21. I love her....

Hiii everybody... So here I am back with a new chap.. That too soon. In the past I was really busy and I couldn't update but now I am updating.

Aastha POV:

Today I have to go to receive Veer. He is coming to implement the plan. But I have to start my part too. When I went down everyone's face is, oh no I can't even explain. Then I saw breakfast in their plates. Wait, that's not even breakfast. That is just a bread and jam.

" Aastha. Come on taste my breakfast and tell me how it is? " Priya called me.

" Okay. But what did u make? " I asked.

" Jam. I made it by myself. It's not purchased one. " she replied. Now I know the reason for their expressions. I sat with Arush bhai. He looked at him.

" Aastha. Don't try. Save yourself. " he said. Everyone are looking at me to help them. I got a idea.

" Priya. Why did u do this? " I asked her.

" What do u mean? " she asked.

" Your wedding is not yet done. So u are not supposed to do. " I said. She is confused.

" It's ritual that after wedding the bride to serve the groom family. That is a good sign. " I said. She thought for a while and took back everything. I went and made a quick breakfast and served it.

" Aastha. What are u doing today? " bhai asked.

" Nothing in particular. " I said.

" Okay then come to office with us. We need your help. " bhai said.

" What do u want her to do? " priya asked.

" She is a designer. So to redesign our office. " Viraj said. Priya glared at me. I ignored it and smiled at them.

Soon we are in car.

" Okay. I will see the office and I will do my work. Then I have to go out. " I said.

" For what? " bhai asked.

" I have to receive a friend. His wedding is fixed. So he is coming to meet his girl. " I said.

" Who is your friend.?? " bhai asked.

" Veer. Viraj met him already. " I said.

" Ya. I did. " he said.

" Okay. " bhai said.

As soon as we reached office bhai went to attend a meeting. I went in with Viraj.

" Do u think that our plan will work? " he asked.

" Which one?  Priya's plan or bhai? " I asked.

" Both. " he said.

" Ya. It will work. I am the one who planed everything. So it should work. " I said. He smiled.

" So what should I design.?? " I asked.

" Both of our cabins. " he said. I saw around. I made a rough sketch of it.

" Okay. Shall I go into bhai's office? " I asked.

" Ya sure. Go head. " he said. I went into his cabin. Its same as Viraj's office. So I thought there is no need of any sketch. When I was about to leave, something caught my attention. There is  book kept under the cup board. I went and took out the book. It's not a book it's a album. When I opened it, I was shocked. It's full of Icha's photos. And I even found few papers. He wrote about her in all of those papers.

I ran to Viraj's cabin to show it to him.

" OMG. I am not able to believe. " he said.

" Yes even I am not able to. " I said.

" So your plan will work for sure. " he says.

" Yes. Okay don't tell him that we found it. I will keep it back. " I said. He nodded. I went back to bhai cabin and kept back the album in it's place.

By the time I went to Viraj cabin I saw Priya. 😳What is she doing here? As I saw her, I forced a smile.

" Hi ...." We wished each other.

" Aastha. Are u not done with your work.?? " she asked.

" I am done. " I said.

" Then what are u doing here? " she asked. What the hell?? I looked at Viraj. He didn't even look at me. He is so busy in his work.

" I am leaving. " I said. I took my bag and came out. I don't know what to do? I am fuming. Then I got a call.

" Hiii Aastha. " Veer said.

" Hiii... Did u reach already.? " I asked.

" No. I will reach in half an hour. " he said.

" Okay I am coming to pick u up. Wait for me. " I said.

" Okay mummy. " he said. We both laughed for a while.

I was walking all alone on the streets. What is going to happen in my life? After finding why is she here and Bhai's matter, then I should leave. Again. I don't want to but I have to. I can't live without him but I can't stay back when he just treats me as a helper. I can't bear to see him with someone else. So I have to leave. I will. 😢

Soon I reached station to receive Veer. As soon as he saw, he pounced on me.

" How are u?  I missed u so much. " he said.

" I too did. I am fine. How are u? " I said.

" U can see me right. Like always fit, handsome and hot. " he said.

" Wow. There are hot girls here too. 😍" he said. I hit him.

Then we went to a restaurant where Icha is waiting for us.

" Hi ..." I said to Icha. I introduced them to each other.

" Thanks for helping me. " Icha said to Veer.

" No need of thanks. " he said.

" So when do u want us to start.? " Veer asked me.

" Tomorrow. " I said. I bid bye to Icha and we came out. I arranged a room for him in a hotel for a day. While we were on the way. I was thinking about my future.

" Aastha. What are you thinking?? " he asked. I told him everything.

" Okay. Leave that to me. I will look into it. " he said.

" What can u do about that? " I asked.

" I can dear. Just wait and see. " he said. I smiled at him.

Arush POV:

I love her so much that I fear to lose her. I am left with no option. But I am not able to forget her. I was so into the thoughts that I have no idea what's happening in my surroundings.

" Hello boss. Where are u? " Viraj words got me back to earth.

" Nothing. Tell me. " I said.

" Okay. Imagine that Priya who is in our home now is not our Priya. Then what will be your reaction. " he asked.

" Where did that come from?  Why are u asking me like that?? " I asked him.

" Just like that. Chill. " he said.

" No. Whats the matter?  Why are u saying that? " I asked. He looked everywhere but not at me.

" Viraj. What are u hiding from me? " I asked him. No response.

" Are u trying to tell me that she is not our Priya?? " I asked him. He looked down.

" Ohh then chill.. " I said and burst out laughing.

" What the hell is wrong with u? " he asked.

" Do u think that my sis will hide anything from me.? " I said. He looked confused.

" I am talking about Aastha. " I said. He again looked confused.

" Okay I will tell u clearly. " I said.

Flash back:

" Bhai... What are u doing?? " Aastha came in while I am in my room.

" Come in. Nothing important. " I said. She walked in.

" Bhai. Why are you so dull? " she asked.

" Nothing. I am just confused about Priya. " I said.

" why? " she asked.

" I don't feel like she is my sister Priya. " I said. She kept silent.

" Yes. Because she is really not your Priya. " she said. I was in shock for a long time.

" What?? " I asked in disbelief. She explained me everything. Tears started rolling down.

" Bhai please don't cry. I am also your sister right. " she said. I hugged her.

Flash back ends..

" So u know everything. " he said. I nodded at him.

" Viraj. Don't take it in a wrong way. I tried to tell u but either Priya is with u or Dada. So I couldn't. " I said. He nodded at me.

" Viraj. I want to tell u something more. " I said. He looked at me.

" Aastha is going to leave after that. " I said.

" What??  Why?? " he asked.

" She came here after knowing that something is wrong here. So she said to me that she will leave once everything is in it's place. " I said. His face fell.

" Why does she do it all the time.?? " he said.

" Because u never told her about your feelings. " I said.

" She can also tell right. " he said.

" Viraj. She is happy that u forgave her. And she is afraid that she will lose your friendship or a least concern u have for her, if she tells u. " I explained to him.

" Why does she always come to conclusions by herself. " he said.

" Then u prove that she is wrong. " I said. He looked at me and smiled.

" Hmm.. " he said. Then later we became busy in work.

Aastha POV:

I reached home. I saw Priya talking to Dada.

" Dada u know what we went out. Had a lot of fun. " she said. I am feeling pain in my heart. I ignored her talks and went to my room. I called my mom. I told her what happened today.

" Dear. Is everything okay? " she asked.

" Yes mom. Why are u asking me that? " I asked.

" Because your voice is dull. " she said. Mom is the wonderful person in the world who can understand everything.

" Nothing like that. I am fine. " I said.

" Okay. As u say. Remember I will be there for u all the time. " she said. With that we hang up.

I didn't go out of my room. I didn't want to. I didn't had my dinner too. That was nice staying in the room with out any tensions or worries.

It was late night. I am trying hard to get some sleep. Just then I received a message.

" Are u still up?? If yes call me. - Viraj"

I immediately called him. And regretted that next second.

" So u are up ha? " he said.

" Ya.. Ha.. I am was reading a book. " I lied.

" Oh really which book? " he asked.

" Love brought by fate on wattpad. " I said.

" Oh ok. Where is the food. I am hungry. " he said.

" What??  U didn't eat yet. Wait I am coming. " saying this I went down. I served him food.

" I thought Priya would stay back. " I said.

" why did u even think that. " he said.

" When is your friend going to come. ??" he asked.

" Tomorrow. " I said. He smiled. Then we called it night. But not before going to terrace and spending time there. These will be my last memories with him.

Arush POV:

I woke up and got ready to go office. I decided to make myself busy with work. It might help to forget her.

I went down. Everyone are already seated. I too joined them. Then there is a knock on the door. Aastha got up to see who it is. It must be her friend who is going to stay here for a while. And my guess was correct. He came in but along with him,..... ICHA.. SHE TOO CAME... WHAT THE HELL.

" Everyone this is my friend Veer and it's his fiancé icha. " Aastha said. My jaw dropped. No way. I LOVE HER.

To be continued....


So how is it??  I hope u all like it..

What is veer plan for Aastha life?? Any guesses. What will happen in future. ??

Who is with Priya??

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