n i n e

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

― Albert Einstein

I followed Jasper and his loud annoying slurping all the way up his grand staircase. I kept asking him to stop a few times, but he just ignored me and did it louder. I'm seconds away from grabbing it and throwing it on the floor.

Jasper finally comes to a stop once he reaches a black door. I frown and look back at all the other doors. They're all cream white, while this once is black.

Was he taking me to his room?

"Why the strange face, Blue?" Jasper asked as he turned around.

"Why are you taking me to your room?" I asked trying to sound not as scared as I was.

Jasper smirked and walked closer to me. I took a step back. "What are you scared of being alone in a room with me?"

"Wha-" Before I could answer, Jasper pushed me to the wall and pinned me there. He had his front pushed up against me, and I could feel all of him.

"Are you scared, Blue?"

I shook my head and swallowed the huge lump in my throat. "No."

Jasper reached up and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "I have a feeling your lying to me."

I pushed up against his chest, but he didn't move. "Move."

"Make me."

"I thought you didn't like me," I said. "Why are you pinning me against the wall like this?"

Jasper lowered his head down until we were inches apart. "I don't like you, Blue. I just like to see the effect I have on you." I was about to reply when he lowered his head and surprised me by kissing my neck.

I would push him away, but he has my hands pinned high above my head. He's kissing down my neck. I squeal as I feel him bite down. He then puts his tongue on the spot and soothes it. He sucks and nips on it, while I try my hardest not to melt. As much as I hate to admit this, it feels amazing.

A soft moan escapes my lips and I can feel his smile. He starts to work his way down, when I finally snap out of reality.

Pushing him off me, I wipe my neck of him. "W-what...why?"

Jasper looks a little take back and confused. He soon covers it up by pushing his hair back and smirks. "I told you already, I like to see the effect I have on you."

"You don't have an effect on me!" I shout. "I don't even like you."

"Sure about that, Blue?"

I hate him.

"Your room door is the same color as your heart."

Jasper winks. "That's why I'm the guy with the Tatted Heart, love."

What? What does that even mean?


Jasper turned a corner and disappeared somewhere. I didn't bother to go after him because I didn't feel like getting lost. I walked down stairs and saw Adien sitting down on the sofa typing away at his computer.


He turns around and smiles. Shutting his computer he moves it to the side. "Come, sit." I do as I am told and sit next to him. "How are you?"

"Good," I lie. I am anything but good.

"Are you sure?" He asks with an amused tone.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

Adien looks at me. He reaches over and pulls down the collar on my shirt. "You have a fresh hickey on your neck, your flushed, and my brother is no where to be seen."

I swat his hand away and he laughs. "Way to state the obvious."

"You sound like my brother," He smirks. "Where is he?"

I shrug. "I don't know, and I don't care."

Adien eyes me for a moment. "You two a thing?"

I frown and look over at him. "Ew, no."

"Your neck says otherwise."

I pull up my collar a bit and scowl at him. "I don't like him, he just took advantage of me not to long ago." I said. "Just for-"

"Just to see what effect he has on you," He said finishing my sentence. "Yep, sounds like my brother."

"Why is he like this? He hates me but yet he just freaking made his mark on me."

"Jasper...he's different." Adien said. "He's not like most teenagers."

"What do you mean?"

Adien shook his head. "Behind every word is a picture." He said.

I don't need these hidden riddles; I just want someone to tell me something for once. Is that so hard so ask?

"Um, okay?" I frown.

Adien smiles and places his hand on my thigh. "He'll open up to you sooner or later," He says.

Yeah, I find that hard to believe.

"No I wont," Jasper says as he enters the room.

"Yes he will."

"No. I. Wont."

Adien rolled his eyes and stood up. "Five o'clock."

Jasper nodded. "You don't have to tell me twice." He reaches down and pulls me to my feet.

What happens at five?

"Whoa," I say shoving him. "Personal space."

Jasper snorts and began walking. I wave to Adien and smiles shaking his head.

I follow Jasper all the way to the back of the house, which is a very long walk. He reaches a door that has a code lock. I watched as he typed something the door opens.

The room is filled with colorful motorcycles and fancy looking cars. I even notice two Go-Carts sitting in the corner.

Ah, it seems he does have a little fun in his life.

"Which ones are yours?" I ask as I try to keep up with his pace.

Jasper looked at me briefly and turns away. "All of them."


"Bike or car?"

Huh? "Car..?"

Jasper walks over a wall where there all many keys hanging up. He soon finds one and walks over to a red shinny motorcycle. "Bike it is."

"What's the point in asking if you weren't going to go with my suggestion?"

"Have you ever heard the saying; Curiosity killed the cat?"

"Its a lucky thing I'm not a cat." I spat back.

Jasper climbs on his bike. "Sounds like a personal problem, love."

I close my eyes and count to ten. He's really trying me.


Jasper pulls up to my house even though I didn't give him any direction. "Get off."

I roll my eyes, even though he doesn't see me. I quickly get up and look back at him. "Thanks for the ride, Jasper." I try my best to put on a fake smile.

He groans and mumbles something before I watch him disappear down the dark road.

We're making some progress huh?
