20. OMG...

Hiiii readers....

Aastha POV:

I was shocked hearing the name. Priya.

" What? How can that be possible.? " I asked him.

" Aastha. I know Priya. How she looks outside and also from inside. I know her very well. I saw her death in front of my eyes. I can easily identify by small touch also. When first I saw her in Delhi, I didn't believe it. But I didn't tell because I wanted to know who is behind this. That why's I am acting. " he said.

" Ohhh. But do u know why is she here? " I questioned.

" Not yet. " he said. We started thinking deeply.

" Okay I have plan then. " I said. He nodded at me to tell the plan. I explained it neatly, clearly to him.

" Aastha u are not less than a lady don" he said.

" That I am. " I said. We spoke about other arrangements to the plan.

" It's quite late let's sleep. " he said.

"U go and sleep. " I said

" What will u do? " he asked.

" I am going to terrace. " I said.

" But why?? At this time of night? " he asked again.

" It will be awesome at this time only. " I said.

" And also when I feel something wrong going to happen then to calm myself I go there. " I added.

" But nothing wrong will happen. Don't worry. Go and sleep" he said.

" U know what u are also worried. Right?? " I said pointing a finger at him.

" Ya true. A bit. " he said.

" Then u too come. " I said and dragged him. He didn't say anything.

We went up and sat down looking into the sky. It's really wonderful. Everyone should try it once in their lives. We silently sat there for a long time.

" Aastha. I want to tell u something. " he said. I looked at him.

" Sorry. " he said.

" Sorry for what? " I asked him.

" For not trying to understand u and your situation. " he said.

" No no. Even if I was in your position I would do the same. " I said. He smiled at me.

" I want to tell u something else also. " he said..

" But not now. When everything is fine here then I will tell u. " he added.

" U know what I hate suspense and surprise. " I said and he laughed.

" Aastha u have to improve one quality in u. " he said.

" And that is? " I asked.

" Don't jump into the conclusions. " he said and tears formed in my eyes. He didn't look at me. He is staring at the sky.

" Last time when I came to u in Delhi. I didn't come to tell you about Priya. I don't even know anything about her. " he said and turned. I was crying. He was confused.

" Why are u crying? " he asked.

" I know that I jumped into conclusions every time in your matter. I am really sorry. Please give me a chance. " I said. He cupped my face with his arms removing the tears.

" I forgive u. " he said. I smiled at him. We looked into each others eyes even without blinking for a long time.

" Let's go it's late. " he said. I nodded and followed him down stairs.

Arush POV:

Today Aastha told that she will help me. I am sad but it's good for her. So I decided that I should do this.

I went down and saw Priya, Aastha, Viraj and Dada. I joined them to have breakfast. After having breakfast Viraj asked me to join him to office. I looked at Aastha. She assured she will do it. I smiled at her and left for office. After reaching office, Viraj gave me all the details and reports which I missed all these days.

But I couldn't concentrate on any of these files. I am waiting for call from Aastha.

" Arush what are waiting for? " Viraj asked.

" Nothing. I am just not able to concentrate. I came back after many days right. " I said.

" Okay. " he said. It seems like he is trying to tell me something.

" Viraj. Do u want to tell me something?? " I asked him.

" Ya. Actually I wanted to. But I don't know how to tell u. " he said.

" Come on man. Tell me. " I said.

" Ohh... " he started then my phone too started ringing. It was Aastha. I excused myself.

" Hello. " I said.

" Bhai work is done. " she said.

" Okay thanks. " I said.

" Is she fine? " I asked her.

" Why are u bothered about her?? " she said. It bothers me a lot. U don't know.

" Okay bye. " I said and went back to work.

" Dude are u okay.?? " he asked.

" No I am not okay. I am going back home. " I said and walked away.

Viraj POV:

Arush is also hiding something. But how to tell him about this.?? Then I received a text from Aastha.

' Time to implement our plan. '

I sent her : okay.

She is too much into this. Of course I would also be. But I am busy with this project.

Aastha POV:

After they left home. I got ready. I spoke to Icha the previous night. We decided to meet. Now I am going to see my soon to be bhabhi. What? Are u all shocked.? It's true. See I will unite them.

So I left for mall where we thought to meet. I sat in a restaurant there. I became busy in texting to Veer. I miss him. He is really sweet. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. I turned back to see who it is. I saw a beautiful girl. She is simple. But mind blowing. No wonder bhai likes her. But I have to test her. She is beautiful from outside. But what about inside.

I told to sit.

" Hii this is Icha. " she said.

" Hiii I am Aastha. His sister. " I said.

" Okay. So u love him?? " I asked her. She started blushing. How cute..

" Ya. " she said.

" Okay. I want to know something. What your father does? " I asked her.

" He is business man. " she said.

" So u must have had a luxury life ha. " I said.

" Not that easy. He too struggled. That's why today we are here. " she said.

" Okay. But u know that bhai is in what field right. Then why do u love him? " I asked her.

" I know about that since many years. In the first place we can not call them as dons when they are helping who don't get justice from law. Secondly I never saw such a nice guy in my life till date. " she said. I smiled at her.

" Thanks for understanding him. " I said.

" No need to thank me. " she said. We spoke about many things. I enjoyed her company. To be Frank a lot. I loved her. I decided that I will make bhai propose her for sure.

" Aastha. Is he not coming? " she asked.

" Okay. I don't want to lie to u. " I said. She is confused.

" He loves u. I know that. But he is afraid to express it to u. He is afraid to lose u. Because of that fear he wants to push u away from his life. Actually I am here to do that. " I said. She became dull.

" But wait. Let me complete. I am on your side. So don't worry. I am sure he loves u. I will make him confess that to u directly. So chill. Trust me. " I said. She smiled.

" I have a plan for it. " I said. And I explained her the entire plan.

" Okay that's really good. Thank u so much Aastha. " she said.

Later we both went for shopping. She is really a sweet and simple girl. Don't worry I did background check on her. Because I know every time we should be careful.

" Okay then. I will leave now. " I said.

" Does he really love me? " she asked.

" U will only see in the near future. " I said. She smiled at me. I went home and saw Arush bhai in the hall.

" Hai bhai. Didn't u go to office?? " I asked.

" No. I mean I went but I came back. " he said. Oh so he is already not able to forget her.

" Why?? " I asked.

" I have a headache. " he said. I know why.

" Okay then wait. I will get tea for u. " I said and went to kitchen. I texted Veer to be ready for the plan. Yes he is involved in the plan.

I have to tell about this to Viraj. Today night I will tell.

Soon the day passed and it was night. While I was in the hall, I saw Priya coming down.

" What are u doing at this time? " I asked her.

" I came to wait for Viraj. What are u doing? " she said.

" I am not able to sleep. That's why. " I lied.

" Ohh OK. " she said. She became so busy with her phone. I think she can't sleep as she sleeps all the day.

Soon Viraj came. She went and hugged him as if he is the last piece on earth. I am not able to stand that. To my surprise he didn't protest. I looked away. Then he came back after changing. She served him. She is moving so close to him. I didn't like it at all. So I walked away from there.

I went to terrace and sat there looking into the sky. I do it often when I am upset.

" So how many stars did u count till now.? " a voice came from behind. It is Viraj. I didn't respond.

" What happened.? " he asked sitting by my side.

" Nothing. " I said.

" U seem to be upset. " he said.

" Why would I be upset.? " I asked.

" May be because u are jealous. " he said. I looked at him.

" And why would I be jealous.? " I said.

" I don't know. U have to tell me. May be because of Priya. " he said.

" Why would I be jealous because of that idiot. She will leave this house one day. " I said.

" What if she won't? " he said. I glared at him.

" And why would that happen.? " I said.

" Oohh cool. So u are saying that u are permanent here. " he said.

" When did I say that?? " I asked.

" Ohh really. U know what. If u girls say something, u actually mean opposite to it. And also u will say things indirectly. That's how I am telling this. " he said.

" Ohh so u are saying that girls lie. " I said.

" No. When did I say that. " he said. I looked into sky ignoring his words.

" I have to tell u something. " I said.

" Hmm. " Viraj.

" Arush bhai is in love. " I said.

" I know that. " he said.

" What?? How?? " I asked him.

" Aastha we are friends from childhood. She is Icha right. " he said and I nodded for that.

" I tried to convince him so many times. He never did listen to me. " he said.

" Okay he told me to get rid of her. " I said.

" And what did u do? " he asked.

" Today I met her and decided that... " I said.

" That?? " he asked.

" She is the only one who can be my bhabhi. " I said. He smiled at me.

" But this idiot won't understand that. " he said.

" I know that. For that I have a plan. " saying this, I explained him the plan.

" U are genius. Like father, like daughter. " he said. I smiled at his comment.

" So when we have to implement our plan for Priya. " I asked.

" Wait. I am handling an important project. It will get over in two days. Till then make sure that she won't do anything stupid. And also try to find out who is behind all this. " he said. And I nodded. This is so nice. To have dinner with him. Talk to him. Really. 😍😍😍


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