3 . Thief ...

Hiiiii Choco sticks, thanks for ur lovely support through votes, comments .....

" One day, someone will walk into your life and make u see why it never worked out with anyone else "

For sure one day someone will come into our lives with endless love, care, and trust. We just need to be patient...


Viraj POV :

As I ran into my home, what I saw was too shocking, I gave a glare to Arush,

" Man, u are dead in my hands now, " I said and ran behind him, we were running throughout the house, when I was about to catch him, I saw Aastha, I totally forgot that she was with us, I stopped and tried to be serious, then I turned to my mom,

" Mom, what is this ?? U know how scared I was ?? " I asked her,

" See, u made me lie, no mother should get this situation that she has to lie to see her son, " she said in a complaining tone, I hugged her,

" Sorry mom, u know my position na, I am helpless, " I said,

" I know, u too should have a life dear, " she said kissing my forehead, and now her eyes fell on Aastha,

" Who is this doll ?? " she asked,

" Mom, she is Aastha, let's say one of the important prisoners that made me bring her with us here, " I told, mom, walked to her and stared at her for a while,

" She is so nice, don't u dare hurt her, " she said in a warning tone,

" Mom, u don't even know her, " I said as I was irritated,

" But, I can read her, okay, " she said, I sighed and went inside,


Aastha POV :

I am totally confused about my life now, I was kidnapped from my wedding and now I am on some other island, there is no chance to escape or even to communicate with others, I am really worried but not scared because I got used to these situations since I met Rakesh, I know I will be free but I don't know how long will it take.

I just want to make sure that mom and Siya are fine, they must be worried about me, I know I have to be in this position when I decided to be with Rakesh, but now its really hard, everything should be finished soon,

Today when I saw Viraj chasing Arush, it was like a kid play, it was totally an opposite side of him, when he saw me he stopped running and tried to show that he is DON.

When they went inside, his mom came to me and asked to sit with her,

" What's your name dear ? " she asked,

" Aastha, " I replied,

"It means faith right ?? " she asked,

" Yes aunty, " I said, I think that is what I don't have right now, I said to myself,

" Did my son hurt u ? " she asked, I nodded a NO,

" I know, he is cold-hearted by nature, not by heart, he was not like this when his father was alive, " she said, and I can sense that she is missing her husband, I held her hand,

" Okay, after a long time I am meeting someone, tell me about yourself, " she said,

" U are not allowed to meet anyone, how bad is that, " I said as I was irritated, how can he leave his mom to live alone,

" No no, I am allowed, but don't have any relatives much, so. He is strict to others not to me, u saw right, he came running because, " she said laughing, it is so good to see her when she smiles, can I say Viraj got her smile, oh, u must be wondering when did I see him smiling right, when he was chasing Arush he was smiling, to be frank, he is like a Greek God here,

After that we chatted for a long time, it was like I am with my mom, I hope in the future she won't hate me,

" U sit here and watch TV. I will go to cook, " she said while getting up,

" Are there no servants? " I asked,

" There are, but my son likes it when I cook for him, " she said,

" Then I will be bored here, I will come with u to help u, " I said,

" Okay dear, let's go, " saying that we both went into kitchen,

We enjoyed while cooking,

Viraj POV:

I was in my office room with Arush,

" It was so good to see mom happy, " he said,

" Yes u are right, it is very rare that she is happy since the day dad left us, " I said missing my dad,

I miss him a lot, even he was in Mafia, he never dragged me into it and never forgot his duties as a dad, he was with me when I wanted him, I had a normal childhood but now everything is changed,

" U miss him right ?? " he asked,

" I do, " I said,

" Now shall we discuss about the deal, " I said,

" Yes, actually everything is ready, " he added,

" I don't want to lose this contract at any cost, so tell everyone to work carefully, " I said,

" Yes I told them, what about the presentation, " he asked .,

" I am working on it, almost done, " I said while looking into my laptop,

" I heard that Rakesh will also be competing for this, " he said which caught my attention,

" There is no way that he should get this, understand, I want this at any cost, " I said sternly,

" Cool man, we will only get this but we need to be careful about the details, " he said,

" I will keep the details carefully in that locker, so no problem, " I said,

" Okay, then what shall we do with this girl? How do u want to proceed ? " he asked,

" First let us get this contract then, I will make a deal that Rakesh has to stop all his acts, u know right what I am talking about, and then I will ask him to come to me to get her when I will kill him the same way he did to HER, " I said in rage,

" U are right, I want to be a part of it, " he said, I looked at him, I know him well, he never supported me killing people but he wants to kill this Rakesh ever since the death of our HEARTBEAT, I nodded at him,

After a while,

" Shall we go and have lunch, I am hungry man, I am dying to eat food made by mom, " he said like a hungry kid, I smiled at his antics,

We headed downstairs, we stopped in our tracks when we heard laughter from the kitchen. I went into the kitchen to see what is cooking there.

" OMG, " I and Arush said in unionism. There my mom was dancing with Aastha. Mom looked so happy, seeing her happy I was happy. I don't want anything other than her smile in this world.

Arush cleared his throat, with that they both turned towards us, I smiled at mom,

" When did u both come ? " she asked,

" While u were dancing lovingly mom, " Arush said, imitating her

" Badmash, stop it, I was just... " she could not find words,

" Mom, u are awesome, " he added, but my concentration was on Aastha, for the first time I am seeing her smiling, it was so beautiful, no, what am I thinking?

" Mom, is food ready? I am hungry, " saying I walked out,

Aastha POV :

I know he would react like this, at least he must be happy for his mom, Arush was so cool, when he went out,

" Don't worry he is like this, " Arush answered my unexpressed question, I smiled at him,

We went out and sat at the table, while the servants came out with all dishes, we started having lunch. It was in complete silence. After lunch,

" Beta, u eat this desert, " Aunty gave two bowls to both of them,

" Yummy, mom it is so good, " Arush said,

" It is good mom, love u, " Viraj said,

" No no, I did not make this, Aastha made this, " She said turning towards me, hearing that he stopped eating, he kept down the bowl on the table,

" Mom I have to make an important call, " saying this he left, how rude he is, I hate him,

After chatting for a while more, then aunty asked me to go into my room and get some sleep.

I went into my room, but I was not able to sleep because of all the memories, when I was talking I forgot that I am kidnapped, but now all those past memories are killing me.

I went near the window, the view outside was good. I thought of taking a walk. When I was heading downstairs, I heard some noises from the kitchen. I walked towards the kitchen thinking it was aunty. But to my surprise, the Don was there. I was shocked because he was eating the desert secretly. I was controlling my laughter. After finishing one bowl, he was searching for more,

" It is in the deep fridge , " I said coming into light, unable to control I laughed,

" If u liked it, then why can't u express? " I asked him,

" Why are u eating like a thief? " I added,

" See, I am not thief, this is my home, I can do anything here, I can eat whatever I want, " he said,

" Yes u can, so you liked it right, ohh now I know, u scared of me, " I said, but suddenly he pinned me to the wall, I am unable to move, he came too close that I can feel his breath,

" Now tell me, who is scared ? " he said, before he could do anything, his mobile rang, he left me,

' OMG '

Viraj POV:

I liked the desert so much, but I did not want her to know that, so after everyone went to their rooms, I ate it. But she caught me. when I pinned her to the wall, when I looked into her eyes, they are saying a different story.

The evening passed so fast, as I was too busy with the work. After finishing my work, I went to sleep.

I got jerked from my sleep when I heard some noise. I woke up to see who it is. I went down, everything is perfect. All the doors are closed, everything is in its place. I thought of going back into my room when I felt a cold breeze. I turned towards the source when I saw my office room door was open.

I rushed inside, everything is fine there too. But I remember that I locked the door. I heard footsteps, when I turned in the direction, someone was going with a file in their hands,

" Stop, " I shouted, they ran, I too ran behind them, they went out into the garden, I followed. I caught the hand in which there is a file. Then I tightened the grip. They threw mud into my eyes and fled but the file is with me. When I opened my eyes I can see none there. I took the file, and when I saw my hand, I saw blood in my nails. For sure their hand is wounded whoever it is.

I woke up Arush and told him what happened.

" I think someone is working for him here, " I said,

" I think u are right because no one can enter our area," he said,

" We can do one thing, tomorrow we can check all our employee hands here, they are wounded, " I said,

" Okay, now keep this file with u and go to sleep, we will see tomorrow, " he said and we headed to our rooms,

The next day morning, I was with mom and Arush, having breakfast, when Aastha came down, she was wearing a white full-handed kurti. She was like an angel.

" Good morning aunty, Arush , " she wished only both of them but not me, hm , I don't care,

" Good morning, " they said,

" Arush make sure that every employee is present, I will go and mail the details, there our employees will present the deal, then I will join u, " I said and left the table,

To be continued .............................


How is chap???

Boys can not accept when they like it, see Viraj became a thief, did u like that part ??

Hope so, and who must be that traitor ??

Let me know through your comments,

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Yours lovingly,

