s e v e n t e e n

"What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn't happen much, though."

― J.D. Salinger 

He stared down at me. No facial expression. No emotions. What was he doing? Why was he here? Why in the world am I in a freaking closet?

Jasper has some nerves. Showing up like this, at school! He's been gone out of my life for two weeks without no explanation and thinks it's okay to drag me here? Or even speak to me? This is not okay!

"Blue." He says after a while.

"Don't you Blue me," I poked his chest. He looked down at my finger then up at me.

Swatting my finger he frowned. "Don't touch me."

"You have some balls showing up here! What are you doing? Why are you here? Why did you pull me in here? Where have you been?!" I shouted.

"Two weeks! Why didn't you return my calls? Why are you such a jerk?! Gosh, you don't understand the pain you've given me these weeks. I hate you Jasper. What you did was weak, and your a coward for not even apologizing." I paused. I-I did nothing to you.."

I haven't realized I was crying until Jasper reached up and cleaned a tear off my cheek. His thumb lingered there but I pushed him away. "No."

"Look, Blue. I came here to see if you were okay. Nothing else."

Gaping at him I threw my hands up. "A phone call back would've worked just fine!"

Jasper took a step forward and I backed up hitting the shelves. "Your too loud. Unless you want to be suspended for being locked in a closet with a guy, lower your tone."

"Where have you been?"


"You're lying. Adien said you weren't there."

Jasper looked at me and licked his lip ring. "I was home, Blue," he nodded. "Home."

Staring at him for a while, I was confused until I finally understood. "You were in England for two weeks?"

Why would he go there? Ethan said they left there for a reason. What's the point in going back?

"So you decided to go on a little ride back home the night you punched me in the face?" I laughed and rolled my eyes. "You are a pitiful excuse for a human being."


"No. From day one I wanted to be your friend. I was nothing but nice. The girl who killed her father outted herself to a tatted guy with the marvelous accent. He was really broken but she didn't care because so was she. She hoped that they could help each other become better. She hoped that they could prove everyone wrong. Everyone who has said anything remotely untrue about them."

"As much as the tattoo jerk rejected her she didn't stop and after some time she thought he was getting used to her. Until one night, changed everything. He hurt her. Physical and emotionally."

This is a waste. I shook my head and brushed past him making my way to the door.

"No." His grip was tight around her arm. "Like I said, I came for a reason."

I nodded and sniffed. "To see if I'm okay. I am."

"Are you?"

"Yes." I lied.

Jasper nodded and let go of my arm. "Good."

I stared at him hoping he would say sorry or something else, but he said nothing. Figures. Leave it to Jasper to be that hateful.

"Bye, Jasper."

"Blue." He shook his head. "Don't take it personal. You did nothing wrong."

I said nothing. Instead I opened the door and headed to class. Forget Jasper. Forgot me ever wanting to befriend him.


I couldn't focus the rest of the day. Nothing seemed right. Nothing seemed real. Had I really just spoken to Jasper?

I ranted on to him and there was no sorry. Maybe those rumors are true about him. I should've listened to Isabell.. I just wanted to be his friend. At the time I didn't care what people labeled him, that wasn't important.

Jasper White was just a misunderstood boy who was labeled wrong.

I hated labels. They were wrong.

The girl who killed her father. Cold blood.

That wasn't true, yet I let everyone think it was. I didn't care. Society could call me what they want, but I knew the truth and that's all that really mattered.


Snapping out of my gaze, I turned to Isabelle and gaped at her. "Hm?" I twisted my bracelet back and forth.

"Were you even listening?"

I nodded and pushed my lunch tray away. No. "Yes. Of course."

Rolling her eyes she eyed me. "What's wrong?"


"Whenever something is the matter you mess with that charm. What's wrong?"

Isabelle knows me too well and its annoying.

"I saw him today."



She dropped her fork and gasped. "Fücking what? Why didn't you tell me? What the- wait. What do you mean you saw him? Jasper hasn't been at school."

"He kind of found me. I was headed to class and he pulled me into a closet."

Her eyebrow raised and she gave me a look. "And did what exactly?"

"Oh my gosh! Nothing," I shook my head. "We talked. Well I did the talking mostly." While I told Isabelle what happened she just remained frozen. After I finished she blinked at and frowned.

"It wasn't your fault, Goober. What Th- Jasper did was unacceptable. No matter if he was heated in the moment. It wasn't your fault."

Yeah, everyone keeps saying that. But I don't see it that way. I should've stayed away from Jasper.

"I like him."

I looked at her and frowned. "Who?"


"Oh. I didn't-"

"Not like that. But I like him."

She says this now? After I got hurt? We're was all this when I wanted to become his friend? Why the sudden change in heart?

I laughed and nodded. "Sure."

"No I'm serious. I was so quick to judge him when I first met. I thought that his tattoos and nose pierced made him that typical bad boy," she said. "When I first met him it was in eighth grade I think. He was the new kid with the strange accent. He had tattoos back then too. His arm was covered in them. I never understood who would let their son get them at such a young age."

"Jasper got into a lot of fights. The other kids would start them and he would finish. One day some kid had the nerve to push his buttons and he cracked. He beat him- could've killed him if it wasn't for a teacher. He disappeared for a while. People made up stupid rumors saying he went to jail for murder, rape and other ridiculous things. I never believe them, I would always nod my head and change the subject when someone brought it up."

"When was this?"

"Two months ago he came back," she said. "He still was that cold Jasper White everyone remembered. Something changed in him, I don't know exactly. We never talked or anything so I just sort of ignored him like I did everyone else. But then until you came he actually started to loosen up."

"What are you saying?"

"That it's good your trying to be his friend. Besides Thayer and his posy, Jasper despised every human being. He never talked, never made eye contact with anyone until you came." Isabell looked at me. "No, I'm not saying he fücking likes you. Fück, I don't exactly know where I was going with this anyway. All I know is, don't be so fast to lose hope in you guys friendship. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Talk to him without yelling. Give him time to talk. In the end, everything will be clear I promise."

I stared at Isabell as she took a bite out of her sandwich. "Where did that come from?" I wasn't expecting that at all. "You lied when you said you didn't know who he was? On the first day."

Isabell nodded. "I know of Jasper. I never talked to him. Technically I didn't. But sort of, I did. He was bad news Ryan."

"He still is." I mumbled.

"Do you like him?"

"Jasper? No! What kind of question is-"

"Hello Ladies." Someone interrupted me. Bell and I both turned to see two of Jasper friends. The twins. I've only seen them around him once, so I'm guessing their his friends.

"Get the fü-" I slapped Isabelle leg and she glared at me.

"Hi." I spoke. "Do we know you?"

They both sat across from us and shrugged. "No, but we know you." The one with green eyes said. They had an accent just like Jasper but it was much thicker. I'm not sure if it was the same accent, but then again I'm not really great telling.

"I'm Sebastian," the other one said. "This is Seth. We're Jasper brothers."

Brothers? "What? I thought Adien was his only brother?"

"Jasper likes to keep us hidden," Seth says with a laugh.

"Are they're any more of you?" I joked.

The twins looked anywhere else but my face. I couldn't tell what type of emotion it was. "No." They said together.

"Adien, Cindy and us." Sebastian said. "No more."

I nodded changing the subject. "Um, my name is-"

"Ryan Bradley and her best mate Isabelle Hale. We know who you are." Sebastian spoke calmly.

"Um, the fück?" Bell raised her hand. "Is there a purpose as to why your here or.." she gestured for them to continue.

Seth laughed and shook his head. "Just curious."

"Of?" I frowned. This is was weird. It was getting weird.

Standing up they both looked down at me. I felt uncomfortable but I pushed that aside. "You."

Bell stood up and pointed a finger at them. "Sit the fück down and stop talking in fücking riddles. You say you know me, and then you must know that I will snap you and your little twin arms off. These curls and nails might have given you both the wrong impression."

The boys looked at her with amusement.

Seth stepped forward and cocked his head. "Then you must not know our brother. We're just as worse. We do not care who you are. Don't talk to us any kind of way or you'll regret it," pushing a curl off her shoulder he smirked. "Sweetheart."

Okay, I'm starting to see the brother resemblance now. Was Adien the only one who wasn't a jerk or rude?

"Look here you piece of-"

Jumping into of Isabelle I pushed them away from each other. "Everyone calm down," I turned to Seth. "Can you please sit back down?"

He studied me for a moment and opened his mouth to speak. "Fück that and-" Sebastian pulled back and whispered something into his ear. Seth rolled his eyes. "Fine." He took his seat and made sounds with his mouth as he did so.

What is it with the White's and being stubborn? Adien was the only sane one as far as I'm concerned.
