30. Heaven at home....Epilouge??

Hiiii lovely readers... How is the last chap?? I asked u all question no one answered me. 😞

But it's okay. I decided. How will it go. Thanks for your support till now. I will end the books soon.

I want to dedicate this chap to Jhanu2.

Viraj POV:

Times flies so fast. It has been 25 days since engagement. Now it's only 3 days left for our wedding. I am just waiting to take her away from everyone. Far away from this world. More horrible thing is that from today I am not supposed to see her.

" Yaar. What happens if we see them? We already saw them so many times by now. " Arush is complaining. He is more irritated than me.

" Dude chill. If they won't allow, we will make our own ways to go. " I said. He smiled. I called Aastha.

" Hi love.. " she said.

" Hi sweetheart. What are u doing.? " I asked her.

" Getting ready for haldi. " she said.

" Did anyone apply it on u yet? " I asked.

" No. Why? " she replied.

" Good. That is my right to do first. " I said.

" How will u? " she laughed.

" I will be there in 20. Wait and watch. " I said.

I went to back of their house. Arush too. We both climbed the walls to reach the respective rooms. Don't worry we have experience since last 25 days. 😜😜

I went into her. She looked at me.

" I know that u will do this. " she said.

" How can I miss this soon to be wife. " I said applying haldi on her. She did the same to me. she is so perfect. She is so beautiful. I have no more words to describe her.

" Diii... Open the door. " Siya shouted form outside. Kabab main haddi.

" Raj. Go. " She said. I got irritated and left from there. When I went down Arush is already there.

" What happened? " I asked him.

" What the hell is this.? Why cant we see them. " he said. 😩😭

" U didn't meet her!!!! " I said in shock.

" Siya was there till now. " he said. Oh. I laughed at him. He glared at me😡.

" Sorry. Let's go. " I said. We went back. In the same way all the rituals took place. We trying to meet them. They are trying to escape from us. The only time they allowed us to meet is at sangeet.

The days passed so fast. And finally my wedding day came. 😍😍😍

Aastha POV:

" Aastha get up. " Siya said.

" What the!!! Let me sleep. " I shouted throwing pillow at her

" Okay. Icha tell jiju to go back. Only u get married. " she said. I got at one stroke.

" No no. I am up. " I said.

" See. Who is so eager. " Icha said.

" Why? U wanted to sleep right? " Siya said.

" No. I couldn't sleep last night. So. " I said.

" What were u thinking. No no dreaming about whom or about what? " Siya teased. I blushed. I got down and started getting ready for my big day.

Aathsa. 👆

Icha. 👆

Siya. 👆

After getting ready. I looked at myself in mirror. I look beautiful. I hope Viraj likes this.

Mom came in.

" Dear u look beautiful. U always fulfilled your promises. U have to do the same now. Never break their heart. Viraj will take care of u so well. I love u so much and I will miss u. " she said crying. I hugged her tightly.

I know Viraj will love but still I am not able to leave her.

Soon they called me for mandap. I went and saw my prince charming looking at me.

Viraj. 👆

Arush. 👆

I went and sat beside My love.

" U look stunning. " he said.

" U are also not bad. " I said. He smiled. Soon the rituals started. The most beautiful moment is when Viraj is filling my partition kunkum fell on my nose. I cried at that moment. Everything is going so fast that it is already my bhidai.

I cried hugging mom and Siya. They are my life. Now Viraj too. But I am going away from them. That's harder than I thought. But Viraj was there all time with me. He took my hand assuring that everything will be fine. I stepped into his car awaiting for my upcoming beautiful life.

The end.

Hiii readers. How is it? No one responded to my request in last chap. So I thought to end this. Short and sweet. Thanks for all your support and love.

I successfully completed my second book. I am so happy. I will miss u all. Love u all. I have exams so I will be busy till November. After that I will think of my next book. Did it really end??

I want to thank few of my friends who we're there with me all the time AasthaIcha.


