f o u r t e e n

"There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. We must have felt what it is to die, Morrel, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life.

" Live, then, and be happy, beloved children of my heart, and never forget, that until the day God will deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is contained in these two words, 'Wait and Hope."

― Alexandre Dumas


Last night.

What the fück did I just do?

You kissed her you idiot.

Oh my fücking God. Now she's going to expect something behind it. It wasn't anything, but me being bored. I mean what? I haven't gotten any action in like a week. What am I supposed to do just sit around and wait all the time?

Even if Blue and I didn't do anything but make out, its more than what I've gotten in the past week. I hate to admit this.. But I liked it. Fück, I loved it!

Shįt. You couldn't have kissed some random bįtch and not the one person you see everyday in class?

"Your fücking messed up now." Thayer laughed and he handed me the blunt.

"I know what the fück I am." I snapped. "Shįt!"

He laughed and shook his head. "Im so sorry, but why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you do it? You think she's hot don't you?" He said. "You fücking like the bįtch."

I chocked and glared at him. "What the fück, mate?" I asked. "Yeah she's hot, every girl that I want to bonk is hot."

He smirked and shook his head. "You want to fück her? Good luck with that."

"Yes, of course I do," I sat down on a rock. I ran my fingers through my hair and licked my lips. "Well did. She's just so fücking annoying, and especially now because she wants to be my fücking friend and shît."

"Your friend? When she finds out who you really are, she's going to go screaming for the hills."

"Good," I shrugged. "I keep telling her back off, but she doesn't listen, mate."

Thayer laughed again and took the smoke out of my hand. "Well my little English Muffin," He said with a smirk. "Its my time to get you fücked up tonight."

"We're at a dance."

"And when has being in public ever stopped you?"


I staggered back into the ballroom. Scanning the crowd I finally found Blue sitting a table chatting with her fücking annoying friend.

I watched as her friend laughed and gasped.

"Well, you know what they say-" I cut the friend off. She was starting to bore me. Pushing Blue's shoulder she frowned and turned around. I sat next to her and smiled.

Blue leaned in and looked me in my eyes. "What is wrong with you?"

I frowned and broke lose of her grip. What the fück is wrong with you? I wanted to ask but I didn't. "What the fück do you mean? I can't sit next to you?" I stood up ready to leave when she grabbed me and pulled me down.

"That's not what I meant," She mumble. "I mean you look high. Have you been smoking?"

No shįt.

"Im not high."

"But have you been smoking?"

Why the fück is she asking me all these questions?

I shook my head and laughed. "No." I said as convincing as possible. Wasn't really working considering I was high and I've had a few drinks.

"I think your lying." She crossed her arms. My eyes slowly began to travel down to her boobs. And I might say, she does have a nice rack on her. Her arms crossed just makes my view even better. It didn't last very long. I guess she got the memo and undid her arms. I saw her blush and looked away.

I smirk and say "Sounds like a personal problem." Over Blue's shoulder I see some red haired bum who's seems to take a liking in her friend.

Oh just wait till Thayer sees. I laugh inside my head.

"Who the fûck is he?" I pick up a plastic..stick? I guess this is what this is. Is this fücking school that fücking broke they can't get a simple stick? A real stick at that. "This is the ugliest shįt I've ever seen."

"One of Isabell's friends from soccer." Blue said answering my before question.

My night might have just gotten better. Where is Thayer?

"Well, whoever the fück he is I hope he's prepared." I smirked.

"For?" She asked.

I flicked my tongue over my bottom lip and pointed in the direction to where Thayer was. I knew he was fücking mad. I could tell. Im guessing Blue tried to tell her friend to stop, but it was already too late. Thayer had appeared.

Isabell choose to ignore him, which is a bad idea. Even I know its a fücking bad idea.

"Oh, what? Your going to act like you didn't see me?" He asks. "I swear to God Isabell."

I watched as Blue tried to talk to some sense into her stupid little friend, but once again she didn't listen.

"I strongly suggest you get your hands off my girl." Thayer snapped.

I was getting bored, and I wanted to see someone get beat to a bloody pulp. It enlightens me.

I think its time to end the small talk. "Beat his arse, mate. This is boring me." I said sitting back in my chair.

Thayer gave me a slight nod and reached down, grabbing the guy by his shirt and laying a solid one right on his face.

Oh, I know that is going to hurt in the morning.

I sat in my chair amused. This guy was going to be a bloody pulp when he finishes with him. Fück, if he makes it. I showed no interest into stopping Thayer, but on the other hand his girl did. I saw her spring out of her chair and race across the room to a group of teachers. Which wouldn't help at all. These teachers knew not to mess with Thayer when he was fighting. They learned from experience I guess you can say.

Before I knew it Blue stood up from her seat and was about to stop Thayer. I reached over and grabbed her arm.

"Let me go!" She screamed.

"Let them fight this out."

"No! Look, Thayer is about to kill him!" I looked over her shoulder and saw that Thayer was punching the poor lad over and over. See, a good person would try to stop this fight but lucky me, Im not exactly a good person.

"Okay?" I asked confused. Did she want me to stop the fighting or something? Because that wasn't going to happen.

Out of no where Blue reached up and kicked me in the balls. I fell to the ground and rolled over in pain.

What the fück?!

"I swear to God Im going to fücking kill you!" I screamed at her. She ignored me and walked her into the crowd. I didn't bother to stop her.

She doesn't want to see how Thayer acts when he's interrupted, and honestly I don't plan on stopping him.

I finally managed to get up off the floor and stand to my own feet. Blue was trying to stop him, but it wasn't working. "I told you to leave it alone, blue! "

When he was ready to punch again I saw Blue grab his hand.

Okay, maybe I should st-

It was too late.

Thayer had already punched her in the face, and she was on the floor screaming.


I pushed my way through the crowd and stood over her. Thayer turned around and saw her laying on the floor. His eyes widen and he looked up at me.

"Get out of here." I mouthed. He didn't hesitate to turn on his heel and walk away.
