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"We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason" - Unknown.


"Are you ready for your first class of high school, Goober?" Isabell asked me.

I shook my head and eyed her. "Honestly, no. I'm terrified," I said. "Give me a pep talk or something,"

Isabell gave me a look, but soon shrugged. "Okay, do remember when we were little and everyone watched that one show where the girl's first day at high school was amazing and all that shît?"

Where is she going with this? "Yes?"

Isabell placed both of her hands on my shoulders and looked me in my eyes. "Well, fück that. Erase all that memory of that bullishît. 'Cause it isn't true." she said. "High school is boring, full of lies. It's filled with fake aśs people who only care for themselves."

I frowned and gasped. "What! Why did you even ask the question, Bell?"

She laughed and shrugged, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe pay back from not calling your best friend in seven years!"

"So that titles still on the table? 'Best friends'?"

"Well, of course, Goober." Bell said. "Plus, I've seen you naked before."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"You're not truly best friends unless you've seen each other naked. Learn the rules, Goober."

Rules? I think Isabell has gotten a little off since I last seen her..

"Well, here's a rule: Don't call me Goober while we're here. Okay?"

"Okay." She smiled and pushed open Room 213 door. Once we entered the class, everything became silent and everyone's eyes were on me.

"Do you realize how long you've been gone, Miss. Hale?" The teacher asked.

Isabell gave him a sweet smile and batted her lashes. "Oh, I'm sorry." She turned to me and grabbed my arm. "But you see, my friend here.. She's new, and she got a little lost finding her way. I had to help her."

The teachers frowned disappeared and his mouth formed into an O. "You're Ryan Bradley? My apologies ma'am I was expecting-"

"What? A dude? Well, no. You got something better." Isabell smirked.

Why is everyone watching me? Have they not seen a new kid before?

While Isabell was ranting on and on to the teacher, I scanned the room. The students seems to be separated into categories.. There was a group of girls sitting in the front. Full face of makeup , hair done and wearing jackets that said B. H varsity cheer. Behind them were a group of guys with varsity jackets on. While the rest of the class were normal looking kids.

I wondered where Isabell fit in?

As I scanned the room, I couldn't help but have my eyes wonder to the dark-haired guy sitting alone in the back of the class. It looks like he isolated himself away from the others.

He was dressed in all black with looks like a tattoo on the corner of his eye.

This school allowed facial tattoos?

Not only did I see the face tattoo, but creeping from under his shirt was a neck tattoo. I couldn't really make out what it was, but I was amazed. If he had those, I wondered what else and where else were the others.

I was about to look away when he looked at me. He raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes.

Guys with tattoos? No. I'm not into the bad boy type.

"Ry?" Isabell nudged me snapping me out of my gaze.


"Come on, sit next to me." She said while leading me over to the back of the class. I sat only a seat away from that tatted weirdo.

"Okay, class. Back to my lesson.." The teachers' words fades away as I notice the guys eyes on me. I can basically feel him watching me.

I tapped on Bell's shoulder and she eyed me. "Hm?"

"Who's the tatted guy?" I whispered.

She looked over my shoulder; once she figured out who I was talking about she quickly looked away. "Oh, him? Well, I don't know his name."

"What do you mean you don't know his name? You've had a class with him for almost a year and you don't know his name?"

Bell shrugged. "Well, I didn't bother to learn his name." She said. "He's a fücking weirdo, Ry. He has a fücking bird and a skull inked on his hands. Who knows what else is under those clothes?"

I sat back and glanced over at the tatted guy. He was watching me closely, while tapping his fingers against the desk.

Quickly, i looked away. This was going to be one interesting year.

•           •             •

"Now, remember class, we have a test tomorrow. Study hard." The teacher said. "Expect Miss. Bradley."

Isabell threw her gym bag over her shoulder and frowned. "You're lucky you don't have to take the test,"

"Bell, I just got here."


I laughed and patted her shoulder. "Oh lighten up." We were headed out the class when the teacher called me over. "Hey, i'll see you at lunch okay?" I nodded and turned around to face the teacher.

"How's everything? School going great?"

"Well, this is my first class today," I said. "But its going good."

He smiled and nodded. "That's great," He said. "You'll be needing to catch up a bit on what you've missed. I'll hand over your work tomorrow. Okay?"

I nodded.

"Have a good first day back, Ryan." I gave him a quick smile and exited the classroom.

Now where's the lunchroom?

"Do you have a staring problem?" I quickly turned around and my heart dropped. It was the tatted guy, he was leaning against the lockers with his arms crossed.

"Excuse me?"

"Did I fücking stutter?" He had a thick English accent. Did I mention I had a thing for accents? If this tatted guy wasn't so...well tatted up, then maybe I'd find him the slightest attractive.

I frowned and took a step back. "Okay, first off. You're the one that was staring at me, so lets just clear that up now."

"If it flatters yourself, Blue."


He smirked and pushed himself off the lockers. "Stay away from me okay?" Before I could even reply, he disappeared around the corner.

I sighed and shut my eyes, taking a deep breath. Day one and someone already hates me.

