t h r e e

"Honor from death," I snap, "is a myth. Invented by the war torn to make sense of the horrific. If we die, it will be so that others may live. Truly honorable death, the only honorable death, is one that enables life." -Rae Carson, The Girl of Fire and Thorns

After minutes of wondering around this enormous school, I finally found the cafeteria. This school was nothing like my old one. At my former school people didn't care what others thought, there were no jocks, no preps, no poplars- none of that.

Once I entered the cafeteria I was overwhelmed. Just like the classroom everyone was slit into groups, or titles. 

I scanned the room for Isabell but I didn't see her. After scanning the room twice or so, I finally gave up and pulled out my phone. 

Where are you? Thought you said meet up at lunch?

It didn't take long before she read the message and responded.

I know, and I'm sorry. :( Coach has us in here for a fücking boring meeting. Make a new friend, mingle. You're single bîtch. Have fun :).

I groaned and stuffed my phone back in my pocket. I bet Bell did this on purpose. I mean how could she possibly expect me to make friends so easily? I'm not ten again, where I can just walk up to someone and declare them best friends.

As I was about to exit the room, I spotted that tatted guy siting in the corner tapping away on his phone.

Eh, why not? I took a deep breath, and headed his way. 

"Hey there." I took a seat across from him and smiled even though he couldn't see my face.

He doesn't looks up from his phone and says, "Leave me the fück alone." he growled. 


"But you don't even know who I am-"

"Then let me rephrase this," He says. "Leave me the fück alone, Blue." He stops typing and slowly lifts his head. Reaching up, he runs his fingers through his slick dark hair, while eyeing me closely.

I finally have a chance to look at his tattoos. Well, the ones that are visible; On his lower neck he has a swallow bird on his neck. On his fingers he had the letters mischief spelled out. On the top of his hands he has one skull and one swallow bird. On his right forearm he has a guitar with skulls and the phrase death before dishonor, while on the other forearm he has another skull with flames surrounding it.

Gosh, those are a lot of tattoos. And I'm pretty sure he has more that is yet to be seen.

"My name isn't Blue you know?"

"Honestly, I don't give a shît what your name is. All I care about is you leaving my fücking table."

Okay, maybe making friends with him was going to be hard but I'm not backing down. Not this time.

"Why are you so rude to me? You barley know me."

He smirked and leaned back in his chair, revealing yet another tattoo I haven't seen before. "That's just it, Blue. I don't want to know you. I don't actually like you if you hadn't noticed."

That maybe hurt more than it should have..

"Stay away from me." He simply said.

"Or else?" What am I saying?

He leaned in and eyed me. "If you know me, you understand that I don't care what sex you are. Male or female, it makes no difference. I will make your life a living hell. Try me."

Whoa, there.

"That's just it, I don't know you, nor am I scared of you. I just moved back here. I barely know anyone, therefore all that trying to make me scared. Doesn't work on me, tatted guy."

His famous smirk formed across his lips once more. "Did you just call me tatted guy?" He asks amused.

I nodded. "You call me Blue. Then I call you Tatted guy." His eyes wondered over my shoulders. I watched as his smirk faded and a frown took its place.

"Shît." he hissed.

I was about to turn around to see what was the matter, but only I didn't. Who ever he was looking at came around my chair and looked down at me. "Who's this? Fresh meat?" The unknown guy asked.

"No one, some stupid Bîtch." Tatted Guy said. "What's up?"

He frowned and looked at his friend. "Your in. It's done."

"Really? How did it happen so fast?"

"I have my ways, just don't be fücking late Jasper. I'll send you the address." Before the guys said their goodbyes they each did that ridiculous  handshake and the guy walked off.

Jasper. His name was Jasper.

I turned to Jasper and smiled. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "What part of leave me alone don't you fücking understand, love?"

"Why are you mean towards me? I've been nothing but nice to you from the beginning. Could you stop acting all hard and be nice?"

He tapped his chin as if he was thinking and eyed me again. "Yes, Blue. I could stop acting hard- as you put itbut I'm sorry. Its nothing you can just turn off."

"You said sorry," I smirked.

He groaned and rolled his eyes sitting back in his chair. A lock of his hair fell onto his face and he slowly pushed it back into place. "I didn't mean it."

I nodded. "Oh sure you didn't." I said sarcastically. Jasper opened his mouth to speak but soon closed it and shook his head.

"You are fücking unbelievable. Why are you even sitting with me? Where's your little friend?"

"What are you stalking me? How'd ya' know I had a friend?"

He gave me a dull look and rolled his eyes. "Stalking you, love? No. That's the last thing I will do," He said. "And for the recorded, you guys sure did make some entrance in class."

I wondered if he knew who I was.. or who I was labeled to be. I wondered if he knew about what happened in the past.

"Her name is Isabell, and she had something else to do." I smiled. "I thought maybe I could mingle around and meet new friends."

"Friends," I heard him mutter. He cocked his head to the side and studied me before saying anything. "Why'd you come back?"

Crap. There it was. I knew sooner of later someone was bond to ask that question.

"I-That's none of your business mister."

"Oh, but your sitting at my table, Blue. It is my business." He smirked and leaned forward in his seat. "So? Why'd you come back? Berlin Hills isn't just some place someone moves back to once they've escaped."

Escaped? He makes it seems as if this place was horrible. 

"You know nothing about me do you?"

He shook his head. "No, Blue. I don't." He said. "And quite frankly, I don't listen to rumors anyway. I Ignore them," Jasper stood up and shoved something into his pocket. I watched closely as he bent down and whispered something in my ear.

I tried to ignore the fact that his lips brushed my cheek.

"..You should too." Before I could respond he disappeared into the crowd of crazed teenage kids.

I sat there confused as ever. What could he have possible meant by that?


I was wondering the halls, trying to see if I could possibly find Bell. I didn't know where she was, last I heard she was at some soccer meeting, I didn't know where the soccer players met up and nor was I trying to find it.

"Hey ma, where are you?"

My mother sighed through the phone. "Well, right now I'm sitting down at my desk about to get ready for a meeting. Why? What happened? Did someone-"

"No, no! Ma, calm down." I said. "Nothing happened, but guess who I ran into today?"

"A boy?"

I laughed and shook my head even though she couldn't see. "No- well not technically." I said. "But I ran into Isabell. She stopped-"

"Oh my gosh! Invite her over tonight. I can't wait to see her, I know you've guys missed each other like crazy." My mother said. "Oh, and make sure to tell Bell to invite her mother as well, I can't wait to see Clare!"

Clare was my Isabell's mother and also just so happen to be my mother best friend from high school. That was one of the many perks of our parents getting pregnant at the same time. Not that I'm saying every fourteen year old girl should go out and have a baby..

"Okay, I'll let you get back to your work mom." I said. 

"Alright Ry, I love you." 

"I love you more mama." 


I smiled and shook my head. "Possible." 

I stuffed my phone in my pocket and began to turn a corner. I didn't go very far until I crashed into a hard chest.

"Why hello there, buttercup." I came face to face to a devilish smile.

"I-Im sorry, I guess I wasn't paying attention." I mumbled slightly embarrassed. I about to tumble over, but he caught me just in time.

He chuckled. "Are you okay?"

I nodded and clenched my jacket. "Y-Yeah." I crocked. I noticed how stupid that sounded so I said it again, "Yeah, I'm fine."

He smiled and licked his bottom lip. "Good," He said. "I'm Ethan by the way. You..You must be Ryan."

"How'd you know?"

He smirked and shrugged. "Small town."

Great. I guess I was the new word on the block now, huh?

Ethan opened his mouth to talk but was soon cut off by someone. That same guy who had interrupted Jasper and I conversation.

"Why do I see you fücking everywhere?" He asked me slightly annoyed.

"Leave her alone," Ethan said. "She's with me."

The guys face expression dropped and he looked at me confused. "What? First Jasper, now Ethan? Gosh, you are on a roll sweetheart."

Ethan put his hand on my shoulder. "Ignore him." He turned back to his friend and glared at him. "Now, what do you want Thayer?"

"I came to tell you its settled. I couldn't tell you earlier.. due to some reasons.." Thayer said.

"Well, did you tell him?"

"Yeah. He's down." Thayer said. "I texted you the address. "You better not be fücking late." Before he walked off he glared at me.

"Sorry about that," Ethan said. "Just some after school program.."


"You want to come?" I was a little taken back. Did he just ask me out?

"Um, I barley know you. You could be some crazed killer or something."

Ethan laughed and eyed me. "Trust me, buttercup. If I wanted to hurt you, I would've already."

Ugh, okay?

"Just come. What else do you have to do?"

"I have-"

"Goo- I mean Ryan!" I turned around and saw Isabell jogging toward me. She was dressed in her soccer uniform with a gym bag thrown over her shoulder.

Once she was by my side she looked over my shoulder and eyed Ethan. "What's going on here?"

"This is Ethan. Ethan this is my best friend, Isabell."

Ethan gave her a smile and extended out his hand. Isabell hesitated, but soon shook it. "Pleasures all mine,"

"So, what were you guys chatting about?" Bell asked me wiggling her eyebrows.

"I asked your lovely friend here, if she wanted to hang out. She hasn't gave me an answer yet."

Isabell gasped and punched my arm. "Ouch." Her punch was unbelievably strong.

"She would love to go out with you." I looked at Bell with horror.

What are you doing? I mouthed at her. 

"Great," Ethan smirked down at me.
