t h i r t e e n

"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death."

― Robert Fulghum 

"Well, well, well." Someone said behind me.

I quickly broke away from Jasper and shoved his chest in the process. "Shît, Blue!" He hissed holding his bottom lip. "You fücking bit me."

Ignoring Jaspers remark I turned to see whoever it was that had interrupted us and saw someone coming out of the shadows. "Look what we have here," He said.

Thayer crossed his arms and smirked shaking his head. "Now what were you two doing?"

"N-Nothing." I stuttered embarrassed. I can't believe I kissed Jasper White. What was I thinking?

"Didn't look like nothing to me." He said turning his attention to Jasper. "What the fück were you thinking? Making out with this b-"

"Don't." Jasper warned.

"What?" Thayer cocked his head to the side and eyed Jasper. "Don't call her a bîtch? Why?"

"Don't try me, T. Shut the fück up and go back to your date." I watched closely as they both had a glaring contest for a few seconds. Thayer was the first one to look away.

He rolled his eyes and headed back into the building.

"Thank you." I mumbled under my breath.

Jasper looked up at me and groaned. "No one calls you names, expect me." I heard him say before he entered the building behind Thayer.

"How are you feeling?" Bell asked as she took a seat next to me.

"Im fine." I lied.

She looked at me the scoffed. "What happened?"

I sighed and told her everything that happened since I got here. Once I was done, Bells mouth was wide open and she looked confused. "What the fück?" She asked. "You kissed him!?"

I nodded and covered my now red face. Could she have said it any louder?

"Are his lips soft? How did he taste?" She asked. "Oh and-"

"Could you chill? One question at a time, please."
Bell nodded.

"Okay, was it a kiss like a simple kiss, or was it like a all in kiss?"

"Define all in."

"Tongue. Did he use tongue?" I looked up at her and she gasped. "Oh my fücking gosh, Goober! You guys tongue kissed!"

I slapped her shoulder and shook my head. "No. We didn't." I lied. I know Bell is my best friend, but I don't want to risk getting excited over a one-time thing. I'm pretty sure it was never going to happen again.

"Well, you know what they say-" Before she could finish her sentence someone appeared behind me and pushed my shoulder.

Once I turned around I saw Jasper and the guy who was supposed to be Bell's 'Date'. Jasper walked over to me and sat down. I looked him in his eyes and frowned. "What is wrong with you?"

He frowned and jerked away from me. "What the fück do you mean? I can't sit next to you?" He was getting up when I sat him down.

"That's not what I meant," I said. "I mean you look high. Have you been smoking?"

"I'm not high."

"But have you been smoking?"

Jasper shook his head and laughed. "No." I knew he was lying. I could basically smell the weed on him.

"I think your lying." I say crossing my arms.

I watch as Jaspers eyes fell down to my chest. I realize that I'm pushing them up and I quickly let my hands fall.

Jasper smirks and looks back up at me. "Sounds like a personal problem, love." I rolled my eyes and turned to Bell. Her and her date were smiling and giggling. I feel sorry for what's about to come when Thayer finds them together. I know Bell is just trying to make him mad and all, but I don't think this is the right thing to do.

"Who the fück is he?" I hear Jasper say. I turn around to face him. Right now he's messing with one the decorations on the table. "This is the ugliest shît I've ever seen." He mumbled.

"One of Isabell's friends from soccer." I said.

Jasper sat the decoration down and eyed me. He had a smirk on his face. I could tell either he was really high or he was just enjoying this moment. "Well, whoever the fück he is I hope he's prepared."

I frowned. "For?"

Jasper sat back and licked his lips. He pointed his finger; I watched closely to were he was pointing. And when I did I saw him.

Thayer was standing in the corner with a cup in his hand. His jaw was set into a firm line and he looked pretty upset. Looking back over at Bell I saw that her date was leaning in and whispering something in her ear. I wanted to warn her to stop this madness, but I was too late.

I don't really know how but Thayer seemed to get over here pretty fast. As soon as Bell saw him she shrugged her shoulders and turned back to the guy sitting arcos from her.

"Oh, what? Your going to act like you didn't fücking see me?" Thayer asks.

Bell ignores him again.

"I swear to God Isabell," I looked down at his fist and noticed it was balled.

Oh no.

Grabbing Bell shoulder I turned her around. "Please stop this," I whispered. "I don't want to witness a fight." She simply shrugged off my shoulder and went back to what she was doing.

"I strongly suggest you get your hands off my girl." Thayer snapped.

Jasper scoffed in the back. "Beat his arse, mate. This is boring me." He mumbled. Just as the words left Jasper's mouth Thayer jerked the guy up by his shirt and punched him in the face.

I jumped up out of my seat and tried to help the poor guy out. Thayer looked like he was about to kill him. Just as I was about to reach out and grab Thayer's shoulder someone pulled me back.

"Stop this!" I heard Bell behind me.

I turned around and glared at Jasper. "Let me go!"

"Let them fight this out." He said.

I tried to shake lose of his grip, but he was too strong. "No! Look, Thayer is about to freaking kill him!"

Thayer was on top punching him in the jaw. The guy tried to get a few hits in but it was no use.

"Okay?" Jasper said like it was no big deal that someone could die. I looked at him then back at the defenses guy on the ground.

I know what I am about to do is a huge mistake.

As soon as I got a chance I reached up and kicked Jasper someplace where the sun doesn't shine. Letting out a loud groan he let go of my arm and fell to the ground. "I swear to God Im going to fücking kill you!" He said rolling around.

Bell was no where in sight. Kids were running over taking out their phones and chanting 'Fight, Fight, Fight!' I pushed through the crowd and tried pulling Thayer off the guy. There was so much blood, and I hated blood.

"Thayer! Stop!"

He didn't listen. He only punched harder. Without thinking, as he was about to throw another punch when I grabbed his arm and tried to stop him.

"Move!" He growled, shoving me a bit.
I couldnt just stand here and watch this happen. I quickly grabbed his hand before he could strike the poor guy again.

"I told you to leave it alone, blue!"  those were the words I heard before I fell to the ground screaming in pain.

I couldn't really tell what happened after that because everything began to fade away. Just before I began to drift away I noticed a figure standing over me. They shook their head and turned on their heel.
