8. Set Her Free...

Hiii Choco sticks how r u all???
I am sorry for all this mess.. But trust me I will try to give regular updates.. If not possible I will inform .... Love ❤ u all... I am happy 😊 that I have such understanding readers.....
Guys I want to ask u a question.. Who ever gives more convincing answer I will dedicate my next chap to them...
Which is best choice love marriage 💑 or arranged???
Ur time starts from now...
Viraj POV:

I dont know why I let her go. Why I am not able to be strict with her. I don't know why I am behaving like that. When I was in these thoughts mom came in.

" Beta what r u doing??" She asked me.

" Nothing ma, some tensions, " I said.

" Beta, leave Aastha, let her go, " she said and stormed out of my room, I was in shock. She is right. What am I doing?? To win over Rakesh, getting her is not right thing. I became same as Rakesh by getting .

Soon I called Arush immediately. He came to my room.

" What happened?" He asked,

" I am just like Rakesh.." I said,

" What?? What r u talking??" He asked in confusion.

" I am just as cruel as Rakesh. I got her here to trouble him. He did same with us. If we do same then what is the difference between him and me. " I said.

He understood what I was trying to say. He was silent for long time. Then he came and sat beside me.

" See I agree that we did a wrong thing by kidnapping her. But we are not as cruel as he was. We are not. She is fine. So what u want to do??" He asked.

" Let her go, immediately." I said.

He was again silent.

" Okay, I think u r right. I will arrange everything." He said.

" We will be going away from here. We will go to Paris. Along with mom. Do arrange for that too." I said. He nodded.

I walked out of my room and saw Aastha coming in. She was so happy. I am really cruel. I went and stood in front of her. She looked at me.

" Thanks." She said with a smile.

" For what?? " I asked.

" For letting me to go for church. " she added.

" U will be more happy 😊 after a while." I said and went away.

I came out and stood watching the shore.

Aastha POV :

I came back at home. I was smiling 😊 on my victory 😈. I encountered Viraj. He said which I did not understand. I will be more happy. What?? How??
Arush came towards me. I forced a smile. He was smiling.

" What happened??" I asked him.

" U will be set free in hours." He said. I did not understand what he meant??

" We are setting u free. U will be sent back." He said. What the hell?? I smiled as if I am happy. When he left me alone I signalled my men to pass message to Rakesh.

Now I have to do something to stay back. I really need to do something.

Viraj POV:

I went and sat at the shore. Seeing the view I remembered two things. The times when I spent with HER and Aastha. I dont know why she has more influence on me.

Then I saw a boat 🚢 in water. How come a boat in my area. Before I could make out something. I felt pain in my chest and blood started coming out of my body. Then everything blur.....

To be continued......

How is this chap??? I know it is small but i want to fill the gap. I am sorry for making u all wait. Really sorry. I am in leadership camp and i wrote this.

So what do u think happened to Viraj??

Guys u want small chaps or long chaps. If u want long chaps I will give one for each week and if u want small chaps I will givce two or three. Tell me what u want.

I know u all are angry with me now. I am a student plus I am preparing for CAT adding to it I am a leader now. And also I have extra curricular activities. I hope u all will understand.

Sry guys😢😢😢😢😢😢... Let me know plz...



