6. Past.....

Hiiiii guys, I know I am big stupid to keep such a lovely readers of mine in this state by not updating... but thank u so much for being patient. I am so lucky to have readers like u all.

I am fine now. And I also want to tell u that. I am standing in elections in my college. Not for a big post. Just in class. I am now a days little busy with college stuff too. I hope u guys understand. But I will try to give regular updates from now.

This will be a short update before I reveal one of the suspense. Again sorry for short update.

Arush POV :

After going into my room all my past memories came back. Everything is like it happened yesterday. It is so because we can never get over with what happened to us.

Flash back:

"Arush beta , come here .." dad is calling me when I was playing with my little sister in the garden. As soon as I heard his voice I ran to him. He caught me and hugged me. He will be never with us. He is always busy with the work , staying away from the family.

"Daddy, this time u have to stay with us for more than one day, " I said in a complaining tone. He pulled my cheeks.

"Do u want toys? Good food and school to go? And more over our little doll has to be treated preciously right?? " he said , I simply nodded.

"Then I need to go and do work, otherwise how will we get all these things?? " he explained,

"But dad, we miss u , " I said hugging him, he kissed my forehead ,

"Me too beta, okay where is my princess, "he asked , I directed him towards the garden, but to our shock she was not there, fear ran into my nerves,

"Beta where is she??" dad asked me ,

"I left her here before coming to u dad," I said ,

"Why did u leave her alone like that??" he shouted on me,

We started searching her, it has been almost 15 minutes but we did not find her. For each second my heartbeat is increasing. I heard some giggling from gate side. I went there and saw her in some others hands. I ran to him shouting to my dad. My dad came and took her. And he handed her to me and told me to get in. I did.

I felt like my dad knows him. After a while my dad came in and he looked so dull.

"Sorry daddy. I will not do it again." I said to him.

"No beta. No need to say sorry. U need to know about me now." he said.

"I know u are kid but u have to know." He added,

"I am not doing normal job, I am in mafia. " he said, I was a kid then but I know that it is not a safe one.

"So we need to go to some other place. " I just nodded. Then I remembered, why my mom was killed in front of my eyes. My dad then said it was by accident.

"Dad, u are good person right?? " I asked him when we were on the way to some place. I know no father can bear that question.

"Beta, I am , u know there are many innocent people like u here, to save them I am in that job, " he said, I was too small to understand that, after a long drive we reached.

"My dear son, this is where I work. U should be a good boy here. This will be our home from now. " he said and I nodded at him. When I got down, I was surprised. It is not a home. It was a big mansion. We walked in. My dad went and spoke to a person. Then the same person turned towards me and asked me to come near. I went and he hugged me. Then a lady came out with a boy of my age. They smiled at me. She took my sister and kissed her. At that moment I understood why my dad is with them. And I thought I got my mom back.

The days passed. I became close friends with Viraj. We are thick friends who can never be separated. Along with us my sister is also growing. Whenever I see her I remember my mom. She is also named after my mom, Priya.

I loved my life. Although we are restricted from doing certain things, that too because of our safety purpose. At last Viraj convinced everyone that we will go to hostels. We were sent abroad for our studies. The life was so good then, until we got a call from India. That they killed our fathers. We fled here as soon as possible. We saw their dead bodies. When I first came here, I know that we are always in danger. But we never thought that we have to lose everything in that. We are left with no options other than continuing what our fathers did. Priya was always with mom. It was hard to all but we have to do that.

Flash back ends.........

This is just a bit of my memories. There are lot more to share, to feel and to recall but we get only pain with that. I even remember the day Priya............

" Bhai... " Aastha came in ,

" Bhai , are u okay ?? Why are u crying ?? " she asked me,

" Nothing , do u want something ?? " I asked her,

" Yes actually, can I make a call to my mom and sister ?? please , they will be really scared about me, " she pleaded , but I can't do that,

" No, no way , " I said sternly , her face fell, she left the room without saying anything,

All this while , we lost ours smiles a lot. SMILE. It reminds me of that GIRL. She made me to get addict to her and her smile. Even if I remember her, I will be smiling to myself like an idiot. This is all in my college, before this sad life. After coming back to India, I never saw her again.

Why is our life so miserable????


This is the chap Choco sticks.. I hope u liked it. Actually it is just a bit of their flash back in a flash.

The photo is of Arush and Priya...

This is so emotional right ??? do u feel so???

Let me know.... In next update I will reveal a suspense... try to guess what it is ???

I am really sorry... so so sorry again and again if I have disappointed u guys in this chap but from next chap I will make it up...........


Lovingly ,

