
"Sometimes even to live is an act of courage." - Seneca 

Dedicated to @yasmeena- because she was my first ever supporter! Therefore you shall be cherised in my heart forever XD  

(For those who do not understand Arabic terminology please don't forget I put definitions at the end of each chapter) 

Chapter 12 - Survival

As soon as the fateful spinning sound of the F16 engines met our ears, Noah and I bolted upright, running to all the windows and doors. It was vital that the windows were left open, reducing the amount of broken glass that would follow after a missile was dropped.

“Zach!” I yelled. I was out of breath, dashing from one window to the other, but the adrenaline pumping through my veins urged me onwards, even though my mind and heart felt like they were about to shut down. 

He turned his head quizzically, apparently not realising the sudden danger we were all in, too fixated on tending to a little boy who had passed out. His eyes scanned the chaotic room until they finally landed on my running form. 

“Get everyone into the dining hall. Now!” He frowned, seemingly confused as to why I had become so panicked. On cue, the sound of the screeching F16 emerged slowly and then intensified as it passed over our heads. His eyes widened and he immediately got up, lifting the young boy into his strong arms and began shouting orders to the workers and children.  

The dining hall was in the centre of the orphanage, placing us in the best possible position to maintain safety. Not wasting anytime, the children all began to file into the hall, the fear and distress clear on their faces. The air was thick with trepidation and the wailing cries of the youngest children, only added to the dreaded atmosphere. 

I could see Salma in the corner of the room, still trying to calm down Khaled. He was 14 years old but suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and it was clear she was having difficulty in persuading him to move in to the next room. He had his arms wrapped around himself and was rocking back and forth, a sign that he had just experienced a negative flashback. 

“Noah, help Salma and carry Khaled into the room!” I called over to him, both of us at opposite sides of the room. Having opened all the windows and closed all the doors in the main entryway, there was still the two large rooms to be done; the male and female room quarters.  

I could tell Noah was conflicted as he didn’t want to leave me alone but he also needed to get Khaled to safety. 

“Go on, I’ll be fine!” He nodded and picked up Khaled as he was and I wasted no time in running down the hallway to the female quarter. I worked as fast as humanly possible, my hands moving at extreme speed to ensure all windows were opened. Within minutes I had finished and bolted to the males quarter just opposite. Not even pausing to catch my breathe I continued; unlock and slam the window open.

The orphanage was shaped as a long rectangle with the entry hall in the beginning followed by the dining hall and then the two living quarters divided by a long hallway. At the end of the hallway the wall was covered half by glass meaning I could see the outside terrain. I decided to look out as I emerged from the male room, my heart not being able to withstand not knowing if any damage had been done.  

And I knew in that moment I would regret ever looking out; if only I hadn’t taken that look, if only I hadn’t paused for just one moment. Because as my eyes scanned the deserted area, approximately 60 metres from me I saw the F16 stop in it’s flight and something fall from its rear. 

At that point, every thing went into slow motion. My brain and body were in such conflicts that it took me at least two seconds to register I should be running. I faintly heard people screaming at me from the other end of the hallway and it was then I pumped my burning legs forward and began running. I allowed the fear to propel me onwards my only aim being to get as far away as I possibly could from the helicopter. 

“Oh Allah, if today is the day you chose for me to die, then please have mercy on my soul” 

Just as my prayer had ended, I heard the sound of glass shattering before I was launched into the air, my body flying headfirst into the wall just next to the door to the dining room. My head smashed into the wall causing immediate pain to emerge at the top of my head as well as a burning sensation in my right ankle. I landed on the cold, hard floor with a thump and I registered a dull ache at the bottom of my tailbone. I groaned and attempted to turn over so I could lie on my back but it was too much for my weak body and before I could comprehend my next move, darkness engulfed me.  



“Yasmine, please wake up.” 

Whispers. Voices. The name sounded oddly familiar. Was I dreaming? 

Light sprinkles of something cold fell on my face and I attempted to open my burning eyes. After a few minutes, I managed to peel them open, the light penetrating my tired eyes. Instantly my headache magnified to the point where I was about to pass out. Instead I turned over onto my side and vomited all of yesterdays contents until I was dry-heaving.  

“Alhamdulillah. You’re awake.” I recognised Noah’s relieved voice before he grabbed me by the arms and pulled until I was wrapped tight in a hug.  

“Yasmine are you ok? How do you feel? Talk to me!” That was Zach, his eyes searching mine desperately, trying to discern whether I was in any pain. I ignored him and looked around. 

I realised Salma and a few other workers were surrounding me in a semi-circle, all of them staring at me anxiously. 

“Habeebi, tell me what hurts.” I paid Salma no mind and turned around, squinting my eyes to adjust it to the bright light streaming in from the windows. At my lack of response, all three of them exchanged worried glances, Zach in particular looking extremely alarmed. 

My first instinct was to make sure no one was hurt. I looked over the dining hall; the sound waves from the missile shattered all the windows, causing glass to scatter everywhere, the sun glinting off every piece. My efforts were fruitless. The tables had all been moved to the centre of the room and the children were still huddled under it, some of them shivering in fear. Other than that everything seemed to be fine and I allowed my racing heart to slow down just a tad.  

“No ones hurt right?” I asked, my throat dry and my voice coming out hoarse. I finally directed my gaze forward again. 

I watched as Noah closed his eyes and let out a relieved sigh. Zach allowed his posture to loosen from it’s previously stiff state and Salma attacked me with a hug. 

“We thought you weren’t going to make it,” she said, allowing her tears to flow freely. 

“Hey, hey. I’m fine alhamdulillah. Beaten up and badly bruised albeit, but I’m fine.” I smiled and wiped away her tears with my right sleeve. She blew out a shaky breath and nodded.  

“I’ll fetch you some tablets,” she said, getting up. We could still hear the monotonous sound of the helicopter, but it was further away now. It had done it’s deed and would now probably circle around the area. 

“You didn’t answer my question,” I said, directing my words to Zach. 

“Some of the new kids still have minor injuries that need tending to, but other than that no one was hurt alhamdulillah. You’re the one that’s taken a bad hit.” He rubbed his face tiredly and when he looked up at me again he looked ten years older.  

I nodded my head. “Worry doesn’t look good on you,” I said.  

“Well maybe if you hadn’t nearly just died on me I wouldn’t be so worried. God Yasmine, do you even know how scared I was?” He asked, eyeing me seriously.  

“I’m sorry?” I said, having no other reply. My head weighed a ton and I just really needed to lie down.  

“Don’t apologise. It’s not your fault,” he said, clenching his jaw. I felt my body move forward, out of my control, and my eyes were drooping shut.  

“Woah, woah.” I felt two pairs of arms, Zach’s and Noah’s reach out to steady me. Seeing that Noah had his arms firmly around my waist for support, Zach detracted his hands, leaving him to only eye me worriedly. 

“You need to sleep,” he said. “Your body is too fragile at the moment.” 

“Not before she drinks this.” Salma gave me two tablets and helped me to swallow them down, holding the cup to my lips.

“I want to leave and go check up on my family. I’m really worried about them,” Salma said, talking to no one in particular.  

“No way,” Noah said, almost automatically. She looked at him in surprise before frowning at the floor. 

“I need to make sure they’re ok. I don’t think my parents can handle six terrified kids,” she persisted. 

“Salma you know from the last time this happened, the F16's were out there for days. And it will shoot at anything that moves within it’s sight. So it would be complete suicide for you to leave this building. No, I won’t let you.” I was surprised myself with the way Noah was talking to her when contrasted with his usual shy self.  

Before I could butt in, my eyes began to droop again, utter exhaustion taking over. 

The last thing I saw before my eyes shut completely was piercing green eyes. 


I woke up to the most beautiful sound. It wasn’t the sound of crying children. It wasn’t the sound of screaming. Best of all, it was a sound that completely overtook that of the helicopters wings, which seemed to be haunting me now, every time I closed my eyes. 

It was the sound of Qur’an being recited in such a sweet, melodic, flowing voice, that one couldn’t help but strain their ears to listen. Pulling myself up, so that I was leaning back, I rested my head against the wall and closed my eyes, allowing the words to soothe my soul.  

“Allahu Akbar” 

I looked up as the reciting was momentarily cut short and realised it was Zach that was leading a jama'ah prayer. My eyes widened in disbelief; I had never once heard Zach recite the Qur’an out loud. He was always too self-conscious about his pronunciation and voice to do so in front of us, even though growing up, tajweed was a subject we all had to do in school. 

It really was a beautiful sight to wake up to; Zach leading the prayer as the imam, and then a row of males, including Noah and the older boys who knew how to pray, behind him. I watched on as everyone replicated Zach’s motions and smiled to myself. No matter what circumstances you were in, there was no excuse for not praying.  

And with that thought in mind, I uttered an alhamdulillah, and heaved my aching body up, to go and offer my own prayer, thanking Allah for allowing me to live another day.


Salam and hello readers! After all this time such a short chapter?! I know, I know...exams unfortunately have caused my brain to malfunction so please forgive me. I thought it's better to upload a short chapter than nothing at all.

Anyway, let me know what you guys think! Votes AND comments please! XD Will try not to take too long for the next upload. 


Allah: God

Allahu Akbar: 'Allah is the greatest'  

Jama'ah: A prayer that is prayed in congregation, with one person leading 

Imam: Person who leads the prayer 

Alhamdulillah: 'All praise is to Allah' , generally said when being grateful to God

Habeebi: Term of endearment in Arabic, similar to saying 'my love' or 'love' 

Qur'an: The Islamic Holy book  

Tajweed: Rules governing recitation and pronunciation of the Holy Qur'an
