2 . The New Girl Aastha...

Hiiii Choco sticks, I hope everything is going on great with you all, I am here with another update,

If we love someone we should be able to see them happy with us or even with others, if they don't love you back, killing them or harassing them is not the solution,


Aastha POV :

A few hours back :

As mom went out I was getting ready, a few minutes later mom came in again,

" Are you ready dear? Everyone is waiting, we need to reach there early, " she said,

" Mom, I am ready, shall we go, " I said giving a final look at myself in the mirror,

" Okay, you go, I will come with Siya, " she said,

" She is not here yet, OMG, how long will she take? I don't want her to miss my wedding, " I said sadly,

" Dear, she will be here in any moment, so don't worry, she will not miss it, " mom said,

" Okay, " I said,

" Now go, " she said,

I went out, a white Audi was waiting for me, I got in, I saw a lot of security inside and even out of the car,

" Why is there so much security today? " I asked the driver,

" Mam, today is the most important day and also very easy for the enemies to attack, so this, " he said and started the ride,

While I was going, I looked outside the window and started thinking how my life is going to change in few hours, everything will be different, I cant see mom and Siya daily, I will be at a different home, I have to be with others full of security, to an extent I know that I will lose my freedom. With a sudden jerk of the car, I came out of my thoughts. When I was about to step out of the car, I heard bullets sound and my security guards are falling down with a lot of blood flowing out of their bodies, I got more scared, the ones inside told me not to come out and stepped out of the car and they too are dead, now what shall I do ???

Soon my car door was opened, a man in a suit who tells he is the boss came in, he took my hand into his iron hands and started dragging me out, as I protested with all my strength but it all went in vain when he gave me a glare. He pushed me into his car and told the driver to start the car, when we were on the way, I was crying, to that, he shouted at the top of his lungs, with that I kept silent, I don't know what will happen to me next,

God save me, please.

Viraj POV :

As we reached home, I got down and looked at her. I think my looks are enough to scare her, she got down from the car with that heavy dress. I can sense she is uncomfortable with that. Soon one of my maids came,

" Good Morning sir, " Lisa said,

" Good morning, did you remove all the things I told you to and arranged the rest? " I asked her,

" Yes sir, there is no way that she can communicate with others, and arranged the rest for her usage, " she said, I looked at the girl, I don't even know her name,

" Okay, take her to her room, and have an eye on her, this is your duty from now on, " I said still looking at the girl,

" Okay sir, " she said to me and turned towards her,

" Mam, this way, " they both went inside,

I headed towards my office room, Arush followed me,

" Man, you are too much, now what are you going to do ? " he questioned me,

" First let's see his face on TV, then I will tell you" I said switching on the TV,



" It's me, " I said and started laughing,

" Look at his face, " I said and we both started laughing ,

" Yes man, you are right, it is worth seeing his face like this, " he said,

I gave him look ' u are right '

" But one thing Vir, " he said in a serious tone,

" What ?? " I asked,

" Don't hurt her, because she is out of this game, she is innocent, " he said,

" Why are you so concerned about her ?? " I asked fully annoyed,

" Because, she is like my sister whom I lost, " he raged and walked out,

His words ringed in my head, but I brushed them away and I too went out, all are at the dining table, means the new girl and Arush. I too went and joined them. I am not so cruel that I don't even provide food for my prisoners,

" Viraj, mom wants to see us, when shall we go ? " Arush asked ,

" Today we have meetings, so tomorrow, we can go and meet her, " I said and he gave a warm smile, he is more to close mom than me,

" Okay then what about her ? " he asked pointing towards her,

" Ya even she will be there, I can't trust anyone , " I said, now she stopped eating as it is about her,

" What is your name ?? " I asked her, she was taken back by that question,

" You don't even know the name of the person whom u kidnapped ?? " she asked, this first time that I have heard her voice,

" I need to know the person, not their autobiography, now stop asking stupid questions and answer me, " I said sternly,

" Aastha, " she said and got up without eating,

" I didn't say not to eat, I said not to dare to question me ever again, " I said loudly,

" You don't know how to speak to girls, they have a sensitive heart not a rock one like you, " saying that she left,

I am damn stuck with those familiar words, I too got up and went into my room saying informing everyone not to disturb me,

' You don't know how to speak to girls, they have a sensitive heart not a rock one like you ' those same words 5 years back, 

5 years back one day,

" Why don't you understand? just leave me and get the hell out of here, " I shouted at her,

" You don't know how to speak to girls, they have a sensitive heart not a rock one like you, " she said and walked out of my room banging the door,

' what the hell is she talking, I don't know how to talk to girls, '

' maybe I really don't know ' with those thoughts I went into mom's room, she was sitting on the bed reading a book, I went and sat beside her,

" What happened my son ? " she caressed my cheeks,

" Mom, am I cold-hearted? " I asked her,

" No dear, who said that, everyone sees only that part of yours which is hard but not a lovely one, " she said and I smiled at her,

" See your smile will win hundreds of hearts easily my son, you are in place which made you like this, but wait till the day comes when a girl changes that, girls are magic in everyone's life, so wait till you fall in love, " she said,

' I think I am already in love, mom, ' I thought to myself and smiled remembering her words,

Flash back ends,

With a knock on the door, I came back to reality, I came back from all those memories, those memories of HER,

" I told you not to disturb me, " I shouted,

" Viraj we need to get out this place, " Arush shouted back, I went to open the door,

" What happened? " I asked seeing his worried face,

" Mom got heart stroke again, " he said as fast as possible,

" What ?? how i s tha..t po..si..ble " I can't even speak now, I took my suit and ran out,

I saw the security ready with the cars for us,

" I don't want to come anywhere now, I won't" I heard someone shouting, I turned towards the source, it was Aastha,

" No mam, sir told you should also be there, " Lisa was trying to tell her, I lost my temper now, I just climbed the stairs caught her wrist, and took her with me, she was struggling so hard to make herself free from my grip but failed,

We soon reached the airport, there my private jet was waiting for us, we got in and within no time we are on my private island where my mom stays, I ran into the home and the rest followed me when I entered the home, the sight in front of me is so shocking,

To be continued..........


Here you go guys with another update, those two photos in the middle of the chap are Rakesh and Aastha ,

If you are confused then that part where he thinks about HER is flashback,

I hope you liked it, and what do you think about Viraj ????

What did he saw there ????

Let me know through your lovely comments,

If you like the chap, hit the like button,

Always yours,

