shoulder and take me home."

I laughed and shook my head. "Possessive much?"

She nodded and sat back. "Yeah, that's him."

"And your going to go? With the other guy?"

"One the guys from the soccer team. He's gay, I asked him to play along. I just told Thayer that to make him jealous."

I opened my mouth, but soon closed it. Thayer's and Bell 'relationship' if that's what you even want to call it, is very strange.

Bell patted my shoulder. "You'll understand once you get a boyfriend."

I wanted to tell her that I already had one once before, but I thought it wasn't the best time to mention him at this moment.. or any moment if possible.


Bell phone vibrated, she pulled it out to check it and placed it back in her pocket. "Ugh," She groaned.


"Nothing, just that the soccer players have to take some kind of stupid thing and I have to attend. Its really stupid." She said standing up. "I'll see you around, babe. Okay?"

I nodded understanding. Soccer sure did take up most of her time now. "Okay."

"Oh, and I'll talk to Mr. Weirdo for you." She smirked and walked off.


I was sitting in the corner of the lunchroom to myself listening to music. It didn't last long until they were ripped from my eyes. "Hey! What the-" I stopped when I saw Thayer smirking down at me. I groaned and snatched my headphones away from him.

"You weren't listening to anything important were you?" He asked although we both knew he didn't care.

I placed them in my ears and nodded. "Actually I was,"

Thayer snatched the ear buds out and took my phone out of my hands. He pressed the home screen and snorted. "You listen to classical music? Gosh, you are lame."

What's wrong with Classical music?

"Don't tell me you play too?"

"Why does it matter?" I spat.

Thayer shrugged and eyed me. "More things to make fun of you about I guess." He said.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked annoyed with this conversation.

Shouldn't he be bullying kids or something? Not bothering me in my free time.

"Actually you can." He said with a devilish smirk on his face. "But first I ask you one thing,"

I looked at him waiting for him to continue. "Stay the fück away me and my boys." He added.


"W-What do you..what do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. This little bullishît that your doing, needs to end. I can't have you fücking our game up."

"What?" I asked. "I'm not messing with them. I don't even know what you're talking about."

"Yes the fück you do." He said. "Believe it or not I have people watching, they tell me."

What are you? Some spy?

"Ethan's my friend, and-" I was cut off my Thayer laughter. He shook his head and eyed me.

"Friend? Ethan?" He snorted.

"Yeah and? What's so funny?"

"Love, Ethan doesn't have friends." He said. "You either mean something to him- and not the good way I presume. Or either he's just fücking with you. Sorry to burst your bubble."

I swallowed the huge lump in my throat. Ethan was just messing with me? I-I'm sure what Thayer is saying isn't true right? Why would Ethan do something like that?

"You're lying."

Thayer raised an eyebrow. "Am I?" I watched as he stood up and licked his lips. "Stay the fück away from my boys."


Can we talk? I rolled my eyes as I read the message from Ethan. Since lunch what Thayer said has been in the back of my mind for the longest. Maybe he was right. Ethan was probably just like everyone else. He wanted to know the truth and he'd do anything to get it.

I stuffed my phone in my pocket not even bothering to reply. I needed to focus on my schoolwork. Nothing else should matter. This wasn't the year where I needed a distraction. No boys, no drama. No nothing.

The only thing my mind should be on is getting into a university. School is nearly over and I haven't even applied to a school yet. There are many choices I could chose from..

Maybe I should apply for Juilliard. I doubt that I will even get an audition. I'm good, but not that good. There will be a hundred of pianist audition and I'm sure they won't even give me the time of day.

"There she is." I heard someone say. Turing around I was face-to-face with the one and only Cindy.

Oh great. What does she want?

"Not now, I have places to be." I said turning back around. It wasn't until I felt her cold grip on my arm pulling me around.

"Oh no." She said smiling. "I think you would love to hear this."

Hear what?

I watched as one of her minions grabbed a lingering desk and stood on top of it. She cleared her throat making everyone stop and turn to her. She then smiled and waved. "Hello everyone. I'm sure you guys know our new student, Ryan." She said.

No. Please, no.

"..Well, lets be clear on one thing. Ryan isn't all who she says she is. You guys may not know her, but I know people who do." She said. "The truth about Ryan is that she's not who she says she is. Most of you guys don't know, but Ryan killed her father. Cold blood. I don't understand why some of you guys want to be friends with a crazed killer."

Okay, I need to handle this before it gets out of hand.

I walked over to the girl and pulled her by her hair throwing her against the lockers. "Okay, first listen up." I said. "One, I did not kill my father you brat. You don't know anything so I suggest you keep your mouth shut. Second, I swear if you so open another word I will-"

"What? Stab me? Like you did Ali?" My heart dropped at her words.

H-How did you she know about her? How did anyone know about her?

She smirked and pushed me away. "Yeah, I didn't think so." She said. "Next time you deiced to come unwelcome, you'll think twice. You destroyed people lives. You destroyed a family. Shouldn't that haunt you?"

A tear fell down my cheek and I shook my head. "You know nothing."

She smirked and pushed me once again. "Oh, sweetie. I know much more than you think." She laughed. I turned in fear as I saw everyone joining in on her laugh. It wasn't a big crowd but I knew it was just enough to ruin my high school experience. "And you should stay away from Jasper. He doesn't like people like you,"

For the second time today I thought, what have I gotten myself into?


I was sitting in the bleacher out side next to the track field. No one was out here so that meant that I had the whole place to myself..

I didn't want anyone to see me so I thought what better thing than to skip class and come out here and bawl my eyes out? I don't really know what i let that whore, Cindy get to me.

She didn't know a thing about me; she didn't know a thing about my past. I thought coming back to Berlin Hills everyone would forget what happened that night. But I guess not. They just didn't know the truth.

"Don't let other people pull you down, sweetheart. All they want to see is you fail. Keep your head held high and ignore them. If that doesn't work then fücking show them how your first fells against their face." I smiled at my father words. He always knew what to say and when to say it. I missed him so much. I just wish that night would've have been different.

Pulling out my IPod I turned on the only thing that actually calmed me down.

"Shut that shît off." Someone said. I opened my eyes and looked up at the figure hovering over me, blocking the sunlight.

I mentality groaned and rolled my eyes. "You can't seem to leave me alone can you?"

Jasper gave me a disgusted look and frowned. "Don't flatter yourself, Blue."

"Why are you here?" I asked. I knew there was some sort of reason to why he was out here. Shouldn't he be in class or something? Maybe he's just here to ask about what happened in the halls.

"I could say the same for you." He said. "You weren't in class."

"What? So you went out on a mission and found me?"

He nodded. "Yes."

I frowned. "I was actually joking, but um, okay."

Why did he care so much that I wasn't in class?

"What happened back there with Cindy," He paused. "Wont happen again."

"Yeah, you seem so sure of yourself. You can't control that girl. No matter what you say, no matter how many death glares you give her, I'm pretty sure she isn't going to listen to you."

"Yes she will." He said so sure of himself.

"How? How do you seem so sure of yourself?" I asked. "What you going to do? Deny her offer of sleeping with you if she doesn't?"

Jasper gagged and gave me a crazy look. "Okay, first. Ew. I would never in a million years sleep with that bîtch." He held up his hands. "And second, Ew. I wouldn't sleep with that bîtch."

"Oh come on. Her tight clothes don't make some part of you-"

"Shut the fück up, Blue." He said. "That's disgusting."

I laughed and nodded. "Yeah? And why's that?"

"Because Cindy is my fücking sister."

Your what now? D-Did I just hear him right? Cindy is his sister? Yeah right.

"Yeah, sure." I nodded in disbelief.

"Don't fücking believe me, I don't care."

"I thought you only had a brother?"

Jasper leaned back on the bleachers and lit a cigarette. I watched as he blew out smoke and turned to me. "I never said that."

"W-well I just assumed. You didn't mention it-"

"If I hadn't made this clear before, Blue. I don't necessarily like you. What makes you think sharing my personal life make it any different?"

You keep saying that, but you're always around me.

"Yet you're having a conversation with me." I nodded.

Jasper jumped to his feet and pulled down his shirt. "That reminds me, why the fück am I even here?" He asked shaking his head, walking down the bleachers.

"Hey! Just so you know smoking causes cancer!" I called out.

Jasper held up his middle finger and jumped off the next five rows landing perfectly on his feet.

I shook my head and smiled to myself. "We're going to become the greatest of friends. You'll see."
