31. Lovely life...

Hiiii my heartbeats... Ya it's u all... Thank u so much for your love.. As u all wanted me to continue and show their marriages here it goes... I am doing it... I can't guarantee the number of chaps and regular updates as I have exams... I don't know how regularly I can give u updates... And also I want to keep updates shorts and sweet...

I want to dedicate this chap to push1817.

Aastha POV:

Life is so blissful from the past 24 hours. Yes it has been 24 hours since we got married. I am missing my family so badly. But Viraj is doing everything he can to cheer me up. I am so happy to get him as my life partner.

" Aastha. What are u thinking? " bhai asked. We are currently sitting in hall with everyone. It's all bhai and Raj friends who are there now with us.

" Noth.. " I was about to tell but cut off by someone.

" What will a new bride be thinking of. Her husband. " his friend. I blushed hearing those comments.

" Ohhh so my sister also know how to blush. " bhai said.

" I learnt it from u bhai. U blush when u even hear bhabhi's name. " I said. He really blushed. Everyone chuckled hearing it.

" Icha, Aastha as it is first day for u both. Prepare something sweet. " Dada said.

" Dada but they both have been here and they also prepared sweet. " Viraj said.

" Dumbo. As brides it's their first time. It's a ritual. " one of their friend said. I laughed seeing Viraj.

" Ji Dada we will do. " I said. We got up.

" Bhabhi prepare halwa please. " they said. We smiled and nodded.

We both went in and started doing our work. We decided to do halwa and gulabjamun. I am lucky. At least Icha is with me. We are now more than friends.

" Aastha. Wait and watch in 10 counts. They will be here. " she said. I chuckled at it. She started counting. At 5th count they showed up. Seeing that I burst out laughing.

" What happened.? Is there something on our faces? " they said started checking their faces in plates. Seeing that I laughed more.

" Stop. What happened. " Viraj asked. I said them. They looked at each other as if they became fools.

" What do u mean by that. ?" Bhai asked.

" That means u can't stay away from us at least for 10 min. " Icha said.

" No that is not true. We can. " bhai said.

" No. Bet. " I said.

" Okay. We will stay away from u both for one hour. If u win we will elope u both now only to honeymoon. And if u win u have to kiss us in front everyone. " Viraj said.

" Oka.. Wait what?  U idiot. Both are beneficial to u both. " I said blushing after realising what he said.

" Okay. What u want then.? " they asked.

" We will tell when we want. At that time u both should not back out. " Icha said. They nodded and went out.

" What if they really do that.? " Icha asked.

" Impossible. Even if they try we will not let them. " I said. We gave high five to each other.

It has been half an hour. We are almost done with our work. We did halwa. We thought we will serve it first. So we took the bowls and went out. We put one bowl in Pooja room and then gave everyone.

" wow bhabhi. It's awesome. " said one.

" Beta this is really good. Come here u both. " Dada said. We went to him. He gave some gifts.

" But Dada. " Icha was started.

" No buts. It's ritual. And also these are their mom. She wanted to give these for her daughter in laws. " Dada said. As soon as we heard mom name. We took them. It's her blessing for us.

" Thanks Dada. " I said. Later we too sat beside our loves. There is only 15 min left. So I decided to do something.

" So did everyone like it.? " I asked. Everyone said yes.

" Oh then HE was right. " I said. Viraj pooped out of his sockets. I signalled Icha.

" Ya he is always right Aastha. " Icha said. Bhai looked at her.

" Who is he? " asked Dada.

" Dada he is our best friend. " I said.

" Veer. " Dada said.

" No Dada. It's another one. " I said.

" He is a sweet guy. " I added.

" Sweet. Aastha. We have to continue gulabjamun. " Icha said.

" Bhabhi. U should have told us early. We would have eaten less. " one said.

" It's okay. They will slip off. " I said they all laughed. We went in.

" Who is he? " Icha asked.

" Someone. " I said and laughed.

" Who is it? " came two voices.

" Who? " I asked casually.

" Your best friend. " Viraj said.

" Oh. He is a very sweet, smart and hot. " Icha said. Bhai dragged her to next room.

" I didn't ask how is he. I asked who is he? " He said with stern voice and dragged me by waist.

" He is my sweet husband who lost the bet now. " I said putting my hands around his neck. He looked at me confused.

I showed him the time. He understood. He glared.

" My hubby is angry now. " I said touching his cheek.

" No not at all. Because however today we will be leaving for our destination. " he said and leaned closing the gap between us.

In the evening everyone left. I spoke to mom and Siya. Then packed my luggage. Bhai and Icha are going to one destination. We are to another.

They didn't reveal the place saying it is surprise for us.

" Did u pack everything.? " Viraj asked.

" Yes. I am done. " I said.

" What about dada. How will he be alone.? " I asked.

" No no. Your mom is coming here. Siya and aunty will stay here. " he said. I smiled at him.

He dragged me hugging me tightly.

" U are looking great. " he said.

Aastha 👆

Siya gave me that dress. Actually there is a change in plan. There is business party. We will go there first and then directly to airport.

We headed down and bid goodbye to everyone and started for party. Viraj, bhai, Icha and me.

" So what u want as u both won the bet. " bhai said.

" That was by cheating. " Viraj said.

" No that was fair. " I said.

" Okay madam. " he said.

" We will tell when we want it. " I said.

" Don't forget that u both owe us one promise to fulfill. " Icha said.

They nodded.

" We reached. " Bhai said. They both got down and opened door for us as gentlemen. Viraj took my hand and walked me inside.

" Hi Viraj. " Someone greeted.

" Hi sir. This is my wife Aastha. " he said. It sounds so perfect when he calls me his wife. He smiled at me.

" Aastha. He is the one who believed us and gave the contract. Raja. " Viraj said. I smiled at him.

" Nice to meet u miss. Hope u both will have great time. " he said and left. It was actually boring. Okay I am not telling this because I want to go for honeymoon. But really business parties are boring. Am I not right?

" Hey beautiful. " someone said. I looked at him.

" Can I have dance with u.? " he asked. I was about to tell but.

" No. I will have pleasure to dance with my wife. " Viraj said and put hand on my waist. He looked at me. We hit the dance just then a romantic song started. We danced for it. We lost in each other😍😍 eyes.

" So wifey ready for the new beginning. " he asked putting my hair behind my ear. I melted to his touch. I nodded at him with a blush. 😘😍

We informed bhai and left to airport.

" I promise u that we will have great time. " he said when we were settled in his private jet. I put my head on his shoulder and said.

" If u are beside me that is enough for me. That each and every second will be great. " I said. He kissed my hair and dragged me more to him.

To be continued....


Hiik guys. So how is the chap??

As I am preparing for my exams now. Exams are soon. So I can give small updates.

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