10. Haunting past...

Hiiii Choco sticks... So how did u find last chap.? I want to reveal certain things. And here is one more chap. This will be my last update before my exams. Happy reading.

Viraj POV :

I am dumb stuck with what happened just a few minutes back. I can't believe it. I am so weak when I saw my mom in her hands. I can't believe she cheated us. Ha. How did I even think that when she is from Rakesh side. But she said Raj uncle name. Is she his daughter??

But we never harmed them, in fact helped them. Helping others in this world is a big sin. Cha...

Right now I am in the hospital. That bastard even damaged my vehicle but thank God some of my men were left behind in chasing but now they came on time.

Rakesh is dead in my hands. I will never leave him nor Aastha. I hate her. I can't believe that I compared her to Priya. My love. No way.

As I was in these thoughts doctor came out of operation theater. I looked at him with hopes.

" We tried our level best. But... " he said.

" But what?? " I asked him.

" We couldn't save your mom. " he said and went away.

No this can't be happening. Never. Mom. I am just numb now.

I just went into the room from where doctor came. When I walked in, silence welcomed me. As I saw my mom was lying on the bed motionless. I just went and touched her.

" Mom u can't leave me and go. Never. Please wake up. Pleaseee.. " I let out all the tears which I am holding since a long time. I cried my heart out.

Flash back:

" Mom, I will sleep for some more time. Leave me. " I said.

" U r getting late for school. Get up. " she said.

" Please mom. Leave me and go. " I said.

" Dear, get up ,I am making your favorite dishes for breakfast. " she said and I got up with a jerk.

I smiled at her. She kissed my forehead.

" Mom u are the best. " I said. She just smiled.

" U are the best son. " she said.


U can't leave me. Y does everyone leave me alone. No. First dad, then Priya and now it's you. I can't this anymore.

I walked out and told my men to take care of Arush. I got into my car and drove to my private place. Where I can find my dad and Priya. As I reached the place. I went and sat between their graves.


I was running behind Priya. It was holy.

" Viraj, please stop. " she said.

" No way. U are the one who started it. " I said.

I took the colour plate and threw it at her. But to my GREAT luck she bent down and Arush came.

" Oh shit" I said.

" U idiot. " he shouted. Priya was laughing her heart out. I glared at her. Mean while Arush pour a bucket of water colour on me. OMG.

We glared at each other and then at Priya. We both started chasing her and she was running. We were blocking her way all the time. Lastly I caught her by waist and took her towards the pool and jumped into the pool. We were fully wet. She started throwing water at me. I caught her and dragged to me. That is when I observed her closely.

She must be most beautiful women I ever saw. So cute. Chubby cheeks. Dreamy eyes. Rosy lips. I kept on staring at her. Then her brother cleared his voice bringing me out my fantasy world. I went in without saying anything. Arush followed me.

" Dude can I ask u something?? " he asked me, I nodded my head.

" Don't u love my sister. ??" He asked from no where. I was totally shocked.

I didn't answer him anything. I was blank.

" No. " I said. But my heart was saying something else.

He made me look at him.

" But she does. " he said. WHAT!!

" She is deeply in love with you. But she is afraid to tell u as she fears that she may lose your friendship also. " he added. Now there is a strange feeling. More happiness that I can never explain. But I did not feel like that towards her ever before.

" See this. " he said giving me a book. He left my room.

I opened it. It had all our childhood photos . All. When I was crying to go to school. Some photos where I was dressed as girl. Seriously my mom made me to look like that. Some of my birthday photos. Some happy moments with my dad. Some photos with Arush . Some with her.

From then all the photos only with her. With her lovely words about me.

" Love has no end. That's true. My love will never end for u. "

" Today I saw u smiling with your heart after many years. I am so happy as it is because of me. Will u let me keep u happy for rest of your life?? "

" Viraj, I love u with my heart. I trust u with my life. I want to say all these words to u. But I think I can never "

As I was reading all these I was out of words. Now I understand why she always hates Nisha. As nisha is close to me after her. I smiled at myself for not recognising her love towards me.

I made a plan. I went to my mom. She is more happy than anyone. I told her about my plan too. She said okay. I will make her mine.

At noon, we both went down.

" Priya. I think it's high time. " my mom started.

" High time for what?? " she asked.

" For your wedding. " my mom said. She chocked on her food. She was blank.

" But I don't want to. " she said looking down.

" Beta even Viraj and Arush also have to get married but it can happen only after your wedding. " my mom said.

" But... " she was trying to escape.

" See we found a match for u. " mom said. She is more shocked now.

" He will meet u today. At restaurant. " she added and went in. I too went inside without saying anything. I was smiling seeing her expressions.

At evening I went out saying I have work. Mean while I did not speak to her at all. U all know what work right . I know u all know. 😉

As we planned she came. I was at the corner. Manager made her to go to special table at the pool. When she left I thanked him and followed her.

As soon as she entered rose petals were on her from all the directions. She was shocked. Then I went in front of her. Now she is more shocked.

" Priya, I don't know when and how. But I fell in love with you. I want you to share your beautiful life with me making mine more colorful with your Madness, with your pagal pan, with your masti. More over with your love towards me. I can't promise that I will be perfect all the time. I may commit silly mistakes, but if u are with me u will correct them. Will you be eraser to rub all my sadness in my life?? Will you be a star bringing all shine in my life?? Will u let me love u like there is no tomorrow?? " I asked her. I was on my one keen. She was in tears.

" I know I am not that romantic but inti bhi buri nahi hu( not that bad also) " I said. She is still not saying anything.

" Priya. My keens are paining. " I said, she started smiling and gave her hand to me. I slipped diamond ring into her finger and kissed her palm. She blushed. It is new side of her. I pulled her into hug.

" Y u r not saying anything?? " I asked.

" U stole all my words. " she said in a complaining tone. I laughed. I took her to the table and made her sit. I took her hand and never let it go.

" How is this all happening?? " she asked. I gave her, her book. She took it and hide her face with it.

" Never hide your beautiful face from me. " I said. She started blushed.

" So u even stole my book?? " she said.

" No your Sweet brother gave me that. " I said.

" What?? So everyone knows. OMG. So this is all a plan . Aunty also knows. " she is so worried.

" Why u are so worried?? " I asked her.

" What will they think about me. " she said. I started laughing.

" Why are u laughing?? " she hit my hand.

" U know for us they are more happy than us ." I said. She looked at me.

"Really " I assured her. Soon cake came . It has a beautiful photo of us. We celebrated. Mom called at the same time.

We spoke to both of them. Priya was in tears after talking to mom and Arush. I was holding her close to my heart which is owned by her all the while.

Then she suddenly said she doesn't want the restaurant food. She wants pani puri. These girls. She didn't listen to me even once.

" U said u will make me happy. I want pani puri to be happy. " she said. I gave up and drove .

When we found pani puri stall. She became a kid. We had panipuri. Then we started walking on the road all alone. It started raining all of a sudden. She started dancing. She actually loves dancing in rain. She does it every time when it rains. So I did not stop her. I like seeing her dancing in rain.

As she was dancing. I can't resist and pulled her into hug. I hugged her tightly.

And I looked at her rosy lips and captured them immediately. I was kissing her as she is the last drop on the earth. Of course for me. Then we broke the kiss when we were out of breath. She was smiling widely.

But suddenly her smile started fading. Her body is gaining weight. No she is losing her balance. Then I felt something on my hand from her back and when I looked at, it is her blood. Nooo..

Then I looked around but I saw no one. When I turned her around. She was shot with bullets. But how and when. I had no time for all that. I just rushed to hospital.

" Viraj , promise me something. " she said.

" Anything for you. " I said.

" Promise me that u will be happy always. Even if I leave u. " she said.

" Please don't talk like that . I can't be happy without u. Don't leave. " I was crying holding her hand but soon nurse took her inside.

When doctor came out he said what I can never ask for. My world crashed on that day and now again today.

Why me??

Aastha and Rakesh wait for me. I am coming. U woke a dangerous animal in me. U called your death. I will not leave u this time.


So this is a long chap. How is it??

OMG. Priya. They are so heartless people.

I know I am so bad to kill his mom. But Arush is fine. Hope for the best to them.

And guys, this time I really want answer. In next chap I want to finish Rakesh( don't ask me how) and from then I want to show how Aastha makes him normal and how she wins him back?? Do u want it that way or not?? Please let me know.

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