t w e n t y f o u r


I turned around, looking for the shots that I heard. Where was I? Am I dreaming? Before I could react, the door burst open. In came a young woman with black hair. She hurried over to the bed, pulling the covers off she began shaking the little girl- whom I hadn't noticed was there. "Come on, . Wake up." Her accent was thick.

Rose? I frowned and walked closer to make sure I was seeing things correctly. Sure enough, it was her- the little girl from my dreams. Was this her mother?


The young women smiled down at her little girl. Quickly she grabbed her slippers and threw on her robe. Shots were sounded again making the little girl tremble. "It's going to be okay, Rosemary. Everything is going to be fine."

"Where is Papa?" Rose asked.

"Papa? He's-"

"He's right here, hase." A tall frame came in and the little girl smiled. She reached up and hugged her father. "Come on now. We must go."

"Where are we going?" She climbed out of her bed and held onto her fathers' hand. My thoughts swirled back to my previous dream when the little girl was alone trying to reach her father.

"Remember when I said that Papa's job might get us into some trouble?" He asked the little girl and she nodded. "Well, there are bad bad people coming after us at the moment."

"But why?"

"Because I have something that they want." He told her.

"Zeus. Stop, don't tell her anymore." The lady replied holding onto her husband.

Zeus- I presume looked down at his wife. "She's five," he said.

"Wir brauchen, um zu verlassen."

He nodded. Reaching down he picked up his little girl and placed her on his hips. "No matter what happens. I will forever love you okay?"

The little girl nodded. "I know."

"Und alles, was ich habe alles, was ich erledigen getan, well ich versuche, dir und deiner mutter zu schützen." He turned to his wife and kissed her forehead. "Erinnere mich alles, was ich dir gesagt habe, baby."

The family hurried down the stairs, and I followed. I nearly screamed when I saw bodies heavily bleeding on the floors. "Not so fast, Zeus." I heard the clicking sound of shoes slowly inch closer. I didn't bother to look to see who it was. I couldn't.

"You send men here to do your dirty work, but they failed." Zeus careful let go of his wife's hand and placed his little girl on the ground.

I stared at the back of the mans head thinking of ways I this could play out.

"Yes, well. I can see that." He said. "When you need something done, I guess you should do it yourself."

Zeus turned around to face the man. I scanned his face for some type of emotion. Nothing. His eyes fell to the gun then back up at the man. "I could kill you. Right now."

Zeus laughed.

Why is this man laughing? For crying out loud, he has a gun pointed at his head!

"Kill me?" He asked. "You?"

The man nodded. "I'm holding a fücking gun. Yes me."

Zeus took several steps forward. Once he was inches away from the gun, he cocked his head and waited. "Pull the trigger."

I watched as the man holding the gun slipped his fingers around the trigger. He hesitated, but then-

I woke up bolting upward, I sighed and realized it was just a dream- a really realistic dream. I opened my eyes, almost having a heart attack when I noticed a dark figure standing near me. "You n-nearly scared me." I breathe, realizing it was only Jasper.

"You were screaming." He stated frowning.

I nodded. "Y-yeah. I'm fine. Sorry I waked you." I looked over at the clock, which read 3:96am.

Jasper ran his fingers through his hair. "I wasn't sleeping."

"Its late. Why not?"

"Not tired." He responded and walked over to my window chair. He picked up what looked like a stack of papers and began flipping through them.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Jasper held his gaze at the papers and spoke. "Connecting dots." He said slowly

"Is that all you're going to tell me?"


"Can I help you? Maybe whatever you're doing would go-"

"I'm fine."

"Jasper look-"

"Go back to sleep."

And have another confusing, terrifying dream? No thanks. "I should be saying that to you." I waited for his snarky reply, but nothing came. "Aren't you going to ask me about my dream?"


"Could you stop talking in monotone?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"No." It looked as if he was highlighting things. I wanted to know what was so important that he couldn't talk to me properly.



"Could I tell you about my dream? Maybe it'd help me fall asleep."

He stopped writing, and looked forward. Not at me, but at the walls.

"Please." I muttered. I inched out of my bed, and walked over to where he was. Jasper gathered all of his work files and sat them behind him. I sat on the window chair Indian style. He finally looked up at me.

"Hi." I smiled at him. Jasper didn't smile. He simply looked, and waited. "Okay, well, I had a very disturbing dream. It wasn't my first one actually- the second."

"I met this little girl named Rosemary, I call her Rose. She's only five, I first saw her in this tunnel like alley. She was scared, terrified. I heard voices, two to be exact. I didn't get their full conversation, one was her father and one was another man. Rose's father was watching his little girl- I guess through some type of camera but he wanted to get her out- I think it was some type of test. The other man refused. He wanted to sit and wait it out.

"When I noticed the little girl I kept my distance, it was a dream, so I thought that maybe she couldn't see me. But she could. I tried to help her out of the tunnel thing, but before I did, I woke up."

"The dream I had just now, was different. It was the same little girl, only the setting was at her home. It's all confusing," I closed my eyes, and tried to remember. "There was so much blood. About ten, maybe more bodies. I didn't understand a thing that was going on. Zeus- the little girls father. That was his name; he killed each and every one of those men." I told Jasper everything else that happened.

I chuckled to lighten the mood. "I know, I probably sound crazy." I shrugged after I finished. "I mean for a moment there I kind of thought that the little girl was me."

Jasper eyes flickered, and he finally spoke, "What do you mean?"

"I don't know, it was just some silly thought." I smiled at him. "Besides, I'm not from Germany, it was just a silly thought."

"Where are you from?"

"Here" I say shrugging.

"You don't sound so sure."

"How can I? I know nothing about my life. I barely know who I am."

Jasper chuckled and shook his head. "You're a little ball of sunshine. You thrive to get to know each and everyone, but yet- here you are. Completely oblivious to who you are yourself."

"That's not true.." I muttered.

"Oh yeah?" He asked. "Well then tell me, Blue. What's your story?"

"Well, My name is Ryan Bradley. I'm seventeen years old. People think-"

"No." Jasper said. "I want to know your real story. Not the bullshït that caught the media's attention." He said. "I want to know the girl sitting in front of me. Not the one that people think she is."

I signed and turned away from him. How could I answer that question when I didn't know the answer myself? Jasper was right. I had no idea who I was.

"That's what I thought, love." He said after I hadn't answered.

"Well tell me who you are," I faced him.

His brows furrowed as he looked at me as if I had said something foreign. "Who I am?"

I nodded. "Yes. I already know the complete obvious of who the great Jasper White is- but I want to know who he is really."

"I'm someone you shouldn't get involved with, Blue. That's who I am." Jasper stood up and extended out his hand. "Come, its late, and you need to rest."

As I took his hand, I tried to ignore the thousands of lighting bolts that were shooting around in my stomach. I let go of his hand and climbed into bed. Jasper kneeled down on my bed and looked up at me. "I'm someone you shouldn't get involved with, Blue." He repeated.

"You can't back out of this ship now." I told him.

"I am darkness. Pure evil."

It hurt me to even think of how Jasper looked at himself. Everything that he thought of himself was wrong. I know there is some good in him- and if it takes everything in me to prove to him that its true, then I will. "A dark side doesn't mean a bad soul Jasper, and if it is, who is good then?"

"You. You're the good," he reached up and ran his finger over the sides of my face. "Go to sleep."

"Lay with me." I said before I noticed what I was saying.

His eyes scanned my face. Rising off the floor, he climbed onto the bed lying down. Keeping his distance.

"Evil cannot and will not be vanquished by evil. Dark will only swallow dark and deepen. The good and the light are the keenest weapons." Jasper mumbled.

I smiled to myself at the reference he used. "Why do you down yourself?" I ask and look up at him to find him already watching me.

"I always envied people that knew love. That has someone who takes them as they are. When I was little, I would always sit back and watch those people who were surrounded by love. I would sneak out and go to the park, watch the children play with their parents," he paused. "'I grew up tough. fast. I was taught to keep to myself. To never let anyone get to me. To never show weakness, no mercy. I was branded- molded to do one thing, and one thing only."

"The world that I live in is much darker and colder than the one you live in, love. So when I say I am darkness. I am truly darkness. I thrive for darkness. This cold shell you see, it's because of who I am. I don't pity the way I am. I enjoy being the way I am because when I look at people in the world today, I realize that these people are way more fücked up than I am."

"You enjoy being cold?"


"You say the way you were branded to do one thing? What did you mean?"

"That's another story for another day, Blue. Come, on its late. Sleep."

"I wont sleep until you tell me."

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Well enjoy staying up."

"Jasper, please. I'll do anything. Please, just tell me."

"I cant."

"Why not?"

"Because you'll never look at me the same way again."

"Its that bad?" I asked him.

Jasper reached under the blanket and pulled my leg making my head fall down on the pillow. "Yes, its that bad."

I wanted to ask him more, but when I looked over to find Jasper's eyes shut and his breath ragged, I knew he was trying to sleep.

Tomorrow is another day, and I wont let this rest without Jasper telling me more.
