s i x t e e n

"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by."

― Douglas Adams 


What the fück did I do? Not what I did, what did Thayer do? Shît- what the fück! The fücking dance did not go as planned. I blame Blue. It's her fault her friend had to be an idiot while trying to make Thayer mad. She knows not to make him mad- everyone knows not to make him mad!

Blue didn't help the situation at all. Who gets in the middle of a fight? She's loon is what she is!

Pacing back and fourth I'm sure I've created some type of crater in the ties about now. "Fück, fück, fück!" I pull at my hair.

How do I make this right? I couldn't possibly give Thayer up. He's my mate and we've been through so fücking much together. He's taken my back so many times, even when I didn't want or need him to.

Going about this is rather dumb of me, I know. Letting her think I did this is for the best. Its an excuse as to why I couldn't see her anymore.

I'm only looking out for her.

Let's just hope those lads didn't and won't say a word about what they saw that night.

My focus was taken away for my thoughts as I heard my phone go off. Reaching over a familiar number flashed. A number I thought I'd never see again. "What?" I picked up.


It's been two weeks since the "accident" at the dance. I have to say, physically I am feeling fine. Emotionally, I am a ruck. So much is on my mind and its draining me!

The incident with Aiden a while ago was nothing to me. Yes I may have a had a little attraction towards him- I mean who hasn't? The man is gorgeous.

Besides those feelings, nothing is there. It was a stupid kiss that didn't mean anything.

One of the things that have been on my mind heavy for two weeks is Jasper.

Where is he? He hasn't he responded to any of my messages, calls or anything! I get that he hates me and all, but I deserve an answer. I need to know why he did what he did.

I need to know what happened at that dance. I can't remember anything, and every time I ask Isabell she says she doesn't know or changes the subject.

Maybe this is my fault.

Jasper wouldn't lash out at me without a reason, right? I-I had to of done something that provoked him. Something that triggered his anger.

No! Stop, Ryan. No matter how annoying you may have been, he shouldn't have placed his hands on you. No one deserves to be handled that way. No one.


"Are you ready, Goober? I sort of don't want to be late." Isabell called me down from my room.

Today I went back to school. How exciting.

"Hold your horses!" I shouted walking down the stairs. "Why are you so eager for school? Someone special you want to see?"

Isabell facial expression changed and she looked away. "N-No," she mumbled. "Huge test. Let's go."

I frowned and eyed her. She was lying and she wasn't very good at it.

Was it because of me? Had Thayer not returned to school like Jasper? I wonder if he even calls or text her anymore.

I don't want to be the problem in everyone's life. Not again. "I'm sorry." I croaked.

As Bell got into the car she frowned at me. "What?" She asked pulling out the driveway.

"I.. Im the reason why your upset about-"

"No," she said. "That's a lie, Goober. You did nothing wrong. You shouldn't have gotten hurt. Let the truth be know, it should have been me that got used as a punching bag."

Punching bag.

"W-What ever happened to the guy?" I asked. "Your date?"

Isabell knuckles seemed to whiten as she gripped the wheel harder. "Um, he's probably in a lot of pain. Jasper messed him up pretty bad."

"He didn't press charges?"

"I don't know. No one has really seen him," Bell paused. "His soccer locker is even cleaned out."

I nodded and said nothing else the rest of the drive. How was I going back to going to work? Was everyone going to ignore me as usual or was it going to change everything?

Id would rather it go back to the way it was before- everyone making fun of me because of what happened with my father. Not because of me getting punched in the face by one of the most dangerous boys in school.

"I'll pick you up from class okay? Wait for me." Isabell said and headed towards the locker room.

Clenching my books to my chest, I held my head low and hoped no one saw me enter the building.

So far I was going great, up until I tripped over my own feet and fell down. It seemed as everyone stopped and stared.

"I can't believe she came back."

"Look, its Ryan Bradley."

"I heard she made Jasper punch her just to get attention."

"She's such a slut. I hate her."

I closed my eyes and ignored everyone. It took as much as possible not to go over and say something. All those things were not true and completely bazaar.

"Ryan Bradley. Please come to the main office. Miss. Bradley, the front office."

Great. Them too.

Passing my fellow peers I entered the office and stood there waiting for the desk lady to notice me. When she did her eyes darken and she pointed down the hall. "Counselor."

Counselor? Why was I going to there?

I gave the lady a slight nod and headed towards the direction she instructed.

"Mr. Fitzgerald," I read. Well I give him props for his name. Lets hope he's as good-looking as Ezra Fitz.

Pushing the door open, his head rises and he smiles. "Come in."

He's not Ezra Fitz, but he'll do.

Walking over I sat in the chair and waited for him to tell me my purpose here.

He looked a little young to be working here, but who am I to say? He had dark hair with icy blue eyes. I couldn't help but notice a few tattoos that peeked from under his shirt. On his forearm I saw a symbol that looked really familiar. I just couldn't figure out from where.

A few seconds passed and I grew impatient. "Can you hurry this up?"

He frowned. "How are you Ryan?"


Mr. Fitzgerald said nothing. Instead he nodded and looked into a folder that was placed in front of him. "Look, I know you don't want to be here. I know you probably want to be anywhere else but at the school. I know-"

"You know absolutely nothing, so please. Don't act like you know how I feel." I stated.

He opened his mouth to speak but closed it shaking his head. "How was the dance a couple weeks ago."

Is this what this is about? "I wouldn't know."

"And whys that?"

"I can't remember."

The counselor eyed me. I watched as he flicked his tongue across his bottom lip. My heart instantly fluttered and I squirmed in my seat.


"Can I tell you something?"

I nodded.

"Everything that's in the dark, eventually comes to light." He said. "Secrets. Lies. It'll be unraveled soon enough."


"Go to class." He said sliding me a piece of paper. "Your late."

I took note of his office and it was a little strange. I would expect him to make it as his own, you know decorate? But everything in here looked as if it belongs to someone else. Nothing looked like.. him.

Maybe I'm just thinking too much. I just met this man and I'm already accusing him of being someone he's not.

As I walked out of the front office I spotted Bell leaving her classroom and I ran up to her. "What are you doing?"

"Coach." She rolled her eyes. "Why are you on this side of the school?"

"Office. Mr. Fitzgerald had to speak to me."

"Who's he?"

"The counselor. You really don't pay attention in school do you?"

Bell was about to answer when someone called her name. She told them to wait and looked at me. "The counselor name is Mr. Roland," she said. "I have to go, Goober. I'll see ya."

Roland? That's impossible. Isabell doesn't pay attention in class, let along to the teachers. I'm sure she's mistake.

I shook off her comment and headed towards my class, which I was super late for! As I passed the boys bathroom I heard a noise and turned around.

I saw no one, so kept walking.

As I neared the class a warm hand gripped my waist and covered my mouth. I kicked and tried screaming but my sounds were muffled. It seemed like they were dragging me forever.

I heard a door open and they pulled me inside what felt like a closet.

Slowly, they dropped their hands. "What the-" I turned around and froze. "Jasper?"
