14. Other side of hers....

Hiii choco sticks... This another chap soon... I hope u all like it... Thank u so much for the support u all have been giving me all these days. Love u so much.

I am not happy at all. Because of some error in wattpad app it showed wrong number of readers for my first book. It's not 5 lakh. 😞And also I wrote this chap thrice because it got deleted twice. Sorry.

Viraj POV:

I am so Pissed off now. I just want to leave. But I can't. How can this happen. I was so careful about that. Who did this??  Who??

I am going crazy. But why??  Why can't I be here for few more days. Is it just that I can't bear her??  Is it that I can't leave her if I spend more time with her.

What am I thinking??


I was sitting in my room. I was doing my work. Then I heard laughter from outside. Since Priya passed away I never heard laughter in my home again. I thought to check who is it. When I stepped out my room I heard it again from my mom's room. I took baby steps towards the door. As I opened it slightly I saw my mom laughing her heart out. Seeing that scene a smile climbed on to my lips. I am so happy to see her like that. But soon I saw Aastha there. My smile vanished. I was about to bark in but seeing my mom happy I couldn't. I left them.

I went and sat in the garden. I was smiling to myself. Don't know why. But the reason behind this is Aastha. There is something that drags me towards her. Her innocent smile. Her pure heart. Everything. After a while she came and sat next to me. She just kept on staring at the sky.

" It's not possible to send a message through clouds as it is said in stories. " I said.

" I am not trying to send a message. I am looking at my father. " she said.

" where is he??  There?? " I asked pointing to a star.

" Yes. " she said seriously. I stopped the sarcasm. I looked at her.

" My dad is no more. He is resting there and looking at my family. " she said. I felt very bad.

" Sorry. " I said. She gave me a warm smile. I walked in. Thinking about her.

Present :

I was falling for her strongly but the day I saw her with Rakesh I lost my hopes on everything. Only my Priya was perfect. I don't know but somewhere I feel like everyone should be given a second chance. But I don't want to give because. I can't let anyone else break my heart anymore. That is the reason I want to go away. As soon as possible.

Aastha POV:

I am currently dancing in my room because they are not leaving. Thank God. But who did it???  Other than me someone else also don't want them to go. But who is that??  Well wisher or enemy. That means I need to be careful.

Soon I got call from Arush bhai.

" Hello bhai.. " I shouted at him.

" There is no need to shout to say that u are alive. " he said and we both laughed.

" Can u come to my room.?  " he asked. Soon I went to his room.

" How did u do that? " he asks as soon as I entered his room.

" Just turned the knob. " I said. He glared at me playfully. I laughed.

" I am not asking that how did u open the door. I am asking about the missing documents. " he said. I gave him glass of juice after helping him to sit.

" I did not do anything. I don't even know who did it. " I said. He looked at me so confused.

" I swear I did not do anything. " I said seriously.

" Then who did it?? " he asked.

" Even I am wondering. " I said.

" Who ever it is. I am so happy. " he said.

" No if it is done by well wisher then fine. Otherwise we need to be careful.
" I said. He understood my words and nodded at me. We went silent for a while. He broke it.

" I want to ask u something. " he said.

" Ya ask me. " I said.

" Do u love Viraj?? " he asked out of no where. I don't know what to answer.

" I don't know. I am not sure. " I said genuinely. He became sad.

" Don't u trust him.? " he asked.

" I don't trust myself. I don't want to break anyones heart nor mine. I lost my dad. I did many sinful things towards u all. My mom hates me. I don't know whether she will ever forgive me or not. I know for what I came here. I will surely try to make him normal. " I said.

" Aastha. His heart is broken beyond repair. U came here to heal him. That is only possible through love which he lost long back. He is a great guy and u can never find such a good person. " he said.

" I am not forcing u to love him. But I am sure u are already in love with him. Promise me that u will bring him out of that nightmare. U will be with him all the time. U will keep him happy. Promise me that u will bring back smile on his face. Promise me. " he asked. I did promise. Yes I want to be with him. I want to be the reason for his smile. I want to be his. Only his.

" I have a plan. " he said.

" And that is? " I said.

" Lets go out. " he said and my jaw dropped to earth.

" What?? R u real? " I said. He smiled at my question. He called Viraj and Dada. I was about to go but he stopped.

" Dada will be here so he will not say anything. " he said. Soon they came. Viraj looked at me and smiled a LITTLE. He turned away soon. HE SMILED AT ME. HE SMILED AT ME. OMG. My heart melted at that.

" What happened Arush ??" viraj asked.

" I am getting bored here. " bhai said like a kid. Dada smiled.

" So what do u want to do? " Dada asked.

" Let's go out. " bhai said.

" Are u nuts. We are not going anywhere. " Viraj said sternly.

" What happens if we go.?? " Dada asked. Viraj didn't know what to say. He can't say about security problem because he doesn't know what we do.

" I think he is worried because bhai is not fully recovered. " I said. He looked at me and nodded.

" Nothing happens. In fact patients have to be taken out for fresh air that's how they will get well soon. " Dada said.

" Okay fine but not for too long. " Viraj said and everyone nodded.

" Aastha what will u do alone at home. Join us. " Bhai said.

" what is the need of her presence. " Viraj said. This made me feel sad.

" What will she do here. Aastha. U are also coming with us. " Dada said. I smiled bitterly. And left the room. What should I do to win his heart.??

Viraj POV:

I don't know why Arush is doing all this?? Stupid. I can't be with her. I can't tell anyone this.

I spoke to her like that so that she will leave soon. I want to hurt her so that she will not be hurt in future. I can't see her hurt. I even can't forgive her for what she did. But at the same time I can't hurt her. I don't know why. There is a battle in my mind about this.

That is when Dada came into my room.

" Viraj beta. Can I come in? " he asked.

" Dada come in. This is your house too. There is no need to ask for permission. U can come whenever u want to. " I said.

" Beta. Why are u so harsh to Aastha.?? " he asked.

" No i am not. " I said.

" U don't like her. " he asked. That is what I am not able to decide.

" No nothing like that. Why are u asking me that?? " I said.

" Because u were rude to her a while back. So. " he said.

" Nothing. It's just that I am not fine with the idea if us going out. " I said.

" Don't worry. Everything will be fine. " he said and left. I made sure about the security.

I came down. And saw Arush, Dada and Aastha laughing. As soon as they saw me they stopped.

We all sat in car. Dada sat in passenger seat. I made Arush settle down. And got in. Aastha came and sat with me. OMG. This is gonna be a long ride.

But as we reached, we are at exhibition. Why the hell are we here?? I asked the driver. He just looked at Arush.

" Don't shout at him. I told him to bring us here. " Arush said.

" Why?? " I asked.

" Because I love to be here. " he said. I glared at him.

" It will be so much fun here. " Aastha said jumping like a kid. How can I forget that.

We went in and roamed a little.

" Did we come here for this.?? " it'd not me. Arush asked this.

" Then what do u want to do.??  Go for rides. " I said. He nodded. I again gave him stern look.

" Why are glaring at me. I am not telling that I will go. I am asking u to go. " he said. I laughed at that.

" what??  Why will I go.??  And what will u get if I go?? " I said.

" Entertainment. I know  u are so scared of rides. " he said.

" what??  U are scared of rides. " Aastha said and started laughing.

" No I am not scared of rides. " i said.

" Aastha that's true he is scared of rides. " Arush said. I was fuming.

" Okay if u are not scared of rides prove that. " Aastha said.

" what??  How?? " I asked.

" Come to rides with me. " she said. 

" No way. " I said strongly.

" See u are scared. " she said.

" No. He is not scared. He will go with u. " Dada said. I had no option other than to go. I followed her. She stopped in front of giant wheel. What?? No way. To be Frank. Yes I am scared.

" No way that I am going to ride athat. " I said. She started laughing.

" We are going to this. Only this one. " saying this she dragged me. I failed to come out of her grip. A girl is dragging me. Ohh...

Soon we are sitting. She is so excited. And I am so scared. Soon it started. As it finished first round there is increase in speed. I am so scared. Soon I caught Aastha hand. She took it and hold it close to her heart. I can feel her heart beat. That is when I opened my eyes and looked at her. She is smiling at me.

" It's nothing, look out. It is a awesome experience. " she said. But I kept looking only at her. She shakes me to look out. I did as she said. It was really beautiful. I can see whole city. That was really awesome. For a while I forgot my fears. I enjoyed it fully. Soon it came to end. I became sad.

" Till now u were not ready to ride. Now u are so sad that it ended so soon. " she said sarcastically. I smiled at her words. While I was going she stopped me. I looked at her. She looked at our hands. I was still holding her hand. I left her hand and walked fast.

I saw Dada and Arush eating. I went to them and sat there.

" How was it? " he asked. I nodded saying OK.

Aastha joined us. We placed our orders. As our order came. We started eating. I kept silent, thinking about what I did there. Suddenly Aastha got up with her plate and walked away. As we saw she went to a boy sitting there. It is clear that he is so hungry. She gave him her food and came back. I smiled at that.

Soon few people came and started taking him. I got up. But she stopped me.

" Don't worry. I called them. They will take care of him. " she said. Great..

We went home after eating. I settled in my room and started thinking about the day. How she was?? How I was after many years.

Aastha POV:

I felt so happy seeing him like that. I have to make more efforts. Now I have hopes. It is evening and still everyone are in their rooms. So I thought I will make today's dinner. I went to the kitchen and started doing dinner. I thought I will do what aunty taught me long back. I did and called everyone to come down.

Everyone settled down and started eating.

" This tastes just like mom's. " bhai said. Thank God. They liked it.

" Aastha ma'am did it. " helper said. As soon as my name came out Viraj washed his hands and left without eating. I felt pain. I felt rejected. So I can never be with him.

I too left without eating.


How is this chap??

Why is he behaving like that??  What's bothering him??

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