19. I am there for u....

Hiiiiii everyone... How are u all?? I am really upset. There are many silent readers. Please do vote. Ur voted encourage us a lot dear ones. Please do vote. Can't this book get 50 votes at least per chap. I am so disappointed. Now u all only tell me what to do?? Tell me please.

Here is the chap. I am sad but not bad. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

Aastha POV:

As soon as I saw him I wanted to hug him tightly, like there is no tomorrow. He was too shocked seeing me there. I smiled at him. He too. Which melts my heart in Milli seconds. I love him.

" Hi Aastha. Will u stand there or will u come in? " bhai said from behind. I widely smiled at him and entered the house.

" How are u all? " I asked.

" Good. And u? " Dada asked. He came out of the room. I went to him and took blessings from me.

" I am also fine. As always. " I said.

" U said u will go back to Delhi right? " Viraj asked.

" Are u not happy to see me here? " I asked him.

" Nothing like that. " he said.

" I wanted to go but I have an important work here. So I thought I will complete it and then go back. So can I stay here till I finish my work? " I asked.

" Aastha is that a question to ask. U can stay as long as u want." Bhai said. I hugged him. I missed him so much.

" Where is Priya? " I asked. Their smile immediately faded.

" She is still sleeping. " bhai said. It is 10 in the morning. As far as aunty told me about her in the past she is an early raiser and very active girl. I think she must be tired and miserable all these days in that house. I just nodded.

" So had breakfast? " I asked. They said no.

" Okay then I will prepare. Wait to taste worlds best food. 😋" I said and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

After a hard effort it's ready. They all came and sat down to eat.

" Where is priya.? I will go and wake her up. " I said.

" No. She won't listen to anyone. She wakes up only when she wants. " bhai said. I sat with them and had breakfast. Viraj left to office. Bhai is fully recovered. But Viraj wanted him to take rest for few more days. So he is at home. I went to his room.

" Bhai... I am back. " I said. He smiled.

" Yes. And don't leave. " he said holding my hands.

" Bhai. I will make things right. Then I will leave. " I said. His face fell. Why everyone are so dull even after Priya came back?

" Bhai. Priya is back. But I am not able to see that happiness in u all. What's the matter?? " I asked him.

" Ya she is back. But not our old Priya. She is so different. She changed a lot. She never talks to me. Even if I try she avoids me. She will be in her own world. " he said.

" Give her some time. She had bad time all these years. So let's wait. She will be alright. " I said. He smiled at my words.

" Hope so. " he said.

" What things u want to set right.?? " he asked me.

" There are some things. Don't worry. Leave it to me. U trust me right?? " I asked him.

" Of course. I trust u. " he said.

We spoke a lot. Then bhai got a call. As he saw the ID he became serious. He disconnected it. Then again. Now he is so irritated. When he got a call I took the phone and lifted the call. I closed his mouth.

" Hello... " a female voice came from other said.

" Yes who is this.? " I asked.

" Who the hell are u on Arush's phone.?? " she started screaming. What's wrong with her.

" Excuse. Who the hell are u first.?? " I said.

" How dare u?? " she said.

" I am his sister. " I said rudely.

" Ohh sorry. I am really sorry. " she said.

" It's okay. " I said. I am calm now. I looked at him. He looked away.

" Is he there?? " she asked.

" No. I will tell him to call u back. " I said.

I said okay and call got disconnected.

" Aastha let's go out. I am bored sitting here all the time. " he said. I nodded. I didn't want to force him to tell about that girl. I know him. He is my brother. When he feels free he will only tell me. We went out after informing Dada. To my surprise Priya is still sleeping.

Viraj POV:

I came to office but I am not able to concentrate. Everything in my life right now is messed up. Now I am dealing a contract which is very important for me and the company. I have to get it at any cost.

I worked so hard till evening. It was so late. It was 11:00 pm by the time I reached home. I opened the door with spear key. I walked in. My food was on table as usual. But something caught my sight. There is someone in the room. As I examined it. Aastha was sleeping on coach. She looked so cute like that. I went to her and woke her up but not before taking a pic of hers.

" U came. " she said.

" Ya. Just now. Why are sleeping here? " I asked her.

" I was waiting for u. " she said. My heart skipped.

" Why?? " I asked her again. She glared at me.

" Okay I will come back after changing. " saying this I went to my room. By the time I came back she was serving food. I sat down and started eating.

" I want to tell u something. " she said. I nodded.

" The reason why I came back is. I got a news saying that there is some trouble here from my men. Something really bad is gonna happen. " she said in one go.

" Well then your men are right. " I said plainly. She was shocked.

" Aastha. I am don. Not a fool. I know what is that trouble. " I said. She is again shocked.

" Come on. If I come to know that my family is in danger then I will find out what is it. Won't I.? " I said. She nodded.

" So I think there is no need of my presence here. " she said after dinner. I hold her hands and stopped her.

" There is your need. 😍U have to be here. " I said.

" But why?? U are enough to handle it. " she said.

" No I am not enough. I need your help. " I said. She nodded.

" I will be there for u. So tell me what is it about?? " she asked.

" First u tell what u all did whole day? " I asked.

" Viraj. Is this the time for that? " she said.

" Then is this the time to talk about the trouble. ?" I said back.

" Then what else? " she asked.

" This is the time to sleep. I am tired. Shall we talk tomorrow. " I said. She smiled.

We went to sleep. After many days I am having peaceful sleep today.

Few hours back....

Arush POV:

This girl called me again. What is her problem. I went out with Aastha and came back. We all are in hall now. Priya came down. I went to her.

" Priya. Are u fine? U are scaring me. " I said.

" Sorry bhai. I know I am avoiding u all. But I need time to forget that nightmare." she said. I nodded. She sat down. She saw Aastha.

" Hey. U are here?? " she questioned.

" Yes. I am back. Having some important work. How are u? " Aastha said.

" I am fine. I will be fine because I have such a lovely family. Good to see u again. " Priya said.

" Ya u do have a lovely family. U are lucky. " Aastha said.

" Yes I am. " Priya said.

" Where is Viraj? " Priya asked.

" He has an important project. So he is at work. " I said.

" That ******* contract. " Priya said more or less like questioning.

I nodded.

" How do u know? " I asked.

" I heard him talking about it on phone yesterday. " she said. What?? Even before I could ask her anything else, Aastha came with snacks. I thought of asking about it afterwards. Priya soon left the room saying that she wants to go out alone. We didn't protest.

" Bhai. Do u want to tell me something.? " Aastha asked.

" Ya. U are a mind reader " I said.

" Nothing like that tell me. " she said

" U spoke to girl in the morning right. " I said. She nodded.

" I need your help to get rid of her. " I said.

" What?? 🤔Why?? " she is shouting. I covered her mouth.

" Stop screaming. " I said.

" Okay. Tell me from the beginning. " she said.

" OK. Listen. It was back then in college. Then we had no tensions. It was a normal life. It was fun. Everyone used to be friendly with us. But one day. One day they came to know what our fathers do. They started maintaining distance from us. We were separated. But one girl always used to be with us. She didn't show any difference even after knowing who we are. She is Icha. " I said. Aastha jumped in excitement.

" Then what happened.? " she asked.

" Nothing happened. She used to say that we are not dons actually. We helped others. So we became dons in enemies eyes. She was a nice girl. " I said.

" But now she is behind me. She wants to be with me. " I said.

" Wow. 😍that's so great. U are so lucky. " she said.

" No I am not. I don't want her to be with me in this danger. " I said.

" U don't love her?? " she asked.

" No I don't. " I said but my heart was saying something else.

" But your eyes are speaking something else. " she said.

" Aastha will u help me or not? " I said sternly. She was shocked. And finally nodded.

" Good. " saying this I left the room.

Aastha POV:

Bhai is hiding something from me. I will find it out. I said to my self. Soon I saw Priya coming down.

" Go safe. " I said. She smiled.

" Can u also join me?? " she asked.

" But I thought u wanted to go alone. " I said.

" Ya. But if u want to, u can come. " she said.

" OK. Wait for 5 min. I will be back. " I said and went to my room and changed and went down. She was on the phone. As soon as she saw me she disconnected the call.

We both got into car and went to a mall. She was buying clothes.

" So how are u now? " I asked.

" Fine. " she said. What is this girl up to? What ever I heard about her till date, I didn't see even one quality from that list in her so far.

" Okay. I just want to say that. Viraj and Bhai are upset that u are changed. I know that u need time. But still try to be with them. They missed u a lot. " I said.

" Oh really. Okay. " she said and again became busy in shopping. OMG. 🙄

Then after a lot of shopping of hers. We went home. Today the food was already prepared. They sat to eat. I was not hungry so I went to my room and spoke to mom and my sweet devil.

It was too late in the night. Viraj didn't come. I waited for him. After he came we had a talk. I was shocked to know that he knew everything. He told that he will tell everything the next day. So I went to sleep.

Next day:

I woke up late today. Because I didn't had proper sleep last night. Soon I remembered that Viraj told that he will tell me everything today. So I got ready and descended down. But to my bad luck he already left.

Arush bhai was behind me to help him. I tried avoiding him all the day.

" Aastha why are u avoiding me today?? " he asked me coming into my room.

" No bhai. Why will I avoid u. " I said.

" That u should know. " he said.

" Nothing, u want a plan. I wanted to prepare one. It needs time. I am a girl. I know how to handle it. " I said. He nodded. Actually I wanted to plan something so that he will confess his feelings. So I took her number from his mobile.

Later that day passed talking to Dada and bhai. I tried to speak to Priya. But she is either sleeping or on phone. To my relief she spoke to bhai today.

It was night soon. Today also he was late. I am waiting for him.

He came.

Viraj POV:

Today also I am late. To my surprise today also Aastha was there but she is not sleeping this time. I think she is waiting to know everything.

I sat to eat.

" Viraj. Hell with u. Tell me" she is asking me for past 30 min.

" Okay I know the person. I mean traitor. " I said.

" Who is that? " she asked.

" It is..... "

To be continued....

Who is it??

To know stay tuned...

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