34. Epilouge...

Hiii lovely readers. So finally I am ending this book. For sure. Thank u so much for your love and support. I will miss u all.

I have exams then holidays. May be my next book will start in December. I am not sure.

I want to dedicate this chap to each and all of u.

Viraj POV:

As the doctor came out. He said.

" Mr. Viraj. The thing is. We saved both of them. It is a miracle that they both are saved. Congratulations it's a girl. As the baby is premature. She is incubator. Nothing to worry. Your wife will be shifted to room. Then u can see her. " he said and left. I hugged Arush tightly. Thanking God.

" She is fine. Baby too. " I shouted. Everyone are relieved.

" Yes. I told u right. She is a fighter. " Arush said. Later nurse informed that we can see Aastha. First we went to see baby. She is inside. We saw her through window. I was upset that I can't take her into my arms. But I am glad that she is alive. I can't even imagine losing her.

Then we went to see Aastha. She was sleeping peacefully. I kissed her forehead. She looks pale. Doctor told she needs rest. I have no boundaries to my happiness. Arush is so happy and became a child. Dada and mom were also happy. After many years this is the first happiness in our lives.

I sat with Aastha. After a while she woke up. She still looks tired.

" Love. How are u feeling? " I asked.

" Where is the baby?  Is the baby okay?  Where is the baby?  I want to see our baby. " she is panicking.

" Honey, calm down. She is fine. She is in incubator. She is absolutely fine. U made it. " I said. She is crying now.

" Love. Stop crying. She is fine. U are fine. I have both of u safely. " I said. I hugged her. She hugged me tightly. She is still sobbing. I let her.

" I want to see her. " she said. I kissed her cheek.

" Love. U will see her soon. " I said.

" No. I want to see her now. " she said.

" Okay. Wait. " I said. I called a nurse. With the help, I took Aastha to see her. She had tears after seeing our baby.

" How long she should be there? " she asked.

" Atleast till evening. Then we will get her to u. " Nurse said and left.

" Raj, our baby. " she was barely speaking.

" Yes. OUR BABY. " I said. She wanted to stand there itself. But I made her to walk back to room so that she can take rest. Arush was with the baby.

" Raj. How did this happen? All the reports were normal before. " she asked.

" It is because of some complications. Now don't think of anything. Take rest. I want u to be healthy all again soon. Because I need u and our baby needs u. " saying this I broke down. Seeing her in that position was not at all easy for me.

" I am sorry. I scared u right. " she said.

" Love it is not your mistake. Now don't talk about it. U both are safe. Just take rest and get well soon. " I said.

" If u are with me I will be fine soon. " she said taking my hand into hers.

" I am with u. I will be always. " I told. Soon she slept.

At evening as they said they got the baby and gave to Aastha. Aastha kissed her and hugged her. I know how I felt when I almost lost her but she is her mother, how I can imagine how she is feeling of that mere thought of missing her. She forwarded baby to me.

" No I can't handle the babies. What if I hurt her? " I said.

" Bhai nothing happens. Take her. U will not regret it. Trust me. " Icha said. She came to my side. I slowly took the baby, once I took her into my arms I forgot everything. She smiled at me. She took my finger into her tiny little hands. I loved the feeling. I promised her that I will never let anyone hurt her. She will not undergo what we faced.

" Viraj, if u are done. Give her to me once. " Arush asked.

" Na. I am not going to give my princess to anyone. " I said possessively.

" Look at him. He was afraid to handle her. Now he doesn't want to give her to her own uncle. " he complained. The rest laughed.

" Aastha did u guys decide any name for her.? " asked mom.

" Yes. I decided. She will be called as Priya. " she said. I froze to my place. Arush had tears in his eyes. He kissed her crown.

" Thanks. " he said.

" Bhai. Why are thanking me.?  U never dare to do that again. " she said. He nodded. He looked at me. I immediately gave Priya to him. He kissed her palms. She was giggling in his arms. The movement is just a perfect one. I wanted nothing else in my life than this.

After two days we took the baby and Aastha to home. My happiness has no boundaries. Arush and I started working from home for two reasons. I wanted to take care of Aastha and spend time with my princess. Arush wanted to do same and also to take care of Icha. Guess what she is also pregnant now.

After seeing Aastha in that position he decided that he will take 24/7 care for her. How ever Aastha supports her in certain cases. Why not they are like soul sisters.

Now our family full. With love of our lives. Our little joy that is Priya and new joy which will come soon.

This is my story. She became my weakness.

The end.

Now for sure I ended this story. For sure. This is my last chap. I gave it even before what I promised. Thank u so much for all your support through out our journey.

Love u all guys. Specially AasthaIcha.

Please do vote and comment and tell me how is it...

Bye guys. Meet u all in next book.


