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"Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused," -Paulo C.


"Ryan, you're going to be late for your first day. Hurry up," My mother called from downstairs.

Today was my first day back in Berlin Hills. Its been what? Seven years since we last moved? I don't recall everything from that night. It's like i created this mental shield that blocks my past and everything from it. Some nights I will have strange nightmares but I wouldn't entirely know if they were true or not so I just dissed them off as my wild imagination.

"Okay, I'm coming."

Today I wasn't really in the mood to impress anyone. All I wanted was to soon graduate high school with no distractions.

Quickly, I grabbed my book bag and hurried down the stairs. Once I entered I saw my mother and little brother sitting down at the kitchen island.

Ricky, my little brother was chomping down on his pancakes. We adopted him when he first born three years ago, every since then he's been a huge impact on our lives. I couldn't possibly imagine my life without him honestly.

"About time you came down. Why were you taking your time?"

I groaned and walked over to Ricky placing him on my lap. "You know why." I fixed Ricky hair a bit and looked at him. "Can I have some?"

He smiled and shook his head.

I gave him a dramatic gasp. "Really? Please?"

He nodded and picked up his fork and shoved a mouthful of pancakes in my mouth. "Thank you." I mumbled. Cleaning some of the maple syrup off my chin.

"Welcome," He said before jumping off my lap and running off.

I turned to my mother to already find her watching me closely. "Come on, Im sure you'll enjoy your first day back."

•.             •              •

My mother pulled up at my school and stopped at the curb. "You ready?"

"No, but I'm sure you wouldn't allow me to stay home."

She laughed and nodded. "Right," She paused. "But listen, I might be a little late picking you up."

"Why?" I asked fiddling around with my bracelet.

"Because my boss wants me to do some extra work, its a little complicated to explain,"

"What so I'll have to wait till whenever you come?"

"Well, make a friend. Hang out with them until then. Ryan, you act like these are all strangers to you."

After seven years, I'm pretty sure they're all strangers to me now..

I climbed out of the car and watched as my mother disappeared in the distance.

Why couldn't you take me with you? i thought intensely.

I felt as if all eyes were on me. I felt as if everyone was talking about me.

Once I walked into the main office, the front desk lady frowned and eyed me. "I need to speak to the principal," She nodded and pointed down to the far end of the hallway.

I gave her a quick thank you, and walked down the hallway. I walked up to his door and knocked.

"Come in," A deep voice from the other side said. I slowly opened the door and stuck my head in. Once the principal saw me he dropped his pen and smiled.

"Miss. Bradley?"

I nodded and he stood up and walked over from behind his desk. "Please, please sit." He said. I walked over to the chair he pushed out and took a seat. "Gosh, i remember when you were a little one."

"So, how are you? How are you doing since.. Everything happened? I'm sure it's been hard coming back here."

"With all due respect, Mr.." I glanced over at his nameplate. "Wilson, I really don't want to talk about my personal life with you. I don't want to talk about my family and what happened. I would love it if you'd give me my purpose as to what I'm here for."

"I know, I was just asking Miss. Bradley-"

"And I know, I was just telling Principal Wilson. Now if you wouldn't mind handing me my schedule? You wouldn't want me to be late on my first day now would you?"

He frowned and nodded. Reaching over he grabbed a blue folder and handed it to me. I didn't even wait another second until I was already out the door.

How dare he even ask about that? Here, at school? Was he serious? Were these people that low?

•.             •              •

Where in the world was room 213? Like I said before, I just got back here. I don't know where any of the classes are, I barley remember the town as it is. Now they expect me to remember classrooms on each floor?

"Ah, lost eh?" Someone said. "You always did seem to get lost in new places." I turned around to face a dark-haired girl. She was wearing a black skater skirt, with a white crop top and heels. What is this? A fashion school? Who wears heels to high school?

"Ugh.." i messed around with my bracelet.i didn't exactly know who to respond to that.

"I find it fücking hurtful that you don't even remember me, Goober."


She looked familiar but I just couldn't place it. Where have I seen those dimples before? "No, I am sorry, do I.."

Wait, those dimples.

The only person i know to have ever called me that ridiculous name was an old friend of mines. "Isabell?"

She smirked and walked over to me embracing me in tight hug. "About fücking time,"

Isabell was my best friend before I left years back. We grew up together and have been best friends every since then. I missed her like crazy, before I left I promised her we'd always be best friends and I'd call or text. But when your life has been turned upside down, you don't really have time to fulfill promises.

"Oh my gosh, I've missed you Bell. How ya' been?"

She smiled and shrugged. "It's been boring without you, Goober." She said. "But how have you been?"

Its okay when she asks the question, because coming from her I know she's really asking and not being nosey like half of this town. "I'm good, moms good.."

"You should tell mama I said hey, why don't I stop by after soccer practice?"

Soccer practice? The isabell i knew back in the day would stab herself before she'd ever wear the same thing as anyone else or get hot and sweaty.

My mother will have a heart attack once she sees Bell. She loves her just as much as I do. "She'll love that," I say. "Hey, you know I have a little brother now?"

She frowned. "Really? Your mom had another kid?"

"We adopted him from the hospital. He's three and his name is Ricky. You'll love him I promise."

She smiled and nodded. "We have so much to catch up on, Goober. I can't wait to tell you everything."

"Seventeen has been good to you,"

Bell laughed and twirled. "Hasn't it? I mean look at my fücking boobs? They're amazing." Still the same ol' Bell huh? She hasn't changed a bit.

"Yeah, I see."

"We both got lucky," She pointed to my chest. "The girls are looking perky."

I wasn't really all that amazed about my body.. Im not chunky, nor am I a slim Jim. I'm just right, but yes. I have my times when I just want to curl up in a corner and die.

I'm guessing Bell saw my facial expression, "Oh come on. You're beautiful,"

You're the one to talk.

"What class do you have?" Bell asked changing the subject. I grabbed my folder and opened it, scanning my classes.

"History, Room 213."

She squealed and hooked my arm. "You're in luck once again, I have that class too. I was just out using the bathroom." She said. "Come on, Goober. You're going to love high school."

Was I?
