9. This can't happen...

Hii choco sticks.. I know I am super late. But i am really busy with the college. Even now. I had exams till yesterday and i have exams from next week again. Bcoz of some programmes exams got preponned. So i hope u guys will understand.
I am really sorry. So I decided to end this story soon. I have exams next week again. I am really sorry.

Arush POV:

I woke up with a jerk. That can't be true. I ran downstairs. I saw Viraj there having a file in his hand. Thank God that was just a dream. He looked at me.

" what happened?? " he asked me,

" Nothing. I just had a bad dream. " I said,

" Are u done with all the arrangements ?" He asked me passing a glass of water to me.

" Yup I did. " I said.

" okay " he replied. He sounded so dull.

" Are u okay? " I asked him.

" Nothing. " he said.

After a while Aastha came out.

" Thanks for letting me go. " she said. We both just nodded.

Soon we are in cars. Going away from everything again. It is not because we care about our lives. It is because of mom.

Aastha and mom were in one car. But I saw their car going in a wrong way. I called the driver no reply. We too went in the same direction. We tried to overtake the car. No use. At last we ended up in a isolated area.

Aastha POV:

Finally I made a plan to take revenge on them today only. I have to take revenge for what they did to me. And I will. I went and sat with aunty and what I expected happened. Arush and Viraj were not coming with us.

When the cars started, after a while and pulled out my gun. Aunty was so shocked. I laughed at her. I directed the driver to take other root. Soon his phone started ringing I know who it is. I took and threw it out.

" I thought u are a nice girl. And I told my son to leave u. " she said. I felt something different. I can see the pain in her eyes. I ignored it. I went on with my plan. When we reached our destiny, I moved her out of the car. There Rakesh is standing. I went to him smiling and gave a hug.

" I know u would do it. " he said.

" why will I not. " I smiled at him.

Soon I saw their vehicle reaching us. We stood in our positions. Ready for revenge. I thought in my mind.

They got many body guards. No use. I have their mom. I signalled my men to take all their guns. And they did.

When they stepped out I took my gun and pointed right on their mom's head. I saw pain and betrayal in their eyes. I felt pain in my heart. I don't know why. Because this is what I have been waiting since ages. Yes since ages. Since when I was in my ten's.

" So welcome my friends. " Rakesh words brought me back to the world.

" Rakesh u are so dead meet now. U crossed all the limits. " Arush said.

" Ohh.. Let's see buddy. " Rakesh replied with a smirk.

" I never expected this from u Aastha. I treated u like my sister. " he said looking at me.

" Oh ya. Then die for this sister. " I replied.

" I would for my sister. But not for the one like u. " he said bitterly.

" There is no need to talk. " Rakesh interrupted.

" Leave my mom. " at last Viraj spoke.
He was in tears.

I went weak seeing that.

" Oh.. Okay. But on one condition. " Rakesh said.

" And that is. " Viraj asked.

" Shoot your friend. " Rakesh said.

" What no way. If u want I will kill myself. " he said.

" No way. Shoot me. " Arush said.

" Never in my life. " Viraj said.

" Beta. How ever I will not live long. Leave me and go. " aunty said.

Rakesh started laughing and clapping.

" Too much family drama. " he added.

" Okay. U all three gave me a option. I will pick one. " he said. He took out his gun and aimed at Arush.

" Why u want to kill him? U can kill me. I am your enemy. " Viraj said.

" Yes that's true. I want to see u suffer more. Do u remember the day I killed your love. I love that day. Your face was worth seeing. " he said with a evil smile. What he killed their family member already.

" What are u talking? " I asked him.

" I killed her because u know the reason. " he said. I nodded.

" Aastha I want to give u a chance to take your revenge. " he said. I smiled at him.

I pointed gun at Arush. But I am not able to shoot him.

" What is your revenge.? " Arush asked me.

" Revenge for taking my father away from me. " I said.

He looked confused.

" Raj. " I said.

" Shoot him " Rakesh shouted and I did. Three shoots. Arush was on ground. I did what I wanted to do. But I am not happy. Why???

Viraj and aunty became motion less. Even me.

I killed a person for the first time in my life . Yes it is my first time.

Soon Viraj took out a gun from no where and pulled trigger at me. I closed my eyes to feel pain but I didn't. When I opened my eyes I saw aunty lying in front of me. Noooo...

She saved me. I bent down.

" Before doing something. Know the truth behind it. " she said. Rakesh came towards me and dragged me. I didn't understand what to do. Truth?? About what??

I sat in car and started. Rakesh is so Happy. But I am not.

" I am so happy today. Now I can see him suffering more. " he said. I just smiled.

I was totally confused .

" They would have survived right. " I asked Rakesh.

" No way. The hospitals are far away from there. I even played with their vehicles. " he said.

We reached home. My home. He dropped me and left. My mom doesn't know all this. Anything about Rakesh or my work or plan. She would be scared.

I went in and hugged her as soon as I saw her.

" I missed u mom. " I said.

" I too missed u dear. " she said.

" Where is my sissy?? " I asked her.

" She is still in hostel. Go and freshen yourself. We can talk about ur trip then. " she said. I forced a smile.

I went into my room and soon I came out after freshening up.

" Dear how was ur work? " she asked me.

" It was fine. " I said.

" Mom we will pay sissy fees by end of the month. " I said.

" No need we paid it already. " she said. Rakesh said he still did not transfer money.

" How? " I asked her.

" How means? It is how every month we do. " she said.

" I did not get u. " I said.

" What are u asking? " she said.

" I mean how did u pay? " I asked her again.

" Viraj sent the money." She said.

" what? " I shouted.

" Ya they are leaving town. So gave money early this time. " she said.

" How do u know him? " I asked her.

" What do u mean? Ur dad used to work for them. And I already told u that ur dad's boss is paying for our expenses. " she said. Yup she told but never mentioned the name.

" Is it not Rakesh? " I asked her.

" No. Why would the murderer of ur dad will pay for us. " she said with rage and anger. She left the table leaving me in utter disbelief. I killed good people. So is this the truth.?

Why did Rakesh lie to me?? Did he do this for his revenge.

So I became a part of this evil play.

God.. What did I do?? Why me. This can't happen. Please save them.

To be continued.....

OMG, they both got shoot. Why?? Why only them always.

I hope u liked this chap.

I will end this story in few more chaps.

May be my next book takes time as I have exams .

Hope u guys understand.

If u didn't Like story or my way. Plz tell me I will delete this story.

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