f i f t e e n

"The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."

― Isaac Asimov

I felt it before anything. The ranging pain that was shooting on the right side of my face. I wanted to open my mouth, but I couldn't.

What happened to me?

My eyes flickered opened and I scanned the room. I was in the hospital. I thought it was all a dream, a really scary dream.

"Mama," A voice said. "She's up." I looked over down at my side and saw my baby brother. He smiled up at me and waved.

I tried smiling, but I hurt so I didn't bother.

"Oh!" I heard my mother say. "Finally," She appeared at my side and kissed my forehead. "How are you feeling?"

Like I just go punched in face with an iron fist.

I shrugged and groaned.

"Yeah, I'm sorry baby." She rubbed my arm. "Bell said you were trying to stop a fight and someone accidentally punched you in the face?"

I nodded. I guess so, I don't really remember much.

"I'll go see if I can find the nurse." She said picking up Ricky. "Be right back."

I sighed and closed my eyes. I couldn't really remember what happened after Jasper took a seat at the table. Its like it was bits and pieces missing.


I opened my eyes and saw Bell running in the room. She was still dressed in her dress and heels. Her hair was all over the place and she looked like she hadn't gotten any sleep in hours.

"Your fücking awake!" She reached over and hugged me. "Are you okay?"

I tried to nod but soon stopped myself. Even that hurts a little.

"You really are in pain aren't you?" She asked sitting on the end of the bed. "Just blink once for yes and twice for no."

"Do you remember what happened?" Bell asked.

I blinked twice, and she looked away for a second.

"Im sorry, its my fault." I frowned at her and she sighed. "I shouldn't have been acting the way I did- Thayer just has this huge temper and he went ballistic and so did-" I stopped her rambling by squeezing her arm.

Bell looked at with wide eyes. "Yeah?" I lead my eyes over to the notepad that was sitting on the table not far from me. Bell got up, raced over and handed it to me.

'Who did this to me?'

She looked down and closed her eyes. "I'm so sorry," Was what she mumbled. Shoving the book at her side I groaned. "J-Jasper."

That's when my heart dropped to a thousand feet. Jasper? He did this to me? But why? What did I even do to him? Why would he do something like this?

'Tell me what happened' I wrote.

Bell sighed and nodded. "Okay," Bell sat there and told me every single bit of what happened. Although I'm still a little confused as to why Jasper hit me. Isabell said that he was trying to get me out of the way, but why hit me? Did he really hate me that much that he'd hit a girl?

All I have ever been trying to do was be his friend since day one. These past couple months I've been nothing but nice to him, and this is what I get? A freaking broken jaw and a black eye? Really?

Being nice sure does pay off, no?

Not only is this the worst part of everything, but also Bell told me once Jasper punched me he took off running. All the kids who watched what went down were too scared of spilling. When the principal asked the students on campus everyone said they didn't see.

Was Jasper this much of a monster that everyone was afraid of him?

"Im sorry, Goober." Bell said placing her hand on mines.


It's been a couple days since I've been in the hospital and today I've just been released. Bell never left my side; as much as I begged her to go to school she refused.

In my surprise, Ethan dropped by twice and gave me flowers. It seems like everyone I really knew came expect Jasper. "How is he?" I asked Adien. Him and I have gotten somewhat close over the past few days. Closer than Jasper and I ever got.

"Jasper?" He asked. "He's only been home one day since last weekend."

I sighed and laid down on my bed. "D-did he tell you what happened?"

Adien looked down and nodded. "Yeah" He paused. "And Im sorry. My.. My brother can be- fück. I don't even know what to say really. He is just really stupid to let this fall the way it did."

"What do you mean?"

He shook his head. "Nothing." he said with a shy smile. "Now on other terms, how is your face, love?"

"Well, my eye has gone down a little, but my jaw still hurts." I said. "The doctor said it will be like this for a while."

Adien walked over to my bed and got down on his knees. Placing his hand in mines he rubbed my thumb. "You don't know how sorry I am, really."

"Its not your fault your brother is a jerk."

"I know, but still." He said. "Jasper doesn't understand how lucky he is for someone like you to be in his life. I mean, your so beautiful.." Adien reached up and stroked my cheek.

"Yeah right." I lowered my head and messed around with the bracelet on my hand. "I have bruises all over my face."

"No, Im serious." He said lifting my head to meet his. His eyes lowered to my lips and he smiled. "Fück."


"I really want to kiss you right now,"

My cheeks burned and I shrugged. "What's stopping you?"

Adien looked me in my eyes and smiled once more. Before I could say anything else his lips were claiming mines. I tried so hard to ignore the shooting pain that was rushing through my lower face right now, and tried to enjoy this moment.

Adien stopped and placed his forehead on mines. "Did that hurt?"

"Not anything I couldn't handle." I said breathless. He smiled and kissed me once more. Our lips synced and our tongue explored each other's mouths.

"I wish you would have met me first." Adien said. "I wish you didn't belong to him."

"What do-" I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence because Isabell had burst through the door.

With me hanging over the end of my bed. Adien on his knees with his hands cupping my face, might have looked a little... "Fück me over and call me Kim K." Bell said with a smirk.

Adien laughed and shook his head. He rose to his feet and licked his lips. "I'll be going now." He said. "Nice meeting you.."

"Isabell." She said offering her hand while giving him weird looks.

"Isabell." He said clearing his throat. "Goodbye ladies." Before Adien slipped out my room door he winked.

"What the fück was that?" Bell asked not bothering if he could still hear us or not.

I shifted in my bed and sat up. Reaching over I grabbed my pain pills and shrugged. "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" She asks. "What the fück is up with you and English guys?"

"Nothing." I said.

Bell walked over and sat on my bed. "I thought you liked Jasper?"

"What ever gave you that impression?"

"You!" She screamed. "I know you, Goober! And believe it or not, you liked Jasper."

Throwing my legs over my bed and walking over to my window. "Okay, and so what? Nothing was ever going to happen. Jasper doesn't like me, nor will he ever." I said. "Plus, he's gone."


"Yes. Adien said he hasn't been home since that night."

Bell smirks and nods. "Adien huh? The guy you were making out with?"

"No.The guy who just so happens to be Jasper's-"

Bell stood there, arms crossed with a look on her face. "Wait for it.."

"I kissed Jasper's brother!" I screamed.

As stupid as this sounds, yes. I did forget. Kissing someone can make your mind go blank. Well, kissing Adien sure enough did.

"What am I going to do?" I asked. "I kissed Adien, who just so happens to be Jasper brother."

"Well I have a fücking amazing Idea." Bell said.

"Okay? Tell me."

She smiled and eyed me. "Don't fücking tell Jasper." She said. "Simple."

I rolled my eyes and turned away from Bell. She was absolutely no help. None at all.
