13. I am too good...

Hiii Chocosticks... How are u all??  I am soooo happy... Do u know why??
Firstly my friend is happy and secondly my first book has reached 5 lakh readers... And I entered in wattys 2016.. I hope u will all support me... Please vote for the book...

I want to dedicate this chap to college friends...

Viraj POV:

After seeing her, I can't control my anger. After taking Arush to his room I was so angry and I don't know whom I have to show it on. Now Dada is coming with us. He doesn't know about what we do. I need to be more careful from now. Actually I can be relaxed as I don't have anymore enemies. I called my men and told them to finish the arrangements as soon as possible for Dada to come with us. So that we can get ride of her.

" Viraj. What are u thinking?? " Arush asked interrupting my thoughts.

" U know well about it. " I replied.

" About Aastha. Don't u feel she was genuine?? " he said.  What the hell??

" Have u gone nuts. Are u again trusting her acts?? " I asked him.

" I am not telling that. She did not do it on purpose. One more thing don't forget that mom died saving her. It means something Viraj. " he said. I too thought about it. But my heart was not ready to forgive her.

" But still Arush. I don't think that I can ever forgive her. " I said.

" But... " I cut him off.

" Please don't bring this topic again. " I said and left to my room.

Aastha POV:

It was noon already. And I am still without any plan on how to stop them. As I was roaming I was passing by Arush bhai room. I peeped in. I saw him struggling to reach glass of water. I went in and helped him to sit. I filled up the glass with water and gave it to him.
He looked at me for a while but at last accepted it.

" Bhai, Even are u angry with me?? " I asked him. He did not say anything. He did not even look at me. I understood that he can't even see my face. He hates me so much. I got up to leave.

" U know. I lost everyone at very young age. My parents. Then aunty was everything to us. She never thought that I was not her son. She loved me more than Viraj. I even lost my sister. When I saw u I thought I got my sister back. But no. U cheated us. I never expected that from u. I understand the pain to lose someone u love. But before coming to conclusions u need to try to know the truth. But u didn't. At times even our own eyes lie to us. What we see is not true all the time. U could have tried to know the truth. If u did. Then today we might be happy all together with MOM. " he said with tears in his eyes. I lost grip on glass and it fell. He looked at me. Those eyes showed many emotions. Asking many questions for which I don't have any answer.

" Even now if u came with wrong intentions please leave. " he said bitterly.

" I am sorry. But one thing I want to say is this time I came to make u smile not to make u cry. Believe me. Please. Every person deserves a chance to prove themself's and also to correct themself's. Then why not me??  " I asked.  He did not say anything at first. But gave a smile. That's enough. I won back my brother. I went and hugged him. He too hugged me back.

" I want to ask u something. " he said.  I told me go ahead.

" When u came here. U used to say some words. At least those are true right?? " he asked.

" Yes because I said those words with pain of losing my dad. " I said honestly.

Just then Dada came in. He smiled looking at us. I hope he did not hear anything. I too gave a weak smile.

" Viraj just now told me that we will be leaving tomorrow only. All arrangements are done. " he said happily. All my happiness fade away.

" Really?? " Arush bhai asked.

" Yes beta. What happened?? " he asked.

" Nothing. I was just thinking that it was so fast. " bhai said. I looked at him with pleading eyes to help. He gave u- have-to - do - something look. What am I gonna do??

" Beta what were u doing here?? " Dada asked.

" she came to help me with water. " bhai only told. First I thought I will try emotional touch.

" Uncle then I will leave. However I have to leave.. " I said and got up.

" Beta wait I spoke to Viraj about u. He said he will arrange someone to drop u. " he said. I nodded and left the room. What shall I do??

While I was in these thoughts I didn't see someone coming in my way and bumped into them. Non other than Viraj. He held me by my waist so that I will not fall. I had my hands on his chest. We looked into each others eyes. His eyes spoke so much which I was not able to understand. He did not release. As if he was searching for some answers in my eyes. After a while he left me. But to my surprise he did not shout at me.

I left and thought of stealing the important papers like passport etc of their's tonight so that their trip is postponed for few days. I am so good at these things. Right??

Viraj POV:

When I held her. I felt something new. Which I can't even name. But I felt disgusting next moment. I left her and walked away. U know that mind and heart will never compromise with each other. My heart is saying something and my mind is saying something else. I decided that it will be alright as soon as we leave, that is tomorrow.

Next day:

I woke up. I looked at my moms photo. This is my daily routine now. As I got out of my bed. Shock!!!!!  My cup board was open. What the hell??
Checked it. Every important file is there. Except. No no. Our visa and passport. How can this happen??

I even locked my room knowing about Aastha. But how did she do this. I straight away walked into her room. Shit. She just came out from bath. She was so beautiful. Her soft skin. Eyes. Wet water drops from her hair on her chubby cheeks. OMG what am I even thinking. She still did not see me. As she saw my reflection in mirror she was about to shout when I closed her mouth. I think this is the first time that I am seeing her so close. She is really beautiful. 'Stop the stupid thoughts' I told my brain. Then I asked her about visa. She said she doesn't know anything. I checked everywhere not listening to her. But found nothing. I came out from her room.

What happened??  How??  Who??

Arush. No he can't move all by myself. He is still weak. So who did this. I called up my men and asked them to check each inch of the house.

I told Arush and Dada the situation. They faces fell.

I can't stay here anymore. I can't stay with her around me.

Aastha POV:

When he came in, my breath hitched. I was just in my top and wrapped towel around my waist. When He touched me, electricity passed all over my body. I was so lost in his touch. This is the first I am so close to him. He asked me about the visa and passport. I said I don't have them. Seriously I did not steel them. Who did this?? Who ever thanks to them.. They made my work easy.

How is this chap??

This is just filler. From next chap the live begins between Viraj and Aastha.

Wait a minute. Who stole visa and passport??

Keep guessing.

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