7. True Colours...

Hiiiii Chocosticks .. How r u all?? As I said this chap will be a lengthy one... I hope u all enjoyed last chap... And one more news... I won elections in my class... I am so happy... I want to thank all my classmates for their support and trust in me...

I want to dedicate this chap to my best friend freaky mind....


Aastha POV:

When I asked bhai to help me, he clearly told that he will not. I thought he will help me for sure but no.

What shall I do now??? I have to talk to them. I want to. So badly. I miss them every moment when I am here. I have to do something to contact him at least so that I can reach them. But how?? If anyone sees then I will be dead. I need to be careful. Okay I will make a plan.

" Beta, what are u doing??? " aunty came in,

" Nothing aunty, just remembering my family, " I said making a sad face. At least she should help me. Of course I am a great actor. I said to myself.

" Ohh beta, dont worry. We don't have any personal grudge on u or your family." She said.

" Aunty, u call me your daughter right. Will u do me a favour?? " I asked her. She nodded.

" Aunty can u give your phone? I want to talk to my mom." I said. Her face fell.

" I dont have phone. They increased the security measures. So they took my phone as my son is with me. " she explained. What the hell?? I wanted to scream now. But I controlled my anger. I just smiled at her.

" Come down. We will have lunch. " she said walking out of my room. Food my foot. I want some media to contact them and HIM. I thought that now it is high time and I need to do something. If I go on relying on others then I have to end up dying here. No way. What shall I do?? What?? Yes that is best idea. Smiling to myself I went down to have food.

I saw everyone there. I went and sat in between aunty and Viraj. Silently I was having my food.

" Aunty, is there any church nearby???" I asked her.

" yes , if u travel 15 min there is one. " she said.

" Why are u asking for it now?? " Viraj asked me.

" I have a habit of going to church every Sunday." I replied calmly.

" So u expect me to send u out?? " he asked me again. More like commanding.

Viraj POV:

When I asked her, the reply she gave made me go numb.

" I am not going for the sake of me. I am go there to pray for the people who are suffering in this work especially because of u all. I mean mafia. And also I believe that my message will reach my family at least through god. " she said.

Even SHE used to say the same. My girl used to say that. Why there is so much common in these two. Brushing away my thoughts, I left dining table without having my lunch. I went and sat in my chair. Why SHE has to leave me.

I remember the day clearly when she left me alone in this cruel world. The most painful day after dad's death. I can never forget that day nor the person who is the reason for that.

I called one of my body guards into my room.

" yes sir, did u call me??" He said .

" Yes David. I want u to take Aastha to church. Make sure it is empty and don't let her talk to others at all. Am I clear?? Be here soon." I instructed him. He nodded and left my room.

May be I have to end this soon. I called Arush to come soon.

" What buddy ?? What do u need?? " he asked me.

" I called to decide about our next step. " I asked him.

" U mean about Aastha?" He questioned. I just simply nodded.

" Okay, as we said before. We will tell him that we are brutally treating her. But actually we are not. And let him suffer some pain. Later we will set up a plan on how to kill him. " he said in rage. I got an idea.

I told my guards to bring some photos of Aastha.

" What are u going to do with them??" Arush asked me out of anxiety. I smiled at him.

" We have to make him suffer right. " I answered him. He got what I was trying to say.

U guys also got it right??? No.. Then listen.. I will change these photos of Aastha into vulnerable ones....

Rakesh wait and watch. U knocked on the door of your death by yourself. A few more days. And then u will be dead. I will never let u die in others hands. Because I have to kill u by my bare hands. And I will. Just wait. And enjoy your last few days.

Thinking all these I started smiling.

" So u let her go to church??" Arush words brought me back to earth. I nodded.

" Dont u think she resembles.. " I did not let him complete his sentence.

" No way. SHE is the only one. No one can be like HER. ONLY HER. NO ONE ELSE." I said. Almost shouted.

He left the place without saying anything. Why all this is happening to us. What did we do for this. Why only us.

I took out her photo from cupboard and stared at her. When ever I see her photo, I feel like she is trying to say something to me. But I never get it.

I love u...

Aastha POV:

All my plans are not working. Think Aastha. Do something. I was with aunty. She was blabbering something and I am just nodding at her stupid stuff. Seriously she talks too much. OMG. Someone save me. And then a guard came towards us. Thank god. Really.

" Mam sir told to take u to church. " he said.

I was shocked. I think my words are affecting him. I should often try it. Then I will be successful in my work. While was thinking aunty patted me. I came back to my reality. I mentally appreciated myself for such sentimental lines. Then I wondered even these mafia people can fall for sentiments.

" Beta, what are u thinking. Go and get ready. U have to leave and come back early. So go now." She said. I smiled a fake one.

I went to my room and changed into another outfit and came out. I waved a bye to aunty and got into the car. But i saw Viraj from side mirror. He was seeing me from his room window. Ohh Mr. Viraj is now on track. Now the game begins.

We drove to church. After a while we reached. I got down and went in. Along with that bodyguard of mine. Yes mine. He is my person. U got what I said right. I went in and he gave me mobile. Soon I dailed his number. R u wondering who is he?? RAKESH.

" Hello. " came a voice from other side.

" Hai its me." I said.

" Oh so finally u decided to call me." He said.

" U know what will be my position here. How can I call u. " i Said in irritation.

" Okay so what is the matter??" He asked.

" u have to tell me what to do next. " i told him.

" U know , Viraj is so week for relations. So.. " he said.

" So ???" I asked him, not understanding what he meant.

" So simple. Make him fall for u. " he said.

" Ohh i got it.. " I said.

" This time there will be no mistakes." I added. With that I hung up. I spoke to my family. They don't know what I do. They are thinking i am on a business trip. Thats good.

Then we fled back.

Flash back:

" Aastha , can u do this?? " he asked me.

" I can do anything. What should I do now??" I asked him.

" For few days u have to act like my girlfriend and then a day we will arrange a fake wedding of our's . " he Said.

" Then I am sure he will kidnap u. " he added.

" If he wont then ?? " i asked.

" Think if I murder your sister then what will u do?" He asked me.

" I will kill you with the same pain." I said in rage.

" Exactly , so he will come to take u to give me pain  " he said. I nodded.

Flash back ends...

All that drama what I did is nothing. But I am damn tired acting so good in front of them. They are such a fools. I pity them. Now I know their weakness. Now I will play. Ball is in my court.

" Aastha. How did u escape that day?? " my men asked me.

" Viraj caught me but I some how escaped from his grip. " I Said remembering the day of theft. Yes it was me. He is intelligent. He knows that thief will have injuries on hands. But I am too clever. That's why I was wearing full sleeves. He did not find out that.

Even that attack on us was by me. I wanted to show him that I am innocent and care for them. Seriously it worked. Aunty thinks that I came to be with her but poor she knows I am here to kill them. How sad , they are treating their death so well.

And this Arush is also a big dumb. I call him bhai. He will be on ground in front me. Whatever, I have to finish my work soon and should leave that stupid house. I will do that.

We reached home. I prepared dinner and called everyone. As usual aunty and bhai liked it. But this Stubborn is too reserved to praise my work. Whatever. Who cares. I will show him what I am.

After dinner everyone went to their rooms. We were told that we will leave tomorrow from here. Thank god. I will be free from her blabbering. And also from tomorrow I will implement my plan.


On the other side Viraj...


To be continued....


So how is the chap.??

OMG she is so cunning right??

What will happen next... ?? Everyone are starting their own games...

Please tell me what u feel...



