26. U are only mine..

Hi Choco sticks. How are u all? I hope u loved last chap. I want to tell a short story. I saw it in you tube and I wanted to share it with u all.

To father with love:

There was boy who is in 12. He was in one of the most famous college. All his friends had bikes. He didn't. He used to go on foot to college. All his friends used to make fun of him. He used to get embarrassed and would fight with his dad.

One day it became a big fight. He walked out of his house. He wore his dad's shoes and took his dad purse. So that he can't find him soon. While walking he find it so difficult with those shoes. He can feel all the stones, thrones cutting his feet. He went and sat in bus stand. He opened his dad purse. There was only 50 rs. He saw many papers. He opened. It is his college fees. It was 1 lakh. He saw one more slip. That is a warning letter to pay rest of the fee immediately. And one more slip. That is bike exchange slip where his dad is selling his old scooter to get his son a bike. ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข

He started crying. He went back home and apologized his dad.

Dad give up everything for our happiness.

I want to dedicate this chap to Dollyaankie


Viraj POV:

I was so nervous. Really I am. What will I tell her? How will she react? Will she like the arrangements? What if she won't even come with me.? So many questions.

" Stop thinking too much. And get ready. " Arush came into my room.

" I am not thinking. " I said.

" Oh really. U can't act in front of me. " he said.

" Arush how did u propose.? " I asked.

" Viraj. Everyone is different. But remember one thing. If u do it with your whole heart. She will say yes. " he said.

" How do u know? " I asked.

" When I was about to propose Icha. She spoke to me. She encouraged me but I understood that she is also waiting for such moment with u. " he said.

" Really? " I asked with excitement.

" Really. Idiot now get ready. " saying this he went out.

Then I got ready and went down. As stepped down Priya came and hugged me. I saw Aastha. She was jealous. I liked that side. So I hugged her back. In the party too, I did dance with Priya just to enjoy the expressions on Aastha's face. She was about to leave then Arush waved at me to execute the plan. I did. Finally she is mine. Only mine. I can't even bear the thought of leaving her.

I was in deep thoughts about everything in my life.

" Good morning.. " a voice came. I expected it to be Aastha. But I was wrong. It is Priya.

" Good morning. " I said plainly.

" Why did u leave the party all of a sudden yesterday.? " she questioned me.

" What happened ? I had to meet someone important. So. I left. " I said.

" Whom? " she asked. I was irritated.

" Why are asking me as if u know everyone that I know. " I said. I got up from the bed and went to wash room. This girl. When will I get rid of her. Today is going to be a bad day because I saw her early in the morning. I said to myself.

After finishing my morning chores I came out to find my room empty. Thank God. Soon I got ready. While I was putting my tie, I heard shouting from the hall. I went down immediately to witness the screams of Priya on Aastha. My blood started boiling. The nerve of this girl. I will show your true colors.

I walked down. Soon Priya stops.

" What's happening?? " I asked.

" Why does she live here? " Priya asked.

" Because she is my sister. " oh oh not me. It's Arush who said it.

" Bhai. I am your sister. Not her. " Priya said.

" She is. " Arush said determined.

" So u are talking to your little sister like this for her. " Priya said again.

" See. Treat her well. " Arush said.

" Why should I? " she asked.

" Priya don't argue. I am getting headache early in the morning because of u. Aastha please bring me a coffee. " Arush said.

" No I will bring. " Priya said.

" Why ?? To kill us? No need. " I said.

" Viraj. U are also taking her side. " Priya said.

" What is wrong with u. Our old Priya is not u. " I said. Her eyes widened. She looked nervous.

" I am. " she said.

" No our Priya will never behave like this. " Arush said.

" Ha oh....." She couldn't tell anything.

" What?? " I screamed at her.

" I just want to be with u both. Only u two. Because I missed u both all these years. " she said trying to cover up but badly failed.

" I want to be alone for a while. I am going out. " she said and walked away. We resumed our work. Today I decided to work from home. So I got into my office room along with Arush.

Aastha POV:

Today when Priya was making so much drama. I didn't even speak. Not that I can't. I just don't want to. I heard all the words bhai and Viraj said to her. I was about to cry so badly. I am happy to have them in my life. After Priya left. I felt something is fishy. So I decided to follow her. I got into car. I told I don't want any body guards so that she will not get that someone is following her. She took many turns. I think she is clever making sure that even if anyone follows, they will get confused in this route for sure. But I am not anything less than her.

I followed her carefully. Then I saw her going into a guest house area. I sneaked in when no one saw me. I went in. I saw her through a window. She was talking to someone. His back is facing me. Who would it be? Soon he turned. I know him. I saw him some where. Where??ย  I thought. Then I remember that I saw him in the party last night. He was bar tender. Then how come he is here. Then I understood he came to meet her yesterday.

I tried listening to what they are talking about. Suddenly my phone started ringing. I forgot to keep it on silent. I saw who it is. Wrong time my love. Before I could hide. His men caught me. I walked in.

" Who are u? " he asked.

" She is only Aastha. " Priya said.

" Oh so u are Aastha. " he said.

" Who are u? " I asked both of them.

" Well the answer to your question will be given. But u have to tell us something. " he said.

" Tell us the password to Viraj system. " he said.

" Are u a fool? " I asked. Laughing.

" How dare u? " he asked.

" How dare u to touch me. " I said.

" Tell me. " he said.

" No that will never happen. " I said.

" Oh then. " he started walking towards me.

" Be ready to die. " he said.

" That is in your dreams. " I said. I know Viraj will not let anything happen to me.

" Oh over confidence. " he said.

" No. Confidence over my Viraj. " I said.

" U are wrong baby. " he said pulling his gun out.

" Bhai. Why u want to kill such a beautiful girl. I will marry her. " one guy said.

" Okay. Keep discussing about me. No use. " I said.

" Look at her attitude. " Priya said.

" See. U all are doing a big mistake. Why are u doing all this? " I asked.

" Because I want to see him destroyed. " he said.

" But why? " I asked.

" Because. They are our competitors. First his dad never let us get any project. Now both these people. " he said. I understood.

" But how is this Priya? " I asked.

" She is not Priya. Runi. " he said. Then she removed the mask. It's someone.

" Ohh. So u planned everything in advance. " I said.

" Yes. U are such a fools. " he said.

" No. We are not. " I laughed.

" What? " he asked.

" U are fools. Because we know about this one. We were just waiting to know the whole story. " I said.

" What ever.? Now we will kill u and he will not get the contract as we have the file. " he said.

" That will never happen... "

Viraj POV:

I was working in my office.

" I will come. " Arush said and went away. But came in and said.

" Bhai. Not only work. Spend some time with her. " he said. I smiled. I got up and went to her room. She was not there. So I thought I will check in Icha room. I went in. I am dead soon. I entered in wrong time. Arush was there and was about to kiss.

" Do u know that there is a manners to knock on the door. " he said.

" Oh really. Let me introduce u to another manners of locking door. " I said and went out. I tried calling her. But no use. I went down and asked the guards. They said she went out alone. What the hell?? This girl will never change.

I called Arush out. We tracked her number and reached a place. As we were about to enter the house. We heard some talks. We heard everything. I got the whole thing behind this plan. As he was about to shoot her. I went in.

" That will never happen. " I said.

Seeing us. Half of them ran away immediately.

" U idiots. " he shouted at his men. I chuckled at his situation.

" when u try to kill me. Get someone from other country. Because they will not be much scared of me. But unlucky u. U don't have second chance. I won't let u. " I said. I shoot him on his leg. I wanted to kill him for slapping Aastha. But I promised her that I won't kill anyone any more.

She ran to me and hugged me.

" I know that u will come. " she said.

" Are u nuts. Who told u to do all these stunts. " I shouted at her.

" No one. " she said.

" Then why did u?ย  What if something happen to u? " I asked.

" U promised me that u won't let anything happen to me. " she said still in my arms. I smiled at her.

" Let's go home and u guys can carry on your romance. How ever u both ruined mine. " Arush said. We all laughed and went back home after police took them into custody.

To be continued....

How is this chap.?

I know not much interesting. But still I wanted to close Priya. So tell me.

I want to write about their marriage and then end the book in five or six more chaps. What do u think?

If want something else in the story please let me know.

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