17. Finding her....

Hiiiii choco sticks.... See I am updating now regularly... I know only small chaps.. But I can give them soon...

Viraj POV:

I have been searching for her since two months. But I am not able to find her. I have a huge network but I am not able to find a girl. Sorry I am forgetting that she too, is of my type. She is so stubborn.

When I find her. First thing I want to do is to tell her about my feelings. And make her my prisoner again. So that she will not leave forever. She showed me hell for these two months. I will show her the same but with my love.

Arush is well now. So he too joined me to find her. Dada don't know anything. I hope he will not. But I am becoming restless these days. I am not able to concentrate on anything. I can't unless I find her.

Mean while I visited her mom. She too has no idea. Aastha didn't inform even her. Because Aastha thought her mom hates her for what she did.

I tried all possible areas to find her. God please help me.

Aastha POV:

It has been two months. Hell two months. It is the hardest phase of my life. To stay away from my family. My love. My brother. I am going mad. But I have to do this.

When I left home. I took a private car to leave the town as soon as possible. Because I know if bhai starts to search he will see air ports and all. I came to city near Delhi. It is a famous one. But I hate it for no reason since my childhood. So no one will think that I will be here. I think this is only better for me.

" Hey Aastha. What are u thinking? " there comes my friend. New friend. His name is Veer. When I moved here he helped me to find a place and a job. Don't worry he is a nice guy. For now.

" Nothing. Just like that. What are u up to? " I asked him.

" Nothing much. Let's go out today. " he said.

" U know I am not interested. " I said.

" I know. But u always say this. Please. Today is my birthday. And it's my treat. " he said.

" Okay. But I will be there only for a while. " I said.

" Pakka. As u say madam. " he said.

" So where are we going?? " I asked.

" Exhibition. " he said. What ?? No. I have many memories there.

" No. Then I am not coming. " I said.

" What?? Just now u said u want to come and now u are saying u will not come. This is not fair. " have said like a child.

" Veer. Please. I am not coming. " I said.

" Okay. 😞Then I will so not celebrate my birthday. I have no one in this world. I thought I can celebrate it with my only friend. Fine. " he became dramatical.

" Ohh stop your drama. I will come. " I said finally not able to bear his drama.

" Yes... " he shouted. I hit him.

Soon it was evening. I am in my flat looking at my sister fb page. She did many post asking me to come back. But I will not. 😢

" Are u ready?? " Veer came.

" Ya. I am. " I said wiping off my tears. He saw the page on my system. I told everything about my past.

" Aastha I think u should go back. " he said.

" Are u mad. I will never. " I said.

" See they miss u. " he said.

" Veer, she doesn't know anything. That's why she doesn't hate me. " I said.

" So what. I know everything about u. But I don't hate u. " he said. Tears flowed down. He came and hugged me. After that we went to exhibition. He didn't want to but I didn't want to spoil his special day.

After reaching there the first thing I saw is giant wheel. Everything came as a flood water into my mind with a force. I shook my head and went in along with Veer. There are some of his friends too.

We had some snacks and then they wanted to go for rides. Knowing about me Veer stayed back with me.

We roamed here and there. After a while he went to get a ice cream. I stood in front of a mirror shop. I saw my own reflection. I look pathetic. Soon I saw Viraj behind me. Ya right. Now a days I see him every where. So I just ignored it. But I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see who it is. I saw Viraj. Really he was here. I stood like a statue. I don't know whether it is true or not. So I touched his cheeks. He smiled. Seeing that I too smiled. It is real. Real. Wait. He found me??

" So what do u think that I can't find u? " he said. I am stuck.

" What do u think of yourself.?? How can u leave me like that?? " he screamed.

" Excuse me. Who the hell are u?? " Veer came.

" Who are u in the first place.?? " Viraj shouted.

" I am her boy friend. " Veer said. What the hell??

" What? " Viraj said.

" Veer stop playing jokes. U are not my boy friend. And he is Viraj. " I said.

" Ooh... I am sorry man. I don't know that. I thought that you were someone who is harassing her. So I told u that. I am her friend Veer. " he said. Viraj just nodded.

He looked at me. I know if I make him ask the same question again and again he will get angry.

Viraj POV:

She looked at me and I know she will answer now.

" Viraj. I just don't want anymore hatred. So I came away. " she said.

" So do u think that it is that easy. U know how pathetic were we. I am warning u. Don't do such stupid things ever again. " I said. She didn't say anything.

" I want to tell u something. I searched for u all over to tell this. " I said.

" I know what u want to tell. " she said. She knows. 🤔

" Priya is alive right. " she said looking behind me. I looked back. Priya. She is alive.

I gave one more chap within a day dear lovely readers.

So Priya is alive. She came back. Now what is gonna happen??

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