33. Happiness or sadness...

Hiii lovely readers. So finally I am ending this book. For sure. Thank u so much for your love and support. I will miss u all.

I have exams then holidays. May be my next book will start in December. I am not sure.

I want to dedicate this chap to Freaky_mind . Thanks dear for all the lovely covers.

Aastha POV:

The rest of the honeymoon was awesome. We enjoyed a lot. After one month, we came back. Now it's has been two months from that. Our lives fell into routine again. First few days were so hectic, not because of work. It is Viraj. He was hell like a child. He doesn't want to go to office. Every day it's a big task for me to send him to office. Same like we do with children to send them to school.

Today he told he will come soon. So I thought I will prepare something special for him. Icha and bhai went to US to meet her parents. Dada went to my home. So it's only us.

I was in kitchen baking the cake. Suddenly I lost grip. Thank God I got hold of cabin. I didn't fall. I felt dizzy. It didn't last longer. I resumed again. But after two minutes again I lost balance. I thought I will fall but two arms protected me from that.

" Aastha. What happened? " Viraj asked in concern.

" I am fine. Just tired. " I said.

" Who told u to do all the work. I warned u many times. U never take care of yourself. " he said making me sit near the table. He got me water to drink.

" I am fine. I was just baking cake. To surprise u. " I said. He looked at me.

" Love. There is no need of all that. U should be healthy. " he said.

" Okay. Sorry. " I said pouting at him.

" Don't do that. We are going to doctor. " he said.

" No. I hate that. " I said.

" Then u should taken care of yourself. " he said.

After 7 months:

Today I am hell frustrated with everyone.

" What's wrong with u all? " I shouted.

" What? " They all said blankly.

" I want to go down. And play with the puppies. " I said. All glared at me.

" This is not at all fair. U are not fulfilling my wishes. I hate u all. " I said and ran to my room.

" Go slowly. " few shouted. I sat on my bed and started thinking about everything. That day when we went to hospital. That day changed our lives totally. It brought more happiness in our lives. I was pregnant.

I still remember how Viraj reacted. He didn't even blink once when he heard it. But he got his senses back. He lifted me. And started dancing in the hospital only. He was so happy. From then everyone took double care of me. They won't let me do anything.

Viraj fulfilled my every crave. I would have wake him up for ice creams, biryani, pasta made by only HIM. He got those puppies also for me.

Now I was restricted to not to go out my room. They tell me only to rest. U guys tell me how can I be on the bed for 24/7 hours. Can u be??

" What are u thinking love? " Viraj asked coming inside.

" I hate u. " I said. He kissed my cheeks.

" But I love u. I know that u too do. " he said. He settled himself beside me on the bed.

" Let me do something. I am damn bored sitting in this room all the day. I want to go out. " I complained.

" Love. U know that u need take rest and.. " he was saying but I cut him off in middle.

" Stop this. I don't want to talk to anyone. U all will talk to each other. Go out. Enjoy. But I have to sit all alone in this room. " I shouted. Without my senses, I started crying. I don't even know why I am crying. These hormones. 😭😭

" Sweet heart. Why are u crying?  Okay, we will go out. " he said. I soon stopped crying.

" Really.?? " I asked.

" Really, now get ready. " he said. Without wasting a sec I went to get ready.

I came out and saw everyone staring at me.

" Aastha. U could have rested. " Bhai said.

" Stop it. Let her breath some fresh air. U all house arrested her. " Icha supported me.

" Thanks. " I said. Viraj took my hand. He helped me to get into car.

We went out. He was riding too slow.

" Raj. Increase the speed. See even cycle is over taking us. " I said.

" No way. U are in this condition. So no to that. " he said.

" I am not asking u to race the car. Just at least normal speed. " I said.

" I said NO. " he said sternly. I agreed to him. Then I saw a ice cream shop.

" Raj. I want ice cream. " I shouted.

" What?  Hell no. U will catch cold. Then my princess  too. " he said.

" Raj. Stop the car right now and get me a ice cream or else sleep on the couch for next two weeks. " I said. He applied breaks immediately.

" What?  No way. " he said.

" Then get me one. " I said.

" Okay. " he said defeated and went to get one. He came with my favourite butterscotch cone. He gave me.

" Happy.? " he asked.

" More than anything. " I said. As I was about to eat it. I had bone breaking pain. Agrhhh

" What happened. Are u fine? " he was asking me. I was not even in a position to answer. Soon I blacked out.

Viraj POV:

As I saw her in that condition. I was so tensed. I rushed a near by hospital. I informed everyone.

" Cool. She will be fine. " Arush is trying to me calm me down.

" I saw her. She was in so much pain. " I said.

" Nothing will happen to her. All our love and prayers are with her. " Dada said.

Doctor came out.

" Mr. Viraj. I am sorry I have to tell u this. " he said. My heart skipped.

" What is it doctor.? " Arush asked.

" Actually. She has complications. Now we have to abort the child or else she will die. " he said.

" So tell me whom should I save.?  Mother or the child.? " he added.

" What? " I shouted. I fall down on my knees and started crying.

" Doctor save the mother. " Dada said. I know even my answer would be that. But I just can't say to kill my child.

" Viraj u need to be strong. Please don't become weak. Now u have to handle even Aastha. " Arush said. Everyone are crying. I had only one question. Why always me??

After that. It has been six hours since they started operation. I am so worried now. I can't loss any of them. I am so helpless. I took care of her so much. But still. Doctor came out.

" Mr. Viraj, the thing is... "

To be continued....

First of all sorry for late update. My exams started. I wrote one today. Six more to go.

So how many are ready to kill me now?

Let me know through your votes and comments.


